Problems with reference fields

Hi @teodor,

Thanks for this preview/tutorial. I can’t get the value of one of my reference fields set for some reason.

I got this customers table, which has a customer_id (increments/key) field.

In my orders table I got a customer reference field:

In my action file I am creating a customer record in the customers database table and want to store the output’s identity field in the orders table’s customer reference field, but for some reason the field stays empty (null). What am I doing wrong here?

BTW: When (re)naming the orders table’s customer reference field to customer_id (same name as the key/increments field of the customers table, like you did in your preview post here), the database manager gets tangled up: The field can’t be changed anymore then, the customers table customer_id value is changed to a reference type field then and applying database changes throws errors then. I had this problem with several reference fields yet, so I think it might be a bug.

Hope you can help, thanks in advance!

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