When creating a new page in a nodejs project is it .ejs or is it html and where do I save it?

I am working on a project in Wappler beta 5 on nodejs and when I create a new project is creates a index.ejs file and puts it in the Pages /views folder. Considering it creates the index as .ejs, when creating a new page I assume I should be creating an .ejs page, but when I go to save it wants to add it to the /public folder, so what is it: views or public?

Also when creating a .ejs file it appears that the layout does not respond as expected, it appears to ignore css. I have no idea what is going on here and no idea if this is the node.js beta version is so buggy that I am better of just working with html pages and if so where am I supposed to put them assuming that one day node.js will work.

I don’t want to waste my time building in php (not ideal) only to have to rebuild the whole lot in nodejs later.

Perhaps I am just better working on html pages and worry about the .ejs until the issues have been ironed out?


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