Experimental Project Manager - suggestions

The new project manager will be a big improvement. It looks really good.

(When I launched the new version after the update, there was no sign of the project manager. Having enabled/disabled experimental view a few times, I restarted Wapper and all was well - in case others have this problem.)

You can also quickly take a screenshot in design view for a project thumbnail!

Is there a new way of doing this? I know you can take a screenshot and save it in the wappler folder. I didn’t bother because I rarely view the projects screen, but this becomes more useful now and I shall bother.

Some suggestions/requests:

One feature which would be really useful: to ‘remember’ the last accessed folder - otherwise, switching project is a matter of clicking the project popup, selecting the relevant folder and then choosing the project. A workaround might be to put all current projects in the top level Projects folder and move everything else into subfolders (which wouldn’t be ideal).

A shortcut key to display the new projects list would be very useful.

It would also be useful to be able to select projects within a folder using the tab key (and then open the project using the return/enter key). With these shortcuts you could switch projects very easily. (This functionality used to be available in a number of panels but unfortunately disappeared.)

I realise if you remain working in the same project for most of the time, speeding things up will be of minimal use. However I often switch between projects to check something or see how I did it before. Currently - and even with the new project manager to some extent - this is quite cumbersome.

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