Event Calendar resizing events

Having quite a time making events resize.

Here is my code.

<dmx-calendar id="availability_calendar" views="dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay" view="timeGridWeek" dmx-bind:now-indicator="var_today_now_adjusted.value" locale="en-gb" dmx-on:eventclick="sc_fetch_single_availability.load({which_event: $event.event.id})" dmx-on:eventresize="sc_resize_event.load({event_to_resize: $event.event.id})">
        <dmx-calendar-source id="source_db" dmx-bind:events="sc_fetch_db_availability.data.query_availability" event-id="id_av" event-title="av_product_code" event-start="av_start_time" event-end="av_end_time" event-all-day="av_all_day" event-color="cl_colour" event-editable="pis_is_master"></dmx-calendar-source>

The pis_is_master is 1 in my database when the event should be editable, and the calendar displays on the site, and when you hover over an un editable event it does not show the little resize handles, and when you do hover an editable event, then the burger resize handle displays, however when i drag that icon up or down, it does nothing but change the icon to a no entry type symbol, and in the code i can see a class addition of fc-unselectable fc-not-allowed on the body tag.

I have tried a few things like making the entire calendar selectable and editable, and the entire calendar source selectable and editable, but nothing seems to get around it.

Anyone got any ideas why?

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