Dynamic Drop Down Select Node.JS not working?


I am having issues getting a dynamic drop down select to work.

I have followed the process here: https://docs.wappler.io/t/dynamic-select-menu/2867

Using Node and the server connect is in the content page not the layout, but it just gives me a a blank drop down.

I can display the results on page from the server connect, so its not the server connect action or how I pull it into the page.

The setup is as specified, but nothing? Is there something missing or am I missing something not in the tutorial / help docs

<select id="select_user_role" class="custom-select" name="roles" dmx-bind:options="sc_user_roles.data.query" optiontext="role" optionvalue="role">


<!-- Wappler include head-page="layouts/admin_main" jquery_slim_33="cdn" fontawesome_4="cdn" bootstrap4="local" is="dmx-app" id="admin_settings" appConnect="local" -->
<dmx-serverconnect id="sc_user_roles" url="../api/Security/get_roles" site="2021_QB"></dmx-serverconnect>
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