Editing Code Versus Using the UI

As I get to find my own way of working with Wappler, the question of whether to work more in the UI or the code is in my mind…

… and I have had several forum replies recently from @George and @Teodor which have strongly encouraged me to make more use of the UI…

… so I wanted to get some perspectives on the topic!

Here are my thoughts, and I’d love to hear yours…

Reasons to edit in the code editor

  1. Sometimes combinations of actions are not selectable in the UI. Multple .where() statements was a recent good example.

  2. I have a complex HTML template for all the inputs of my design and it is many many times faster and more accurate to copy and search/replace this than to click on the UI.

  3. I have to scroll up and down the UI to see what is happening on a element whereas I can see it all in one screen area in the code. A simple change is then much more easily made where I am already looking and familiar with what is happening.

  4. Changing the name of something (like a form id). It is much easier to find and replace f_edit_contact than to remember all the places I made reference to it and remember how to re-build those commands in the UI.

  5. I am beginning to get RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in my right hand, and so typing is more restful for me.

Reasons to edit in the UI

  1. The action is complex syntax and therefore faster to create.

  2. Learning what actions are available and their syntax.

  3. Being sure I have the right syntax when something doesn’t work.

Questions for @George and @Teodor

I am curious to know:

  1. Why you are recommending the UI so strongly? I have always seen the ability to mix UI and code input as by far the biggest benefit of Wappler!

  2. Is there something we could break in our design by editing code (assuming we have the right syntax)?

I’m looking forward to hear everyone’s perspectives!

Best wishes,

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