FormatDate from CSV toTimestamp() for Database

I have a “File Upload” to Import CSV File, everthing is Ok, but, I need to format the date comming from the CSV file, the file currently has this format in csv 16/10/2022, and I need to be formatted to propper mariadb DateTime value.

I’m trying this to test the ouput:

File Upload
Import CSV
Repeater csvImport
Set Value dateIN = {{date_file}} ->output in browser the same value as in csv file "16/10/2022".
Set Value dateFormat = {{date_file.toTimestamp()}} -> output is empty, I asume because "dateIN" has not a propper format to converter into timestamp

I’m trying to add time into the “dateIN”: Set Value dateIN_time = {{dateIN+’ 00:00:00’}}
I obtain in output:
16/10/2022 00:00:00
But still the formater toTimestamp() with this value “dateIN_time” is empty, I get not errorI can’t figure it out how to solve this.


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