Multi-step form POST variables


I created a multi-step form to create a questionnaire. The questions are retrieved randomly via an app connect and server connect and display fine through the steps.

For each step, I need to store the question number and a yes or no response from a radio button. To insert the answer, I think each radio needs a unique identifier. I get the questions from a table and the question number, so I thought I could use the question number as the identifier, but am not sure how to bind this with the value from that step iteration on the page. I also need to return the question number from a hidden field in the form but I can’t see where to bind the value to a hidden text field. I followed the multi-step example and just used a form element.

For the insert, I am planning to use a multi insert, but am not that far yet. till I have the form right.

PS this is my first wappler adventure so I may be missing some fairly basic things.

Thanks for any advice.

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