Hi, I am obviously missing something. I have built a test database driven application in Wappler based on a domain name and specified local folder.
I am now wanting to move the site to a different website to run in a subfolder on that site. I have successfully changed the publishing target and can upload the files but my local folder is stuck in the original directory and I have found no way yet to switch the local directory to the sub folder in the other domain on my computer.
EG: beta build http://testdomain.net
Local folder: websites/testdomainnet
I need to change to;
Remote root: https://livedomain/app/
Local: websites/livedomain/app/
There is a large Umbraco website in the remote live domain root directory as well as a classic asp store in /store/ under this so I need this application in the sub-directory /app/ to run separately as a stand-alone Wappler site.
Hope this makes sense if anyone has any thoughts.
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