Multiple nested repeat data. Db queries


I am really stuck here. I’ve tried for several days now to try to resolve the issue I am having, but I am not getting anywhere and its brought my project to a halt.

I would like to have multiple nested category levels to be display from a database.

I’ve followed the tutorial
however it only does two levels and I need to have four levels.
I am stuck on getting a Third Level and a Fourth Level.

This is what I have server action. I can get level 1 (MainSection) and level 2 (SubSection), but I can’t get level 3 and level 4 to display? interestingly on the level 3 the “Div Repeat Children: rp_Title” on the App page doesn’t have a down arrow to expand and select the dynamic text. I tried hand coding it but it still didn’t work.

Any idea where I am going wrong?

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