Using Webpack for ES6 import


Been trying to figure this out for the last day and a bit, but been going round in circles with System JS, Webpack, back to using CDN scripts.

I’m just trying to use a 3rd party library (Syncfusion) and trying to use their ES6 initialisation (I got the ES5 working with simple script tags etc, but I’ll be probably using a couple modules and want to figure out the module importing)

Can anyone offer any advice if they’ve used something like Webpack to import modules from the node_modules folder before?

I’ve installed the Syncfusion files via npm, but all the Webpack or System JS docs I’ve found often go through building a simple add from scratch and I’m just not sure what to change to accomdate integrating with Wappler. For instance they all make use of the index.js file which I believe I’ve read George say a number of time to leave it alone.

They also have default folder layouts that they reference like src and app etc.

All I need to do is set up the mapping for the Syncfusion modules in the node_modules folders so I can use the import function in my JS files to build the charts and other components.

Any ideas, experiences or thoughts greatly appreciated. My head is sore from banging it on my keyboard :smiley:

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