Couple of Issues

Wappler 2.7.0, Windows 10

I’m having two problems with updating a Data Store.

Problem 1 - Continuous Messages in Console

When I click on a button which updates a Data Store element, the element is updated okay, but I then get the following continuous message in the console. The message persists if you refresh the page and only ends when you quit the browser and restart it.

Problem 2 - Some Updates Don’t Work

With the same data store, I can update a record from one location in my design but not from another, with identical code.

Here is the code that works ( which is within a repeat block):

<p dmx-on:click="all_contacts.update({id: id},{first_name: 'Jane'})">update ({{id}})</p>

And here is the code that doesn’t (which is within a form):

<p dmx-on:click="all_contacts.update({id: h_contact_id.value},{first_name: 'Jane'})">update ({{h_contact_id.value}})</p>

I will PM @Teodor with a link to access the design with the problem.

Best wishes,

How to re-create:

  1. Log in to app with console open

  2. Click on Contacts on top menu

  3. To set off the console messages, click here:


  1. The Contact List opens on the right. To see the name updated to Jane correctly, click here on that list:


  1. To see the name not being updated, click on the contact’s name in the left pane and a window opens on the right to edit their details. On that window, click as shown below, but nothing happens :frowning: :


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