I need some help with a form with file uploads

Just hoping for a little assistance, I think I have confused myself.

What I need
Upload an image file, however with a custom name, rather than the name of the uploaded .jpg file, and for the full path of the file including its new name to be stored in my database as a new row.

The above is pretty easy with having a form with a text input and an upload field, upon submit of the form, the server action runs.

The POST variables are my

The Steps are
Database Connection
File Upload > Name: upload1, Upload Fields: {{$_POST.file_field}}, Template: {{$_POST.text_input}}
Database Insert > Column: img_url, Type: text, Value: {{upload1.path}}

So far this works great, but thats for 1 file, now I need to allow upload of many files, because each file needs a custom name, i can not use a dropzone component, nor can i just turn my upload field into a multi file field.
I specifically need a Text Input with a File Upload field per image, and the client needs to use something like a select, or a number counter, or checkboxes, I dont really mind how to set how many images they will upload, and for the page to give enough Text Inputs with relative File Upload fields to match what they are wanting to upload.
Once they have selected all their files and named all the images, they hit submit, all files get uploaded with their new names, and each path gets stored in the database table as a single row per file.

I am really unsure how to set this up, and have failed at it a number of times, Tried a Client Side repeat, which i sort of had working but could not get the server side structure figured out in my head.

Any suggestions, examples, would be most welcomed.

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