Two conditions inside dmx-bind:disabled

Hi again,
I’m stuck in this, I don’t know what I’m missing.
I’m trying to use two conditions inside dmx-bin:disabled, the variables are obtained from database.

The idea is;

If local date <= database date
local time <= database time

Something like this;
2021-09-03 <= 2021-09-04
08:00:00 <= 09:00:00

This is what I have:

dmx-bind:disabled="var2.datetime.formatDate('HH:mm:ss') <= hora.value && var2.datetime.toISODate() <= asis.value"

But it doesn’t works, if I use for separetly they works, but It’s necessary for me to meet these two conditions with date and time.
For example if I leave only one of these two condition it works.

bind:disabled="var2.datetime.formatDate('HH:mm:ss') <= hora.value" -----Works
bind:disabled="var2.datetime.toISODate() <= asis.value" -----Works

Before I’m was testing with only one column in database with format DATETIME, but it doesn’t works, I thought that create separate column one for date and other for time will be more easily, but not.


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