PostgreSQL hstore type. Supported?

Hi team,

Is the PG hstore type supported? Knex doesn’t natively but as it provides the knex.raw function you can use it and there are always custom queries available I am guessing.

However I don’t know if I will find any issues in the future with SC when using it.

I am considering using the hstore type for i18n database content.

id | title (hstore)        | content (hstore)
 1 | "en" => "Hello World",| "en" => "Content in english",
   | "es" => "Hola Mundo"  | "es" => "Contenido en español"
 2 | ...                   | ...

I still need to do a bit more research for search and full text search with hstore fields but I just wanted to know if you can anticipate any problems with this type.

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