Help getting SC query as an array to use in 3rd party JS Charts library

Hi All,

Looking for a bit of help or point in the right direction as i’m trying to implement/integrate a different JS chart library called apexcharts. I’m doing this at has features that are missing from the existing implementation of charts/charts.js in Wappler.

Right now i’m just asking for some help in parsing some data from a server connect query into the custom JS file for the chart to render.

It seems to accept data in a few ways but all are either a plain array, or an array of objects?

I’ve tried using dmx.parse('serverconnect1.load({}) but that just seems to show ‘undefined’ when i alert the result.

What would be the best/easiest way of getting the server connect query data ‘into’ the JS file in an acceptable result?

For the record, i have been able to get it to render using the results of the query, if i pasted them manually into the JS file. Its just how to make it more dynamic.

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