Docker container conflict

Hey guys.

I’m using the new resource manager to try some custom configs I use and getting the following error on deploy.

Wappler is detecting that I have another container running already, which is correct. This container has Caddy Server running and it does in fact have control of ports 80 and 443 as it will reverse proxy to the node app.

I have removed port 80 and 443 from the docker-compose of the web app.

If I take the Caddy container down, then I can deploy just fine. And when I bring the Caddy container back up, everything works as expected.

However, the reason I am running Caddy in a separate container is that it generates a nice maintenance page during the nodeapp deployment (or whenever the node app is down.)

So, my question is, can this conflict detection be improved to only check for port 80 and 443 if they are actually referenced in the docker-compose file for the target? Or, an option to disable this check in the target settings?

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