Global updating including Server Actions

I am not sure if I should add this as a Feature Request or if there is already an easy way to do this.

I have had a few times now where I have had to do global changes or global updates. A simple example is where the client wants a field changing from “name” to “forename” and “surname”.
So, I then need to make a change in the database (a pain if data already exists because of splitting names), then make changes on all the web pages where “name” appears in an expression or as a form input field (fairly simple process with Wappler’s global Search facility), and then the tricky part and the main reason for this post, to change and update all the Server Actions.

This last part is the most challenging. Trying to find where all the instances of “name” appear in all the queries in all the Server Actions.

I think a simple search facility to find all the instances of a table name or column name in all the queries in all Server Actions would be a great help. That could then bring up a list of all the Queries in all the Server Actions so I knew where to start making changes.

What do other people do when making these sort of changes?
Should this be a Feature Request?
Or is it a simple addition for the Team to do in an upcoming release?

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