Is Wappler Pro too Cheap?

I had some time to do some math today and comparisons between Wappler and Dreamweaver w/extensions. For the last 15 years or so I have been purchasing all of the latest DMXZone extensions and all the updates. I stopped buying them when I started using Wappler.

If I were to buy the functionality of Wappler in extensions (and even that doesn’t give you a nice design view and design panel etc) it would cost me over an estimated $3,000 CDN. This doesn’t include the DW subscription either. And I had to manually manage all the extensions and but updates. But you at least I owned the extensions.

There is also an extensions subscription at DMX as well. BAsed on a yearly commitment it would cost me over $800 CDN not including DW.

Now Wappler Pro includes all the extensions and more. A lot of Wappler functionality is not available in extensions. And that cost commitment for a year is only $600 CDN. And updates are frequent and free!

It’s like I’m stealing Wappler! So will I renew my Pro Subscription when it’s up later this month? Hell yeah! In a heartbeat.

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