Query data -> loop over the array, conditionals to calculate some results and return to the screen

i am duplicating a small middleware project we did that takes a date range, returns the billable time spent, and returns an array of ClientID->TicketID->(Hours spent, After Hours Spent, Ticket Subject).

It pulls data from mysql. Then foreach’s over that data and checks the start time and end time, calculates the hours to 2 decimal places for each work log entered. Then pushes this into a new array with Customer, invoice_id, ticket subject, hours, and after hours calculations. It returns this array where it is parsed into html using a foreach by client name and then a sub foreach for each ticket subject. While it’s being parsed into HTML (it’s a printable report) it’s also updating the invoice line items for each customer.

So far in wappler i have a page that excutes the first query and displays in a dynamic table. Now I need to loop over this data and perform the time calculations and then return that to the screen. How do you do that in wappler?

I’ve searched through the docs and all i can find is how to sort a dynamic table or filter it. I need to use logic and calculate the time.

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