Data Store - Upsert - Wich Record

About the Data Store, the UPSERT action.
I believe that “Wich Records” search the Data Store following the values I set, find this record, and update, if not found, insert one record, right?

This search is made using “AND” or “OR”? For example, using the fields of the image below, this component search for records where home_id = 1 AND inclusion_field_id = 2? OR home_id = 1 OR inclusion_field_id = 2?

Another question, I’m using dmx.parse from a javascript file to run the “upsert”:

I want update this Data Store:


Using this upsert:

dmx.parse("content.conditional4.ds_inclusion.upsert({ home_id:112, inclusion_field_id:152, job_id: 182, location_id: '0' }, { attr_value: 'Matching external finish,Other'})")

But this is the result of the above statement:

See that I want to update the record with:

job_id: 182
location_id: '0'

But upsert is updating other records! If the operator with “Which Record” is “OR”, it is explained…
Help! :fearful:

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