Tagify select mode not working?

I was using a tagify text input, all was working fine.

I changed to “select mode” cause it’s more easier to select and now dosn’t write the values on the database.

This one was working:
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inp_peopleTag" name="peopleTag" aria-describedby="inp_peopleTag_help" placeholder="Enter people tag" is="dmx-tagify" dmx-bind:data="scQuerypeople.data.querypeople" tag-text="namepeople" tag-value="peopleID">

This don’t work:
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inp_peopleTag" name="peopleTag" aria-describedby="inp_peopleTag_help" placeholder="Enter people tag" is="dmx-tagify" dmx-bind:data="scQuerypeople.data.querypeople" tag-text="namepeople" tag-value="peopleID" mode="select">

Also I see no errors on the console or inspecting XHR. It’s a bug?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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