The 5 Projects License Limitation... what does this really mean?

I’m confused about the “5 Projects” limitation in the individual / freelance edition.

Does it mean I can create 5 projects per year, and if I try to create a 6th project I’ll be flat out of luck, even if I delete an existing project?

OR does it really mean one can only “manage” 5 projects at a time (such as deleting all 5 projects and then create another 5 new projects)?

I can easily see creating at least 5 projects just learning Wappler, so if this is a hard limit I’ll need to figure out a way to work within those limits (e.g. somehow create one (1) forever-learning project, leaving the balance for real projects).

Also, I’ve read that every upgrade adds-back the 2 demo projects, so if I already have 5 projects and upgrade… I’ll find myself at 7 projects and worry that Wappler will want a license upgrade to open. :-/

So… some clarity on the 5 project limit of the freeland / individual licenses would be much appreciated.


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