Dynamic Show attribute not working correctly

I have been following along with the following tutorial attempting to build a beginner SCRUD application:

However, I am running into issues when it comes to variables and setting them properly. I just can’t seem to get part of this tutorial to work.

In the tutorial it shows you how to update a record based on a variable called ‘varShowEdit’. Using this variable I am attempting to show/hide an edit container that will populate with the record information. Once I press save, this container is supposed to disappear.

I have confirmed the variable is actually changing by setting notifications during each successful edit and save along with adding an element to the page that updates the varShowEdit variable. Here are some screenshots as to what I’m seeing.

This is the starting page and what it looks like. The varShowEdit variable is 0 above and the edit form shouldn’t be showing.

Then I edit a record and the varShowEdit variable changes to 1. This is where I would expect to have the edit container pop open.

Then I save the new changes and the edit container is supposed to hide again as the varShowEdit variable has changed to 0 again.

This is how I set the edit container show variable.

I’m guessing this is an easy fix and I’m just missing something but any help would be very much appreciated!

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