Hello Wapplers ,
my story in a nutshell:
I prefer to work visually and make mockups an collaborate with a client in Figma.com
After finally getting the approval on the design I start development process in Webflow.com
Figma has a Code tab so it’s pretty easy to recreate the design in Webflow ( Figma open on the left monitor screen and Webflow on the right one )
Also Webflow has the best tutorials at https://university.webflow.com/ so you can do pretty much everything alone.
Really wish Wappler will have something similar in the future.
Then when the website is done I use code export feature as Webflow hosting is pricey and with free CDN hosting like github pages it’s really a no brainer.
So for my static sites needs I have really good tools but now I would like to learn how to create a simple custom cms for that site .
Webflow has a cool editor and I would like to achieve something similar.
I imagine client can login to backend, sees the list of the posts and can just create a new blog post (just title) and then go to front end and do on-page editing of the content.
Is it possible to create something similar with Wappler ?
Can anyone mentor me on how to do it ? and which license do I need ?
I figured out how to import exported code from Webflow
>> sample code export
I opened file manager in Wrappler and just found the index.html file in the exported files and Wappler just imported everything and opened website in Editor - so pretty cool
Now I understand I need to click Framework and add App Connect so I can start building CMS features over the imported design files ?
But what next ?
Is here anybody who would like to be hired as a mentor in this process ?
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