Send email form works successfully but SC returns an error

Hey everybody,

I have managed to create my first “send email” procedure and I am confused from the results…

I have a SC form that sends data to server for DB insert.

Then a link (including this insert_identity and a UUID as url parameters) are send to user email.
I have completed everything successfully (mailer setup, DB insert etc) but the SC form is returning an error event AND NO SUCCESS EVENT.

The reason I call it SUCCESSFULL is because :
a) the DB insert is made and the email is sent (and of course the email is received from the recipient)
b) I get a 200 response

The SC Form lastError.status is 0 and the lastError.message is “Response as not a valid JSON”

Wappler Version : 5.4.0
Operating System : wndows
Server Model: php
Database :MariaDB

Anybody could give me a help on what this message means would be great!

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