Why Can't Containers and Sections Be Freely Moved in the App Structure?

After several months of being a Wappler Rebel and doing lots of things in code, I am trying to come back to more Wappler Ways on a new page I’m designing, and attempting to do everything I possibily can from the user interface.

One thing I can’t work out is what the GUI wants me to do in organising complex html structures.

Here is what I’m trying to achieve:

repeat "r_attendees"

   container "attendee"
      container "attendee_email"
         -- various rows with columns
      container "attendee_name"
        -- various rows with columns

   container "attendance"
      container "attendance_price"
         -- various rows with columns
      container "attendance_question"
          repeat "r_questions"
              container "question"
                 --  various rows with columns

As I do my design, I want to be able to move these “containers” around freely within the App Structure window.

However I find I cannot do that if they are either a Container element or a Section element.

So what kind of containing item does Wappler want me to use?

I know I could use a single column row, but that just ends up with unneccesary hiearchy, complexity, and an App Structure window that needs to be very very wide to be able to access the details in a real world app design.

Is there a single level containing item I can use that App Structure will allow me to move freely around?

Well actually, I’ve just played around, and it seems like the Article is such an element. But I’m building an app not writing a blog post, so putting all my app’s user interface into containing elements called Article seems rather strange.

Is there a logical reason that Containers and Sections cannot be freely moved around?

If so, what containing element should I be using other than row/column or article?

It was small but very important issues like this which pushed me more and more away from the user interface… please help me come back! :slight_smile:

Best wishes,

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