Wordpress + Elementor to Wappler practical question

Dear all

I studied the thread Wordpress user looking at Wappler thinking about switching has some questions initiated by Toby_Bear. I do have the same situation (WP + Elementor, no real HTML, CSS, JS, DB knowledge).

I worked through the excellent and recommendable getting started courses of Ken Truesdale and do have 3 practical questions:

A) From what I’ve learned in the getting started courses I believe I can easely rebuilt a static site with the App Structure and Bootstrap framework in Wappler: Tabs, Tables, Navigation Bars - all is available. Also I can set global styles in ThemeManager. Would you agree on that or do I miss here something?

B) Assuming A) is positive. How difficult is it with no real no real HTML, CSS, JS, DB knowledge to get the built website live/online and what is the current situation compared to Wordpress + Elementor + Plugins on Speed Optimization and SEO?

C) Having the field open to more dynamic websites is IMO one strong argument for Wappler. Having no real HTML, CSS, JS, DB knowledge - how do you see the chances the necessary knowledge can be acquired via online-courses / as autodidakt?

Thanks for any help on my questions above -


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