Boootstrap Breaking Change for Opening Multiple Modals (Not a Wappler Issue)

Identified a breaking change in Bootstrap 5.1.3 regarding modals today.

This was reported 6 months ago, but we discovered it just today, so sharing it.

Issue: When opening another modal, from say a button insiade a modal, the current modal closes itself, rather than just overlaying second modal on top of itself.

Change: From what I could understand from the GitHub post, this change was made to ensure that a modal cannot be “nested” inside another modal. The requirement in our case is to be able to overlay a modal on top of another.

Resolution: This change is applied only when using bs-toggle attribute. So, we removed that and instead used the dynamic click event. In Wappler, we get options like show, hide or toggle on every modal.

Hope this helps.

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