Help needed :( Node / Docker staging deployment not working - 404 error

Hi All,

I’m trying to set up a live staging target before i deploy to a pilot customer next week and can’t get it working…arrrghhh :slight_smile:

I’ve read through everything I can and followed the usual Docker, Traefik and NodeJS guides but the pages are simply not loading with 2 main issues i can see:

  1. The page is not secure and the Lets Encrypt certificate doesn’t appear to have been issued. The certificate issued is TRAEFIK DEFAULT CERT so I don’t know if this is what supposed to show, but the pages are showing as not secure. I have deleted the docker machine and started from scratch earlier today so it’s been about 3-4 hours since i created it
  2. Even if i ignore the security, the pages don’t load and return 404 page not found error.

Here’s a snapshot of what i’ve done so far:

Project Details:

Target settings

And the Web Server

As per the Traefik guide, i only added the domain name and removed port 80 after successfully adding the Portainer and Traefik services to the docker machine.

Here’s the Docker machine:

And the services attached (the Portainer and Traefik dashboards both work fine and i can login and access those 2 pages)

At Linode (the VPS provider) I manage the Domains and sub-domains etc and can also add any firewall rules (currently I haven’t added any rules)

For the sub-domains, all i did was create some new A records in the Linode Domain manager. I had to delete some previous * sub-domains as the same domain is being used for the ‘marketing’ website as well as the app website, but different servers ( for the marketing website and for the SaaS product)

What am i missing here? I feel that i’ve missed something or done something wrong? I cant get this staging to work and i need to launch with a pilot program next week.

Can anyone please offer any thoughts, ideas or insights?

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