Hi guys, I have a form that is quite long. Generally everything works well and fairly quickly apart from this one area. I think the video should demonstrate the issue. And I apologise now for wasting 3 minutes of your time.
Sorry about the babbling in the video, I didn’t prepare a script. And I was distracted part way through, but it still shows the delay.
Screen.mp4 (17.4 MB)
This is the code for the Yes/No button and for the Medium Editor textarea. The code works, BUT it is very slow.
<div class="form-group row" id="impact_temp" is="dmx-radio-group">
<legend class="col-form-label col-2" dmx-text="'Temporary repairs'"></legend>
<div class="col-sm-3">
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle d-flex flex-wrap" is="dmx-repeat" data-toggle="buttons" dmx-bind:repeat="sc_menus.data.q_menus.where(`menu_id`, 21, '==')">
<label class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary" dmx-bind:for="input_{{menu_id}}_{{menu_list_id}}" dmx-class:active="menu_list_id == business_principal_sc.data.b_principal_q[0].impact_temp">
<input class="custom-control-input" type="radio" dmx-bind:id="input_{{menu_id}}_{{menu_list_id}}" dmx-bind:value="menu_list_id" name="impact_temp" dmx-bind:checked="menu_list_id == business_principal_sc.data.b_principal_q[0].impact_temp" dmx-on:changed="">{{list_label}}
<div class="form-group row" id="impact_temp_comm">
<label for="inp_impact_temp_comm" class="col-form-label col-2">Temporary comments</label>
<div class="input-group col-sm-9">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text"><i class="fas fa-align-left fa-fw fa-lg"></i></div>
<textarea id="inp_impact_temp_comm" class="form-control" is="dmx-medium-editor" name="impact_temp_comm" aria-describedby="inp_impact_temp_comm_help">{{(sc_menus.data.q_menus.where('menu_list_id', inp_driv_rep_status.value, '==')[0].list_ref == 291) && (impact_temp.value == 126) ? sc_ad_principals_q.data.sa_ad_commpara_q.where('commpara_id', 14, '==')[0].commpara_text : "test_data"}}</textarea>
Why is there such a delay?
Should I be putting the ternary data binding code in the Yes/No button and triggering it from a ‘Value Changed’ or ‘Blur’ type of action? Will this speed things up?
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