Google places address - to popular address form + movable map marker

HI fellow Wapplers.

I have read what I can find on here about google places autocomplete but it’s still not quite what I need.

I have the google autoplaces working in that I can type an address and it finds it (found that guide).

But, what I ideally then want is that autocomlete once clicked to populate an address form (because I live in Spain and google will find most of the address but it still needs a lot of other info, i.e urbanization Chaparral, phase 2, portal 3, floor 2, apartment 2b - addresses in Spain are crazy lol.

Also, as google maps is not great at actually getting the address spot on in Spain I wanted to show the map with a moveable pin, I believe this is possible (not dont that bit yet but I saw you can add a map and select that mapid in the auto complete componetn etc.

But, is it possible to drag the marker onto your property and have it reverse fill the form to be more accurate or store the real lat/lng of the pin? Does wappler support moving the map pin and then getting that data? (I have an old site using openstreet which does just that (but not a wappler site).

So, can it poplulate a form and can you then drag the pin to get the lat/lng? (we run a transport business and getting the most accurate address/pin possible is important)


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