Feature Request

Request features to be included in Wappler.

About the Feature Request category

Request features to be included in Wappler.

Equip Slideshow Images with an ALT attribute

I’ve updated the slideshow component to include an alt attribute on the image tags. It will use the slide title if available or an empty string if no title. dmxSlideshow.zip (3.9 KB)

Expose form repeat child elements in UI

From this feature request: We have access to the items and children – works great. It would be nice to see that in the UI now. For example to use the picker to generate this working code: formRe…

Setup HTTPS on localhost

Many of us are encountering issues with ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED when working with Android locally. This request is to enable SSL on the local servers we use, so we do not have to find workarounds …

Optimize docker NodeJS deployments

@patrick I optimized the Dockerfile for NodeJS deployments, check the end of this post Until Wappler releases an update to fix this, yes Here’s your optimized Dockerfile: (edit: fixed the issue on …

SweetAlert2 integration

I know we have bootbox, notifications, alerts and toasts. But they all lack something. It’s never enough if you don’t have sweet alert It’s one of the most comprehensive alerts libraries out there. …

Dynamic / Re-usable partials / components creation

Hi! It would be amazing if we could create partials / components that we can reuse with dynamic values, something like the props in ReactJs components. Right now I’m redesigning a dashboard page, a l…

Enable/Disable setting for Wappler Tray Icon/Menu Bar Icon

Please make the Menu Item / Tray Icon for Wappler configurable, so the user can opt out / decide on his own if he needs / wants this “short cut”.

Global hook for server connects

There was a similar FR I raised a while ago

"Launch button" to open specific page/head page and not current content page (SPA)

When editing content pages, it would be a nice productivity enhancement if the “open in browser” button would open the page with the head-page / template (if a route exists) and not the current conten…

Split Panes / Views for different documents

Would be great to have one document open in design view and a second (different) doc in code view, e.g. the CSS or some external JavaScript. This is very helpful when working on designs. Currently I …

Adjust height of breadcrumbs panel in Wappler

Now this panel has a small fixed height, so in many cases you can’t see all its content (unless you use scrolling). Solution would be to adjust its height either automatically or manually.

Improve selecting columns, rows and containers in Design View

Currently it feels hard for me to select the column or row in Wappler. Because it is troublesome to find ones in App Structure. And in most cases you can’t select them in the Design View at all. (I m…

"Group" component for grouping non-html elements on page

Hey Team I am building a complex registration form (system) for a major charity and I am experiencing some annoyances. the app browser keeps collapsing which means I have to keep expanding to find…

Drag/Sort for tagify

I’m using tagify to allow users to create lists but would love to be able to offer the option of reordering the items in the list. It would be really useful to add the drag/sort functionality to the …

Different colors for icons in library actions

In Workflows we have many API actions and many Library actions too. The problem is that when you look at the list of actions, it always takes time to understand whether I am looking at the APIs or at…

Ability to reduce height of the properties panel in the Flow Editor

Currently there is a minimum height for properties in the Flow Editor. And it is a big height. When working with the laptop it is almost half of all the workspace. But working in Flow Editor I want…

Double-click Exec step to open underlying library action

This feature request is to allow opening the underlying Library action of an Exec step once double-clicked Could do the same for the Include step P.S.: I think Library actions are only available on …

Make Server Actions editable from picker

Recently here I’ve had to update an old site that is using DMXzone appconnect old school version. In the old version you could click on the pencil to actually edit the server script: I’m constantl…

Pre-fill database migration description

If you change (create or modify) just one table, pre-fill the database migration description, such as: create_table_xyz alter_table_xyz_add_column_email (when you add a single column) alter_table_xyz…

Automatically rename table name in database query steps if changed through database manager

This feature requests is for Wappler UI to automatically and recursively iterate through all Server Action JSON files, inspect the database query steps (excl. custom queries) and change the table name…

A way to keep all wappler elements in sync if one of them is modified. Refactoring QoL

One thing that Bubble gets right is using internal non-modifiable ids for every single element in their platform for each app. This could be a data type(DB table), data item(row), UI element, etc The…

App Structure Window: Expansion and Contraction *Only* When Clicking on Expand/Contact Arrow Icons

Hello there @george and @Teodor… I am using Wappler now to design and create a complex user interface structure for my app. I love the ability to move freely around the design using the App Structure…

Improve Wappler's validation when working with server actions

Another slightly annoying in the morning. But very frustrating in the evening thing… When working with server actions there’s a couple of validations that help preventing mistakes. I appreciate that …

Security audit

A CLI or API, that would carry out a security audit on the Wappler project to detect common security issues, such as: Missed security restricts for API Missing Permission and Validations Credentials…

Preserve App Structure state/view after drag-n-drop or delete

It would be sure be great if the behavior after dragging an element to a new location in app structure was such that it would not collapse the structure. When dragging elements around, it is importan…

Allow reducing font size of code via plus and minus icons

I recently found the command palette that allows me to increase/decrease code font size, but this is not apparent. It would be nice to have a way to increase and decrease with icons like you can fo…

Add side-by-side and other options to split design and code directly in toolbar

Short of having break-away panels. Could we have the split options added to toolbar? Adding icons to quickly switch from stacked to side-by-side and even undocking would be amazing. Similar to how go…

Quick tab/file refresh (back to saved version)

Sometimes I mess with the page or server action, then realize that I want to revert all those changes, meaning go back to the last saved version. Unfortunately, there is no fast simple way to do it i…

Conversion of Normal Server Action to Library Action

I sometimes have very complex server actions which would be great to now use in the Library Server Action area of Wappler. This request is for a feature to allow the copying or moving of normal serv…

Context menu for App Structure

Since the Context menu was presented in Workflows, it improved speed and comfort in this area a lot. So adding it to App Structure would be useful too. But besides the usability itself, there is a…

Better drag-n-drop UI when you want to place node between others

Imagine you have grabbed and dragged a node and want to drop it between 2 other nodes. Expected UI here is that you see a thick horizontal line between these 2 nodes. But currently you not only do…

Search Box on App Structure , Server Connect and Dom Panel

Hi @George, It would be useful to have a search box in the App structure area, server connect area, and Dom panel. I think it would be very useful for quick access … what do you think? Is this impro…

Dynamic Events Buttons — show which option currently is active

I often click on the Inline Flow button on a dynamic event because I can’t remember if I had it as a flow or not. Then, of course, the popup message asking if I want to convert to a flow pops up and …

App Structure Component Filter

Hi, It would be great if we can have element filter for App Structure. In a single page app, I have many server connects and forms etc. It would be much helpful if I can filter to view forms only, so …

Show properties panel under the current node

Wappler uses hierarchy nodes for composing the workflows and I like this approach. The one of the problems with it though is that the properties panel shows up in some distance from the node. At the…

Keyboard Support For Various Popups

Hi. Ever since I’ve started using Wappler, keyboard support has improved gradually but a LOT of UI elements still need to integrated. One of the things is various popups that show up at various plac…

Instant inline editing for data binding input

PROBLEM: I prefer not to use the data format popup and usually I write and edit data formats by hand in code. And actually it doesn’t bother me to deal with the code in such cases despite the fact th…

Code tab by default in the Data Bindings panel (optional)

When I use Data Bindings and want to add/edit formatters, I almost always do it in the Code view/tab. So switching from Design to Code here has basically become a reflex. But of course I would be happ…

Firebase Database connection

Is Firebase db connection available now? Your doc said: But don’t worry - soon we will be adding also Client Side Database and support for Google Firestore / Realtime Database - so you will have you…

GraphQL Query Builder

A GraphQL integration would be needed for us to fully implement ecommerce modules. As the Wappler team have suggested to build the ecommerce capabilities in Wappler ourselves, I have been looking at …

Local option for resources such as Calendar, Summernote, Tagify etc

I’m working on a mobile app that I would like to be offline friendly so having the JS/CSS for things like Calendar, Summernote and Tagify available as a local option would be really useful. Charts alr…

Change the class textinput to textarea 📏

Most of the time when I have to add some classes by hand, the number of classes that an element has does not fit in the text input that shows the Wappler interface and I have to switch to the code vie…

Allow to change formatDate language at Project Settings

Hi, Using NodeJS project, I have not testing in php projects. Maybe, spanish speaker we are a few ones, but the same in other languages, so, would be great if at project level settings we can custom…

Navigation Blocks - Brand Center - improve code

This is the current code when using the Navigation Blocks - Brand Center <header class="bg-light"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <nav class…

Wappler server responses status code

Please can you add the numerical responses to the list or at least bring your description inline with the correct response descriptions. Also we are missing some minimum industry standard responses 2…

Stripe Elements Support

A lot of us are struggling with Stripe integrations on our projects. Of course, if a project is a simple shop it’s easy to walk through the tutorials step-by-step and make Stripe work for your web…

Implement Server Connect API rate limiting

/me waiting for JonL’s NodeJS rate limiter

Stripe integration: how to 'expand'?

Is there any way to ‘expand’ an object using the Stripe integration? For example I’m using the ‘createOrder’ step: Docs: https://stripe.com/docs/api/orders_v2/create?lang=node And I want to ‘exp…

Option to Discard Lines From "Show Changes" Code-Diff View

We usually use Source Tree to do any complex Git tasks which we can’t find in Wappler. One of them is an option to discard specific lines, right from the code-diff view. I can select any line adde…

Add support for Editor.js

Anyone is using it with wappler? Do you use alternative to editor.js? Feedback?

Partial templates

I’d like to make partial templates. I’m integrating tailwind, as for me, bootstrap is very limiting and not my preferred way of doing the front-end. (Don’t forget to vote on: Tailwind CSS support) T…

Single Option for Server Connect API

Could we get a Single option for API Actions? I’m often having to change values selected with the Server Bindings from something like… api1.data.shareInfo[0].shareToken to api1.data.shareInfo.shar…

Default Login and Forbidden URL's for Security Provideer

Would it be possible to have default Login and Forbidden URL’s for security providers so we don’t have to enter them every time we use a security restrict? So add input fields on this screen… So t…

Set Value step: Fallback to global name in tree step view

Show the step’s name as global name if name is empty

Set Value step: Warn if both name and global name are empty

Set value step: Warn if both name and global name are empty

Be Able to Launch More Than One Wappler Window To See Design and Database on Separate Screens

The release of the Database Manager has made me realise the importance of being able to see two different parts of my design at the same time. On my two screen setup, I always have Wappler up on one …

Enable credentials on Server Connect by default option

Could a project option be added (particularly useful for mobile apps) to have the credentials option enabled by default when adding SC to a page? I’m finding that I keep forgetting. Being a bit slow t…

SPA: Make server connect output from main page available when editing content of include page

I have a SPA main page with an auto loading server connect that reads some config data from db. This data is used on some of the included sub pages (“Route: subpage”), but is not available when editi…

Pdf generator/export

I am looking for an solution that will allow me to export a div to pdf that is built with databindings…

Database: Add primary key checkbox

Implemented in Wappler 5.4

Tailwind CSS support

I’ve seen already 3 different conversations about tailwind, but nobody actually opened a request. So here it is. More information: Official Website Twitter profile Adam Wathan’s twitter profile(Cr…

Parallel Repeat

The current Parallel block of the NodeJS server target doesn’t allow to parallelize an array, only a series of hard-coded steps - meaning you cannot do a database query and parallelize actions over ea…

Visual Flow Builder like this?

I really admire this User Interface from ThoriumBuilder, another product similar to Wappler, except that its focus is PWA mobile apps utilizing just Framework 7. This kind of Workflow tab window, sum…

Documentation: make scrollbars easier to use (wider)

The scrollbars on docs.wappler.io are set to be 4px wide. This requires some precise mouse pointing: Could this be increased to about 10px perhaps? On Windows it’s just awkward; on a Mac for so…

Database Manager: add sub-menu to New Field menu item to select field type

It would be nice to select the field type before you enter the name. Could there be a flyout menu when you hover on new field to select the field type ( string, text, datetime, etc.)

Database Manager: Sort fields alphabetically and/or allow to rearrange

I would like the ability to sort the fields alphabetically so it’s easier to scan for the fields I need. Maybe it could be a context menu item.

Small Feature Request: the ability to specify a fixed port for preview per project or globally (HTML/Framework7)

For mobile development, it would be great if we can specify optionally globally or per project a fixed port for the preview and not a random port assigned each time we relaunch Wappler. Usually I ha…

Feature Request: set height of mobile view to emulate device view ports

For mobile development, Wappler supports different break points for the witdth. That might make sense for mobile web sites, but not for app development where screens need to be designed with different…

Export table to excel, csv, pdf like datatables.js

I would like to have functions for exporting a query (on click) to csv, excel or pdf. Just like jquery datatables.js has ready made ”buttons” for exporting a generated table view.

Productivity enhancement: remember last design view and split size / position

It would be great if Wappler could remember the last used design view, so I don’t have to switch back to the view I was working on when I reopen the document, e.g. Mobile, Tablet, Desktop. Would be a…

Productivity enhancement: multipanel layout for inspectors, e.g. structure, design, dom

Would be great if the Wappler UI supports multpianel layouts, e.g. free placement of panels in drop zones (like Photoshop or Contruct3). This would, for example, allow to see and work with the structu…

Wasabi s3 cloud storage

I realized that among the s3 services that Wappler connects, there is not the cheapest one , Wasabi. I know that this is not an important request, but I think it would be good if it is listed among t…

Ionic Mobile Framework support?

While Wappler supports BS and F7, I personally would like to see support for the Ionic Framework for mobile development (as we have Capacitor made by Ionic). I am using Ionic almost exlusive for my co…

Allow to change code editor font

While Wappler is a visual web app builder. But it does have a code view and that is actually quite handy for a ton of custom stuff which are yet to be added to Wappler natively. Also, when working wit…

Add passphrase option for SSH keys generated in Resource Manager

I prefer all ssh keys to have a passphrase for additional security. It doesn’t appear Wappler currently does this.

Browser.goto in a new tab natively from Wappler

there is native JS way to do this. would be really nice if it becomes native part of the browser component of Wappler. something like browser.gotoNewTab()

Output for debugging only

In troubleshooting, I often tick the output of server connect actions – works great. I may do this to several different actions while I am trying to figure things out. Once I’ve resolved the issue, …

Make spacebar key to toggle Output checkbox

I find myself toggling Output checkbox often for testing/debugging purposes. It is tedious to click on a step, scroll the mouse to the Output checkbox to toggle, and scroll back to the step. Please c…

Request // Better use of Space on SC Tabs

continuing discussion from Wappler 4 RFC: Editor Tabs for Server Connect actions Thanks for promising changes done with SC - they will be of help to many. Requests for better use of the massive spac…

Target specific settings for Scheduled actions

It would be great if the settings for a scheduled action could be target specific. Use case: Production runs a routine daily at specific time. Obviously not ideal for testing, so I change to every…

API conversion from XML to Json

Would be great if there was a simpler way to convert api XML responses to json. A lot of people even though it is outdated are still using XML. We know you cleaver guys a Wappler would be able to nu…

Support for custom servers over SSH in Resource Manager

When trying to create a connection in Resource Manager (to manage my client’s server remotely), there is no way to connect to a custom server. You can choose only from the suggested cloud providers: …

Show Exec Name in Steps List

Added in Wappler 5.3.2

Max iterations for While server action

This has been added to Wappler 5.3.2

Wappler Setting to Not Show Project Assets Updater Dialog

This has been added to the general Options in Wappler 5.3.2

Database manager: Automatically refresh schema from database

Database manager: Automatically refresh schema from database The schema shown on database manager might not be in sync with the actual database, causing users to create incorrect migrations (changes) …

Organization for Page Components

This may be a niche request but I thought I would throw it out there. I’m building a SPA app which has A LOT of Server Connects, Variables, Flows, Custom Code etc. I currently organize things as in …

SC folder actions

Same as we have global actions, but for folders. The action steps added to the account folder json file (api/account/folder.json) would be inserted (if it exists) after globals and before any of th…

Add Support for HTTP Methods in Server Actions/API

Hi. As of Wappler 5.3.1, when creating a an API server action, it can be consumed using either GET or POST HTTP methods. But there is no way to identify or restrict if the API is a GET or POST type. …

Making Security Permissions Bindable

Currently, we can only set static permissions/roles on each API/Webpage. The issue occurs when we have to deal with Multiple or customizable roles. It would be a nice feature wherein you could use b…

Support for PostgreSQL Row Level Security (RLS)

I would like to see this supported in the near future.

Auto-generated REST APIs

Frameworks like Sails.js provide auto-generated REST APIs, among other useful features. Could Wappler integrate Sails.js or other functionality to accomplish similar needs?

Model/Database Default Field Configuration

Dhiwise has a great feature that I would love Wappler to include. They provide a configuration page to select some common fields that are added to every table/schema created. I would love for this to…

Default Server Connect Actions - Client-side

There might already be something, but I can’t find it. What I would like to do is set a default set of actions that applies on the client-side to all SC calls - for example if any call results in ‘un…

Dynamic binding for Recaptcha Secret

Dynamic binding for Recaptcha Secret

RETURNING in postgresql

@George The postgresql database has a surprisingly strong feature, which in some situations can speed up the query by 2-3 times. I’m talking about RETURNING in INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries. Unli…

Validate data output for use in subsequent action steps

I want to use a condition action step based on whether data validates server side. The validation action step currently provides no output for use in subsequent steps. Please add output/results per …

Allow dynamic setting of the secret and the sitekey in a reCaptcha

Hi, Pages and server actions using reCaptcha need to be configured with a string provided by Google. This configuration in Wappler is static. When the Development and the Production environments a…

Add Font Size as a utility class

As with Headings have a dropdown to add Font Size to Paragraphs

Add [Force Path Style] option to S3 Configuration

Some block storage service provider don’t support virtual host-style access to bucket storage, like Oracle Cloud Object Storage which what I use in my application. This is documented in their amaz…

Update the Breadcrumb module

At the moment, this is the only possible method: <div class="breadcrumb"> <a class="breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-link" href="#">Home</a> <a class="breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-link" href="#">Libr…

Credentials Option On Server Connect App / Page Flow For Mobile

Could the credentials option be added to the server connect option on the app/ page flow. On mobile it seems we need this selected. Thanks,

Docker Machine and S3 for IONOS

It would be great to have IONOS added to Docker machine and S3.

Passport.js integration

Would be nice to have passport.js as an option in security provider as it already has more than 500 strategies to authenticate to various services. People could just add the strategies they want to us…

Tabbing after searching component

Can you tabindex="-1" the layout icons so we can tab directly into the components window?

Can the property names of a 'response' server action, and the appconnect 'lastError' properties be the same

More than 2 years of nearly daily use of Wappler, and I still get confused every day because of the naming of these properties: In server connect, the response action looks like this: In appco…

Routes: Open in editor

Right now it does nothing. Would save us some clicks and cmd+f

Dynamic attribute dmx-bind in the UI

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Example code <a href="#" dmx-bind:data-email="">Hello</a> Actual behavior No…

Repeat in eMail body

Anybody else looking for the ability to have repeats within the body of a Send Mail server action? Reference: Email the results of a database query

Show / filter non-standard characters in the code editor (U+00a0 nbsp or other unicode)

Hello everyone When we develop, we have a toolbox and references full of snippets. Sometimes, they are websites with copy and paste from everywhere… Let’s take for example this piece of code coming…

Open SC file directly from AC panel

I am finding I need to open a Server Connect API file frequently when editing a page so I can check things or make changes. Some projects have a lot of SC files all in different folders so I look at t…

UI: DB query builder condition, make it all take max width

Can we have this input field be responsive and take the width it has available?

Client-side image resizing before upload - Megapixels (Mb) rather than Image Resolution (pixels)

Is there a way to resize images and reduce file size client-side, before uploading? BlueImp’s jQuery File Upload plugin for PHP would do this very well and it would dramatically reduce upload time and…

Extend the default height of textarea for comments

With textarea for comments it became much more comfortable to create and edit them! But what if we extend the default height of the textarea? I assume it is easy to implement and it definitely would …

Auto Icon/Library Updates

why do we have to request for icon (BS, FA) updates? BS on Wappler is 1.8 but it is actually at 1.10.1. why cannot we be allowed to change the CDN link and Wappler will just accept that and not reve…

Server Connect component add noload attribute to the UI

Added as a dynamic attribute in Wappler 5.3.0

Embed content pages and partials in layouts in internal browser

@George with the new design modes this is now basically a must. Is it feasible without a big redesign on how the internal browser works?

Signature Capture Box

Has anyone ever slipped a ‘signature capture box’ into a page using DMXzone extensions, or the new Wappler? I tried with both, and everything was working fine until I installed the App Connect. At th…

Make Client and Server Side Formatters Same

Hi. The formatters available for client side and server side are not same. There are a few formatters that might only make sense on server/client side, but most should be same - both in terms of avai…

Can 'Publish to' default to the active target?

I want to start using the new publish feature but I keep having to wait for it to fetch changes because I forget to change the ‘Publish to’ to be my localhost instead of the FTP server. If I’m working…

Sentry integration

Can we have an “official” Sentry integration in Wappler? That is, you specify a Sentry DSN in the project configuration and maybe fallback to SENTRY_DSN environment variable For those unfamiliar with…

Improving workflow on field conversion(s)

When I convert for example a normal input field to an autocomplete, none of the needed files are added nor uploaded to the (target) webserver. First I add an input field (or have one in an already m…

Different color for comments

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.6 The color of the comments has been changed; Multi line comments are now possible; Now you enter the comments in a textarea;

Text Area for Comment Input

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.6 The color of the comments has been changed; Multi line comments are now possible; Now you enter the comments in a textarea;

Server Actions - adding comments more easily (with less clicking)

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.6 The color of the comments has been changed; Multi line comments are now possible; Now you enter the comments in a textarea;

Schedule: Add @reboot schedule

This feature request is to add a @reboot schedule for scheduled actions on NodeJS target. This means, whenever the NodeJS server starts, such schedule would be executed. Such feature would allow me …

Project Publisher: Turn off Synchronization

Is there a way to turn off the new synchronization when publishing? I made one simple change to one API file on a large site and it has been looking for changes for 10 minutes now. The publish process…

Support for CFML

Please can you add syntax support for CFML? Definition files exist for all major code editors if you can convert any for Wappler’s use. CFML is the language used by Adobe ColdFusion and also Lucee (a…

Introducing a feature-filled table component - Tabulator

Hi all, I’ve had a need for embedded tables within our integrated reporting system. To be credible, we needed to offer standard formatting of data types, sorting, grouping, filtering, support for pag…

ASP.Net Core 2.2 / .net 6 support

Hi, Wappler team has any plan to support asp.net core 2.2 ? or may i know which version of ASP.Net used now with wappler?

Add content type UI option for server-side Response step

Just had to do this for the 2nd time, bring it to the UI @George

SC dynamic checkboxes

@george checkboxes is a thingy in the UI that renders dynamic expressions useless. The only way around it is going into the SC file edditing the option value and adding a binding. Can you add a toggl…

Server connect image filetype WebP

I saw that the module Wappler uses for image resize in Node has WebP available as a save file format. Hoping this could be made available in the GUI of Server Connect Image Save step. Using multiple…

Publish Feature Question

This is now possible with the Publish Manager in Wappler 5.2.4

Revamp Targets, Database Manager, Database Connections and deploy features

In Wappler 5.2.4 you can publish your project with a single click to any remote target, applying automatically database changes and even commit and version to git.

More FTP upload options

In Wappler 5.2.4 you can publish your project with a single click to any remote target, applying automatically database changes and even commit and version to git.

Lexer: Ability to access characters of string by index

Wappler 5.2.3 NodeJS Can’t access characters of strings by index

Copy & Paste Action Step from a Server Action into Another

Alright I’ve searched through the forum and didn’t find anyone talks about feature to copy Action Step from a Server Action into another. I’m not sure if it’s been implemented or not, so here the requ…

UI: Add ToJSON and ParseJSON formatters

Add ToJSON and ParseJSON formatters to the UI in the expression builder

Dynamic event on click: Select

Hello, Please implement: Add a “Select” after “Focus”. The goal is to select all text of the text input

API Action Throw Error Option

Hi. As of Wappler 4.1.2, if we add an API Action inside a Try Catch step in Server Actions, enabling Pass Errors does not actually throw the error to be cuaght by Catch. Instead, the execution stops …

Editable Table/Grid

Would be cool as already posted to have some editable grid or table. So changes could be done inline and very fast, without putting separate visible updateform etc. Demo: https://codepen.io/johnraiz…

Add onEnd() event to sortable

Easy to add by hand, but would be better via the UI. <div cl is="dmx-form-repeat" id="formRepeatNavigationItems" dmx-bind:items="scReadNavigation.data.query" sortable="true" handle=".sortItems" anima…

Pre built templates and seeding

I’ve tried around 14 low/no code app builders. One of the things many of them had that i did like were: More Templates Pre-built page templates (login, register, profile editor) Database seeding for…

[NodeJS] Abort workflow execution if client's HTTP request is aborted

I want the following PHP functionality into NodeJS: <?php ignore_user_abort(false); // Abort script execution if HTTP request aborted ExpressJS, how to detect if client aborted the HTTP request: ap…

Allow multiple domains for target

Some of us need to deploy to hosts but allow multiple domains for white-labelling purposes. It is already possible with some tweaks to the docker-compose file as described here: The problem is th…

Repeat duplicate: Don't add "_copy" to inside elements

Repeat duplicate: Don’t add “_copy” to inside elements Same could also apply to Group steps - haven’t checked

Set Value define schema import from JSON

Allow importing schema from JSON just like it happens on API Action, but on Set Value step (I want to paste JSON and import the schema)

Navlink Stay Active When URL Partially Match

Hi, I’m on node.js and need to create the navlink to stay active after navigating to other pages that have partially matched URLs. Example: domain.com/order/ domain.com/order/abc1234567890 Does a…

Send mail -> Combine Plain Text and HTML format to reduce SPAM probability

Hi, One of the recommendations in order to reduce the probability of having the outgoing emails tagged as SPAM is to include both Plain Text and HTML in the body of the email However, in wappler, we…

Calendar Placeholder in UI

When adding a calendar component to a page, there is no placeholder in the UI so you have to go hunting through the tree or code view to find it. Could something be added?

QoL: Install update x.y.z --> a.b.c

One small UI QoL improvement for: Prepend current version i.e. Update 5.1.3 --> 5.2.1 and add an icon hyperlink that takes you to https://wappler.io/history/#wappler-513 so you can read all the fea…

UI support for database transactions

It would be great to have UI support for transactions. So if at any point of a SC there is an error you can run a rollback over previous database operations in that same SC. I believe Knex provides …

Bootbox to allow modifiers on submit button

Hi, I really don’t know if this feature request is more for the side of Bootbox or Wappler, but I would like to imagine that is for Wappler, so, would be great if in the options of flow editor using …

Add Data Picker in Server Connect Settings Tabs

We can set ENV variable bindings for all inputs here. Including the toggles. But the UI does not have data pickers, and one has to edit the config files manually (both project config and target…

Server Connect data pickers- add support for expression templates

I have a Save Image step in a Repeat step where the image path will be different. /img/members/{{user_id}}/ Please consider adding a dynamic data picker.

Footer at the bottom of the page

The following How to guide is very messy, for new users in particular. There is an easy Bootstrap way of accomplishing this. All that is required is to add Bootstrap classes to three lines of cod…

PouchDB for data sync when offline

I couldn’t find this already as a feature request and I know it’s already in the plans but wanted to formally post this. It’s the one missing part of being able to make mobile apps so would be great t…

Add Min Items Validation for Checkbox Group under Dynamic Attributes

this is available as hard validation only. please add this under dyanmic attributes so that a number can be assigned dynamically to this validation

Remove visible blank columns from designview preview mode

Remove visible blank columns from design-view preview-mode (at least when app connect mode is on) They should be visible in other modes like Component edit mode. Or is there a logic behind it? Lot o…

Recognising List Unstyled Class

Could the list-unstyled class be added into app connects structure for visual purposes would look a lot nicer and be easier to work with. My new side menu uses this class and it would really clean up…

Server connect form generator: Preserve placeholder

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.1, the settings are now retained on re-running the generator.

Server connect form generator: Support adding spinner to submit button

This has been implemented in Wappler 5.2.1, a spinner and disabled state is added on the submit button in the form generator.

Form Generator: retain settings on re-run

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.1, the settings are now retained on re-running the generator.

Use table generator with data views

I often use the Data View component to provide clean access to a filtered array of results. However we currently cannot use a data view when generating a bootstrap 5 table. Because a data view k…

Database manager: Ability to define schema of JSON column from example JSON input

Database manager: Ability to define schema of JSON column from example JSON input (like in API Action) Applicable types: Json, JsonB New button “Define schema” here:

Data Store - Wich Record - Using "OR" or "AND"

Hello Everyone, In the current implementation of Update, Upsert and Delete for Data Stores, the “Wich Record” clause only uses the operator “OR”, would be great to have the “AND” operator as well.

Server connect form generator: Warn if submit button is not present

Server connect form generator: Warn if submit button is not present

Query builder preview

In Wappler 5.2.0 it’s now possible to test your queries directly in the query builder.

Execute query in Database Query window

In Wappler 5.2.0 it’s now possible to test your queries directly in the query builder.

Ability to run/test a query from server-side sql action

It’s now possible to test your queries directly in the query builder.

Markdown e-mails

A random thought I had: Allow writing e-mails with markdown Allow selecting a base HTML template Render markdown to HTML Put rendered markdown inside the base HTML template E.g. of another framewor…

Ability to copy the written query

This was implemented in Wappler 5.1.5

Mutex lock/unlock step (to prevent race conditions)

Mutex lock/unlock step (to prevent race conditions) Let’s start with an example: Database Query user_balance: $10 (query takes e.g. 10ms) If balance >= 10: Database Update user_balance: user_balanc…

Auto generated table form with Record, Add, Edit and Delete

This already exists under Generators as in: Choosing the Form Generator will show:

Workflow Mark As Keys

I was working on some server actions and had the idea of it would be nice if I could mark and label server actions, this is because sometimes you create actions that are just temporary so you have pla…

Database manager: Make Refresh button refresh schema

The refresh button in the database manager may cause confusion for beginners, as it doesn’t refresh the schema: To refresh the schema, the following button must be used instead: Here’s a bug rep…

API Action throw error on failed JSON decode

API Action throw error on failed JSON decode feature request - in this case, for NodeJS. Example incident: 2022-10-07T22:38:56.516025928Z SyntaxError: Unexpected token N in JSON at position 619 2022…

Api.status in data binding picker UI

api.status in data binding picker UI, to check HTTP status codes of an API Action Past topics:

Ability to copy generated SQL from Database Query Builder

This has been implemented in Wappler 5.1.5

Selectable query in Query Builder

This has been implemented in Wappler 5.1.5

Query builder feature request

This has been implemented in Wappler 5.1.5

Copy SQL output from Query Builder

This has been implemented in Wappler 5.1.5

Add APEX charts in Wappler

This is a request to integrate Apex Charts into Wappler as the current charting option (charts.js) is very limiting, difficult to customise, and sub par comparative what is now available.

Search files by name hotkey Ala VScode

Is there a hotkey search function in Wappler like (⌘ + P) for VS code that I am missing? It would really improve quick navigation

Allow to change default 22 SSH Port

For best practices, when the IT department audits the software, one of the observations they say is that on a production site it’s a best practice to change the default ssh port (22) (attemps and logs…

Mobile App Browser Component - needs #! for goto routes

The browser component in mobile app projects that uses the AppConnect routing needs #! added to the start of the route that you select. Currently it just adds the direct route: Currently: browser1.g…

Add dmx-on:changed to UI for input type="file"

dmx-on:changed used on an input type=“file” is functional, but does not show in UI. It would be helpful to add it (and perhaps other events?)

Support for Font Awesome 6

Font awesome 6 has been added in Wappler 5.1.4

Form Repeat sortable support for drag/drop events

The sort option of a form repeat is great, but it could be enhanced by supporting the events that sortable provides, such as onEnd which triggers an event every time the user finishes dragging an elem…

Asymmetric encryption facility

Expand the encryption facility to include asymmetric (separate encryption and decryption keys).

Blockchain/Web3 Development Support

Hello @George, I don’t want to make assumptions about where you and your team have or are planning to focus future product releases, however, I did want to mention that I’ve been following blockchain …

Draggable / Sortable Elements

Looks like “Draggable” is now natively implemented into HTML5. The BIG Question here is how to get back these information in an easy way to MySQL etc? Would love to see that feature as it would help …

Show Exec step returns in UI regular tree view

The Exec step (the one that allows you to execute Library actions in the NodeJS server target) can return elements (viewable in the Data Binding Picker), but such elements are not visible during the n…

Enhance .flatten() to support dot-notation

Hi, I enhanced the .flatten() server connect formatter to support dot-notation, like: api.data.flatten('users.id') Here’s the code for the NodeJS target, so the Wappler team can push this update: f…

Sidebar HTML block

Wappler’s missing a sidebar block in the UI

Please add dynamic repeat children to ui

I wonder why this hasn’t been implemented yet. If I want to repeat for example all list items in an unordered list, a repeat children insert for the ul would be nice to have in dynamic attributes ui. …

Please Make Search Results Window Wider or Have Wrapping

Since moving from Wappler 3.9.7, to 5.x, the search results window is now much narrower and cannot be made wider. This results in often not being able to see the text that was being searched for as …

Bull/Bee queue

Dear fantastic Wappler team!! Please, add a queue lib to use as a server action! I have some big actions that would be great to run on background! @mebeingken created an extension for Bull Queue an…

Next.js like features

Hi Are there features planned like server side Rendering and code splitting that many modern JS frameworks like next or svelt kit have?

Ability to Add Multiple Where Conditions on Array

If you add a Where condition to an array, then the Data Bindings menu no longer gives you the option to add any more… but often you want to filter an array of data from the database by more than just …

Bring Back Search For Dynamic Attribute & Events Picker

In Wappler 5.1.1 you can bring back the old style menu from the General options for design view and attributes:

Save/Upload in background process

A big minus in Wappler is the long delay on saving files (which are being uploaded afterwards). I can’t continue working while saving file(s). This process should be in the background.

Create Valid dates option for Date and Date range pickers

It would be great to have option to display in Dates and Date range pickers only available dates. Oposite option of Invalid dates, so that all dates are disabled except those which are in Data Source…

Avoid docker-compose.yml rewrite on every save on Project Settings window

Hi, Every time when I open the “Project Setting” window in any tab “General, Framework or Targets” the docker-compose.yml file get rewrite with deafult settings base on Target tab on every “Save”. T…

Built-in Security Functions Project (Reg, Login, Logout, DB, etc)

I think it would be great to have a default basic project with the following User Security Functions (Registration, Login, Logout Setup) - including the database schema, pages, server actions Admin …

Import CSV - Ignore header/value mismatch

I am adding a CSV import option but the 3rd party system where the CSV is coming from includes a column at the end that has an empty header (and doesn’t have an empty comma separated entry) but the ro…

Selectbox (ENUM-like) for Library action $_PARAM strings

Hi, I suggest adding the ability to add a selectbox for certain $_PARAM strings - kind of like an ENUM on databases. In this case, $_PARAM.class can only accept 4 different strings This probably c…

Add delay to property inspector dropdowns (and include search form)

The dropdowns have been improved in Wappler 5.0.4 - we added a short delay.

Unset value action step

Instead of manually set value to null or ‘’, can we have action step for unset value instead? Alternatively, a UI for set value to null (e.g. by checkbox or switch) would be helpful. Existing flow: …

GUI UX for “not” operator (!) in data binding design view

Can we have UI support for “not” operator (!operation) in the design view? Right now whenever we edit the operation using formatter UI the “not” operator (!) will be removed from the code. It would be…

Access Form Repeat data

Love the new Form Repeat, but I’m not seeing how to access that data outside of the repeat. For example, on a quote form with a list of details, I’d like to get the sum of the amounts within the form…

Project Assets Updater: don't prompt to update again if we rejected the update for the current published version

Project Assets Updater: don’t prompt to update again if we rejected the update for the current published version This was previously a bug report.

Original topic before editionWappler 5.0.3 MacOS…

Charts & Graphs

I know we already have Charts in Wappler based on charts.js which is great, however this seems a much more powerful charting option https://echarts.apache.org Wishing for this to be included in wappl…

Multi series Pie chart in Chart Element

Would it be possible to add some of the other chart options available in chart.js to Chart component? For instance the multi series Pie chart? https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/other-charts…

Flow Editor: Add alternate text on hover

Which one to pick? Show more information on hover

Rss and adding a remote json database

Is it possible to read a rss in Wappler. Can i connect remote json in wappler when i try to connect from a url link it never work i have to make file in in the folder in order to read. Regards

Enable UPLOAD with RightClick from the File Tab or Design/Editor View

I do a lot of changes that I want to see online in seconds. UPLOAD The only way that I know of to do this is to move out of the Page Code or Design View and over to the File navigation list and sear…

Pair code theme with UI theme

If you want to pair the code editor with the main theme - you just have to choose the “Wappler” code theme as code editor theme - then it will switch automatically. This is also the new default - jus…

Automatically turn off SC Debug on deploy setting

I tend to leave Server Connect Debug on while developing. I am conscious that I often forget to turn it off when I deploy to Production which is a security risk It would ne really useful; to be able…

Support for Adobe Typekit or locally stored fonts in Theme Manager

Google fonts are great and provide a huge library but there are times when a particular font is needed which isn’t there like Adobe Typekit. Can we have support for these and also locally stored fonts…

Safe No Code Change Mode on Save

I routinely use a CSS Pure tool to look through all the CSS files that get included in a typical Bootstrap project, for instance. I gives me back one file CSS file, I choose the minified option. This…

Google Flutter and Dart API?

Reading and hearing more and more about Flutter (and the Dart API) from Google. Any thoughts about Flutter? Possible plans to incorporate it at a later date as an alternative to Cordova? https://…

Lightbox image loading options

If you’re using the Lightbox component and want to use the Group option - so you can use previous/next buttons to view images in the lightbox - all images within the group will be loaded when the ligh…

Server action properties: let us make it bigger!

Can we please make this bigger? would be so much easier to work with these input fields

Toggle Panels in Wappler

I’m working on my Macbook a lot at the moment and find myself collapsing the side and bottom panels a lot. It would be great if we could have a Collapse All button and then an Expand which restored t…

Workflows Redesign concept version 3.0

Workflows Design - one of the things that bothers me in Wappler the most. I have already suggested two different concepts for Workflows Redesign a while ago. (first, second) Now I want to suggest on…

Allow data bindings for 'update Order' server action

I’d like to have this data binding option here: I’ve enabled it myself now by adding this line to the stripe_rules.js: Reason is because I want to enable users to add discount codes to an existi…

Assert step

Sometimes you want to assert if a certain condition evaluates to true before proceeding with the rest of the script/steps. For example, you may want to do a Database Single Query, and you want to ens…

BS5 toast extra classes

To be able to provide colourful toasts it would be nice if you could add from the UI extra classes to the different elements that build the toast(header, body, subtitle). Icon is already set via class…

Pre-create extensions folder

Pre-create extensions folder on new Wappler projects, for convenience

Setup Mailer: sender name and e-mail fields

Currently, the Setup Mailer step doesn’t contain the sender name and e-mail fields: Instead, this is done on the Send Mail step: I suggest adding the possibility to setup a default sender name a…

Grab Server Actions and Pull & Drop into page code

I have to create a lot of Server Actions to dynamically provide multiple options for forms. So that if options have to be added or deleted to a checkbox or dropdown form I only have to edit the singl…

Mongodb Connection

Is there a way to connect to mongodb running on localhost with Wappler?

Webpack / vite tooling support

maybe you can add webpack extension … this is so usefull for users

MailDev for Docker local (for testing Send Mail steps)

Hello, I’m using MailDev on Docker local for testing Send Mail steps. I added this to docker-compose.yml: maildev: image: 'maildev/maildev' ports: - '1080:1080' And then I use Setup…

QoL: Add parent folder name to UI tab

When working with files with the same name you need to double check by hovering on top of the tab the complete path to make sure you don’t mess up. Even if this is enough it’s not UX friendly as you n…

Purple Theme for Wappler

Hey guys, now that Wappler 5 is official, a new logo, website has been released and the colors of the community have been changed, which by the way good job with the color and tone that you chose and …

Back-end (server action) performance profiling

This is an intermediate-advanced feature - you can skip this topic if you’re a beginner I just had a situation where in a NodeJS project I added an API Action step somewhere in a Library file and a f…

Make Filter columns work with objects (non-arrays)

Make the Filter columns server action step work with objects (non-arrays), coming from e.g. Database Single Query Related incident:

File search (Ctrl/Cmd+P)

Visual Studio Code has a feature where you can press Ctrl/Cmd+P and you can type the file you want to go to and press Enter I suggest bringing the same to Wappler

Recaptcha: Show data binding picker icon

Recaptcha: Show data binding picker icon Context: Pick secret key from $_ENV Same for front-end, e.g. for NodeJS: <div id="dmxReCaptcha21" class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<%=_('$_ENV.RECAPTCHA_…

404 status for catch-all route

Based on my own stupidity trying to figure out something that didn’t really need figuring out I found a small omission in routing. To be compliant with http status codes the catch-all route should se…

QoL: Active git branch in main UI

Show in the main UI the active branch you are working on(not just on the GIT left sidebar). This way I will stop making changes that are not meant for a specific branch Could be on top main bar or t…

Abillity to give friendly names to installations

Currently, on the Wappler website under my account I see: (Incidentally I am actually 500 km away from London, not very accurate) It would be really useful if we could assign a friendly name to th…

CSS Grid panel-less Suggestion Request

I think CSS Grid should be added to Wappler. I’ve played heavily with Webflow and Pinegrow to see what they are like with it. And I actually came away thinking it could be easier. I don’t think their …

Add $_POST variable for a delete action

When an Update action has been created, the $_POST variables are automatically created as in Not so for a Delete action

Conditional region as conditional region attribute

Can we have Conditional Region as Dynamic Attribute > Condition. We are now prefer to use conditional region (dmx-if) instead of attribute show (dmx-show) for good. It will be much helpful if we can…

Adminer support for PHP and NodeJS

I’ve been using Adminer on a project and think it’s a great solution for those looking for a quick CRUD and not too worried about the visuals or permission system. https://www.adminer.org/ It suppor…

Designer improvement and animations

Hi Wappler team! Thank you for this amazing product. I’ve been learning from it and using it intensely but I have to say that I’ve always face the same issue: the designer laks of many, many useful CS…

Icon to show if 'no auto load' is on (Small ui suggestion)

In app view it would be nice to see a symbol when ‘no auto load’ is on or off.

Import postman collections

It would be a nice time-saver.

Casbin support for SC

SC permission system needs to be improved moving forward.

Split tabs

Promised for 4.0 A lot of people still waiting on this Originally requested here:

The missing link : Database creator would make Wappler a true App Builder

When I use wappler or dmx zone I find myself wasting tons and tons of time back tracking. Plainly put you cannot experiment with your design and database in realtime. For example say you make a for…

Server Side Cache

“If a server action’s output is a json data (from database connection action for example) it can be cached as raw json data” will be very good for huge sites.

Set Value inherit object schema

This is how it works already, from what I see.

NodeJS: Point exact step on error

Consider the following error: { "status": "500", "message": "Invalid time value", "stack": "RangeError: Invalid time value\n at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>)\n at dateAdd (/opt/nod…

Dash docset for documentation

Hi guys, Maybe in the future you can generate a Dash docset for Wappler docs and reference guide. I use MacOS Dash app that provides a single interface to search offline through dev documentation. I…

Data store support for complex objects

As George noted in another thread, today we have support in data stores for complex structures like this: however the support for such a structure stops here. For example, when trying to insert w…

Automatically generate Knexfile for migrations

Hello, Please expose migrations directory .wappler/migrations inside the Docker container, as well as an appropriate Knexfile to facilitate automatic migrations. This will facilitate future automate…

Enable debug mode without logging every action

I want to enable debug mode to see an HTTP error in production, but if I enable it it’s going to slow down the app and fill the server logs due to writing every step into console (there’s a Repeat tha…

PHP/ASP to NodeJS - Once Click Wappler Project conversion

George has confirmed that it’ll be done eventually (which could be any Thursday now ) adding this feature request for members to vote on officially please.

I don't like subtables being nested in tables in the database manager

I opened an older project that already uses subtables, and found myself wondering about missing tables. It’s no longer very intuitive to use Wappler’s database manager to get a general overview of the…

QOL: DB manager, setting to null

Sometimes, I want a cell to be set to null. Can we get this feature? 2022.07.02 13.48 - 4578 - Guineafowl Vid from Beekeeper studio

QOL: DB Manager save changes after accidently opening a cell

From what I understand, you guys want to make Wappler the single place to manage everything for the application. However I’m currently still using many other tools because of small features/bugs in th…

Add "Show Hidden" Toggle in Wappler Settings

Hi. The option to show/hide hidden (dot) files & folders in Wappler is a great feature. Although, I have lately been requiring it more and more. And having to right-click and set that on every projec…

Support symlinks in File browsers

I have a mobile app developed that is white labeled across several versions of the app (a different project for each mobile app.) I use a symlink to the www folder because they share all the same cod…

Inline searching of server connect action

I noticed the biggest time drain in Wappler for me these days is just all the clicking and waiting for modals to load. Can we get ‘inline searching’ server actions? How it works now I just created a…

Skip to table with typing

In the olden days of Wappler, when you were editing a query you could click the button to add a table and start typing to skip down the list. Could this be added back in? It would save a lot of tim…

Selective App Connect updates - now feature request

I’m not sure if it is just I don’t know how; or a bug; or a feature request When you have App Connect updates available, there doesn’t seem to be a way of making them selective. Clicking, double-clic…

Bring back project options in top bar

Project options have been added back in Wappler 5 beta 6

V5 Suggestion - MVC feature

It would be really nice to have a seperation between the ejs file where JavaScript code is kept in an associated file, for example: index.ejs index.cjs Rather than long stream of code in the dmx-on…

Bootstrap intellisense to autocomplete code typing in code view

Please add something like this to the code view for the developers that use codeview more than design view:

Clean Up & Improve BS5 Accordion (esp. dynamic)

When adding an accordion to a page, it actually adds the accordion with cards rather than accordion items, which I think may be a hangover from BS4. The correct structure (according to the BS5 docs) …

Redesign concept for Properties Panel of page elements

I have some ideas how we can improve the current Properties panel for page elements. 1. If you prefer when the Properties panel takes only half of the monitor height, then you know the struggle of ne…

Click the three-dots icon to close the Main Menu again

This is a really minor and tiny detail but could the main menu icon be a toggle to open and close it? I think it’s always been set to open only so clicking again simply open it’s again. It would just …

HTML/JS beautifier (indent code, etc.)

Implement HTML/JS beautify command on Wappler’s code editor

Autoclose behaviour for dropdown

As far as I can tell (and I may well be wrong), the Wappler implementation of the BS5 dropdown component doesn’t support the autoclose option. Normally, if using as a navigation tool, it will be clos…

Wappler 5 beta, ability to move the Wappler icon towards the end

Wappler 5 added a new colorful icon above the folders icon. The problem with this is, it breaks muscle memory when clicking the folder button from people that regularly work with Visual Studio Code …

Add xxl to swiper slides view

Request to add support for the xxl breakpoint within the dmx swiper. It currently maxes out with: slides-per-view-xl="2.3" Would be nice to have: slides-per-view-xxl="3.3"

Bootstrap 5 dynamic events for tabs

Is there any chance we could have the dynamic events for showing and hiding tabs e.g: hide.bs.tab etc I’m wanting to be able to save the browsers scroll position to a variable when I close a tab so …

Database manager: Index column checkbox

It seems Wappler’s database manager is missing a checkbox to make a column indexed, near the Unique checkbox. Indexing certain columns can enhance query speed if you search those columns frequently

Automatically make the database variables $_PARAM for library actions

When you create a database action in a library action, for example ‘Database Insert’, it automatically generates $_POST variables for you in the ‘value’ column. But since it’s a library action, we ne…

Custom App Connect components

We don’t have documentation for it, but it looks like: dmx.Component('my-custom-chart', { // attributes for the component (accessed by this.props) attributes: { type: { type: String, …

Feature request: middle mouse button to close tab

Since you guys are working on these kind of things for wappler 5, perhaps you can sneak in this feature? I’d like to close tabs with my middle mouse button. Just like in the browser.

Charts.js 😍

Why not including the Charts.js as an amazing alternative to Wappler’s charts?

BS5 Component Defaults - time/click saver

When working on projects, I have certain preferences that are pretty much always applied to components when I add them. e.g. Off canvas are set to bottom Modals are set to large, no close on click,…

Filter main query based on results of nested query

Say, I have “posts” and “comments”. Thanks to the Nested Queries now I can get all posts and all of comments for each post in one query. I can even filter “comments” query however I want. But what i…

Auto sort and arrange location for Wappler's meta, components, and comments

Can we have feature to auto arrange and / (or even lock if necessary) the location of these items in Wappler page: <meta name="ac:route" content="/"> <!-- New Wappler Page --> <!-- Wappler include …

Form Generator IDs - ensure unique on page

The form generator is a really useful tool but currently, if you have a page that uses more than one form to update the same table/fields (maybe for different processes/roles/insert vs update etc.) th…

Toggle for show/hide empty elements in Page Preview

Another one uncomfortable moment for previewing pages within the Wappler in App Connect Mode, is that empty elements are shown on the page in a form of gray boxes. To be clear, it is definitely us…

Multi-database support in UI

In project settings, server target, you can only specify the details of one database server - it’s not ready for multiple databases In my case, I want to use a separate secondary database to put less…

Preview page with working query parameters, in Wappler

Currently you can’t preview pages in Wappler the same way as in the browser. One of the reason - that the layout file isn’t rendered. Another reason – page doesn’t get query parameters. (but maybe …

Preview page with layout, inside Wappler

Currently when you preview a page in Wappler in NodeJS project, you see only elements/components related to the page file itself, without layout. In this case we can’t see the page like it would be s…

Button to pre-fill global name from name

This feature request is for a button to pre-fill global name from name (don’t worry about the broken line there, I messed up the image)

Increment step

This feature request is for adding a server-side step to allow incrementing integers, without using Set Value The increment step would accept the variable name as the input (through the Data Binding …

TimescaleDB time-series database support

TimescaleDB is a time-series database based on PostgreSQL Wappler already supports PostgreSQL, so it’s a good start for adding a time-series database to Wappler as no primary changes are required To…

Undo/Redo Option in Server Action

Hi. Working on server actions I sometimes tend to delete the wrong step or global variable. Having an option to undo such deletions or redo the undos, would be a great addition to the server action …

Clear text formatting when pasting in summernote

Hello, I have a page where I have multiple summernote editors (up to 8). I’d like, for all and any of them, that when users paste text, all formating is cleared. It seems possible according to https:…

Continue step (for Repeat)

Looking for the equivalent of the keyword “continue” in PHP and NodeJS for usage inside Wappler Repeat loops A bit odd some essential control structures are missing Related: https://community.wapp…

UI improvement for disable steps

UI improvement: If disabling a group step (e.g.: Try/Catch, which contains Steps inside), show the inner steps as they were disabled as well I believe it looks better if all inner steps look greyed…

Improving Deployment with Docker

What the Wappler did not so long ago in terms of a universal Docker machine that can be installed on any VPS server at all is amazing and wonderful. This frees your hands from the restrictions that we…

DB Manager: view data of views

Would love a view/edit data button of database views:

Database Insert/Update/Delete from JSON

Please consider a database query “users”: [ { "id": 1, "name": "George", "country": "NL" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Teodor", "country": "BG" …

Set Value for Objects

Database Query "users" [ { id: 1, name: "George" } ] Set Value users[0].name = "Teodor"

Custom layout blocks

Hey Wappler team. How do I go about creating custom Blocks. We use our own Widgets over and over again and it would be nice if we can just add them as Blocks. In here…

Switch Case/Else-If Function in Server Connect

Hello , I needed a switch case function in my project. Alternatively, I am using the “if” condition. There is no issue. But can the switch case function be included in server connect?

Make scalable NodeJS app in Wappler without special knowledge

If you are running NodeJS with docker on your live server, and have also installed Traffic for SSL and domain management, you can simply run multiple instances by entering more replicas: This will …

Optional WHERE on database query

You can already achieve this by using the folder with a plus to add a group, then add what’s required when conditional inside in this case your get ID. After this you will notice the group has a ? you…

Disable Schedules on NodeJS server target

This has been added to Wappler 4.9.1

Input values - Small change to reduce clicks

One of the most common actions, I find, for an input is to bind the value or modify the binding. It would be really useful to have a dynamic binding permanently visible in the App Structure panel for …

TinyMCE Support

Wappler already has support for Summernote, however, Summernote is old and contains quite a few bugs, or missing features such as drag+drop support uploads (outside Base64). A handful of users alread…

“Select all” output fields in repeat Server Action

On the new versions there is a option to either include or exclude if exclude is chosen and no field is selected all will be outputted

Requesting a "Stupid" Mode for Editing Local & Online File & Href Links

I would love a big button always available and changing color with Status Enabled – "Wappler, leave my code alone!" Wappler insists on changing head Includes, JS, all file Link References to “be smar…

Swiper Dynamic Options

You could use dmx-bind for making those attributes dynamic I think.

DB query/single query $_GET/$_POST variable generation

Just wondering, is there a specific reason why API database query steps don’t auto produce corresponding $_GET/$_POST variables for conditions like the insert and update ones do? The sort/dir variable…

Feature request: box shadow and text shadow in Design panel

First of all let me start off with the notion that, up until today, I did not look into the Design panel properly. I always just used Chrome inspector to create some css attributes and added them to t…

Environment variables UI

Environment Variables are now available in Wappler 4.9.0 UI:

Allow usage of $_ENV variables in port number

This has been added to Wappler 4.9.0

Allow Dynamic Selection of DB Connection Params

This is now implemented in Wappler

Wappler Wikipedia or Wapplerpedia

Ladies and gentlemen, hello! As we all know, the Wappler team is exceptional, in spite of being super competent! The big problem today is the part of the documentation that ends up being a little fo…

Refresh Schema Option In Query Builder Warning Popup

Have been planning to request this for a while now. When getting a warning saying a particular column does not exist in the query builder, it usually because when we add a new column in DB outside of…

The ability to upload files to a different site location

Being able to upload to a different URL would be a massive advantage to image upload. I quite often have issues with the backend for the image upload being on a subdomain, but I want the image showin…

Improvements that would make Wappler great

So I have been paying for Wappler since it came out to support the project but not really have used it for a serious project have not done any just played around with it years ago, so basically, now i…

Workflows new Redesign concept 2.0

Hi everyone! Some time has passed since I started the topic “Redesign concept for Workflow page”. It was quite a productive and inspiring discussion. So now I want to share my current renewed visio…

Enum values in database creator

This has been added in Wappler 4.8.3

Duo Security in NodeJS

Hi everyone, I hope this can be useful. I just discovered this service, that offers an easy two authentication factor integration on so many applications. I already use it on my Windows RDP, and it’s…

Button to clone database column

This feature request is for the ability to clone a database column, by adding a button here: Cloning would copy the data type, default value and other properties to the new column. I’m also intere…

GraphQL - Apollo Server

Hi @patrick , @George , @Teodor I have completed many projects with Wappler, which has now become a full part of my business life. I would like to share a shortcoming that I started to feel during t…

Chart Data Set Labels > Add dynamic binding

Can the option to bind the data set labels from dynamic sources be added please? Currently only static text is allowed. Because the property uses a dynamic property e.g. dataset-1:label="Value", i…

Break step (to break out of While or Repeat loops)

This feature request is for the addition of a Server Connect (back-end) Break step. This would allow to break out of While or Repeat loops on-demand. Meanwhile, users can use this workaround:

Have Local Storage updates sync across tabs without refresh

Window: storage event - Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org) window.addEventListener('storage', () => { // When local storage changes do something like a refresh window.location.reload(true) });

Views as sub table

It would be helpful if a View could be utilized as a sub table. My use case: Tables: Campaigns and Companies. Companies havea campaign_id from the campaigns table. Campaigns can therefore have a l…

Datalist Component

Hello! Wappler should add this new component as a select alternative https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/forms/form-control/#datalists Thanks!

Preview Library actions

I’m fairly sure there’s a feature request for this somewhere, but as I can’t find it I’m opening this topic for future reference. This feature request is to allow previewing Library actions, using a …

Support auth cookie with websockets within Cordova

With Cordova ios 6.2.0 along with cordova-plugin-wkwebview-file-xhr, the authentication cookie is retained and passed with all xhr requests in ios…this was a big victory. However when using the webso…

Shortcut keys for editing data within the database manager

Would it be possible to include shortcut keys for editing data within the database manager? Keys to include (insert), delete (del) etc…

Scheduled actions status icons

The proposed feature request adds green and red circles near the scheduled action names, such as: These icons would represent the status of the last execution. Behind the hood, NodeJS would keep i…

Database manager: Clone/duplicate field

This feature request is for adding a button to clone/duplicate an existing column in the database - this is useful when you want to create similar fields with the same kind of e.g. default value Ap…

Raise Exception (throw error) step

This feature request is for the creation of a Raise Exception (throw error) server step It allows to intentionally trigger a Catch inside a Try/Catch statement

Copy Component to Other Page

Hi, I think it will good feature if we can copy-paste elements from 1 page to another using cmd+c & cmd+v shortcuts. Just feels very intuitive if we use these shortcuts across Wappler. Best regards, …

Support for nested/sub layouts

Probably too soon to ask but it would be great if Nodejs projects could support nested layouts sometimes called sub-layouts. Makes more sense now that we have SPA for nodejs.

Automatically disregard internal link setting when moving to new layout

I often build apps that have several main categories (sales, operations, etc.) Typically each of the categories has a dozen or so content pages that all utilize the same server connects, data stores,…

AWS Lambda deployment option?

Is it possible to deploy a Wappler app within AWS Lambda in one of the runtimes? I hate paying for and manually scaling apps. The best option looks to be ASPNET but is it ASPNET or ASPNET Core and wh…

Server-side step to write string to disk

I fetch a CSV file through server-side API Action and want to write to disk. How to? Probably needs a new server-side step to allow writing a string to disk Similar: At this point I’m just crea…

More variety of designs and options for Notify

I just read this article. I hope that Wappler Notification features could be enhanced with options and more designs like offered by some of those libraries. Cheers!

Define roles and permissions in real-time

Hello wapplers. It would be very helpful if you add this. **Define roles and permissions when your Application is online. ** As an example Add new role with name x And it’s permission add, edit, …

Add UNIQUE constraint to Database Manager UI

This has been added to Wappler 4.7.1

Bind multiple Server Side Data on NodeJS

Wappler only allows binding one Server Side Action to Server Side Data Can we get the ability to bind multiple ones? Maybe I want one Server Action for checking if the user is logged in, and another…

DataDog Integration

Hello Dear Wappler Team, Would be great to have Datadog or any other monitoring app integrated with Wappler!

Copy Paste Action Steps

I’d love to have a Copy & Paste option to copy an Action Step from one server action and paste it into another server action. There have been times where I want to write a nearly identical Action Ste…

Built In Role and Security Wizard or Feature Request

Hi! May I kindly request a feature to be included in Wappler where the Developer will just select a built in log in page , Users and Roles creation Page where the end users(Admin) would just select …

Allow parsing dynamic content retrieved from a server action before rendering it

Hi, First of all, thank you for a great product! I’m using Wappler 3.3.5 and using the appropriate bindings, I can store html-formatted text in a database table, retrieve it via a server action, and…

Extending Tagify with additional options

Hi, Just a request to extend some of the options available in the Tagify component: Add ‘No Close on Select’ toggle here: Add a ‘readonly field’ here which must evaluate to true to make the tag…

Server-side API Action: show status

Server-side API Action only shows the variables “data” and “headers” in the Data Binding Picker. Show the “status” as well, to know if the HTTP request was successful (code 200) or not

Adobe XD extension for Wappler

With Dreamweaver approaching EOL, it may be prudent to add this feature to catch the designers left in the lurch. This could be similar to

Make Mouse the default for Dynamic Events

Please consider making Mouse the default for Dynamic Events to reduce one click. I find myself using Mouse > Click the majority of the time.

Binary data type / Support for API Action file responses

It’s not the first time someone creates a topic asking for helping dealing with server-side API Actions whose return data is a binary file instead of text. In the past, people dealing with Photoroom A…

Save Update Channel per project

When opening a project, the Extensions Update Channel should be set to the previously selected value.

Data store "current value" binding in update/upsert

Can we have a “current value” binding in the data store component so that we can add or remove a new value on top of the current data store variable: This will be very useful for socket events for …

Run Schema Update On Target Change

I quite often find myself switching projects and finding I can’t open a query manager dialogue because the schema for that target’s database hasn’t been updated with a change made in a different targe…

Custom Deploy button

I’m requesting the ability to run a custom script (e.g.: Bash script) once I click the Deploy button, for a target with settings like these: For these settings there’s no Deploy button: So, ther…

Multi-Select Input Solution

Multi select is now available in Wappler, thanks to the Tagify component: See:

Hide "Make this, make that" buttons in properties into the dropdown

The “Make …” buttons are now available as a Convert to … dropdown.

Security Provider - Users and Permissions Sync

Would it be possible to add a ‘keep this in sync’ option to the Users & Permissions section of the Security Provider? I am finding it frustrating to have to make the same change in both development a…

Ability to preview video using dropzone element

Using a standard html file input, the following will allow for the preview of a video after selecting a file for upload: <input type="file" id="videoUpload"> <video width="320" height="240" control…

Javascript switch

Please can we have the JS switch function added? It will make a lot of the flow much easier This:

Code control for the UI

Hi @george, This is a very specific request that doesn’t add much value to the core, but it does to custom extensions. A UI control for code that includes linting(optional) and a beautifier would be…

Dynamic binds id

Can we please have a update on assigning dynamic ids with dmx-bind:id in the ui so we don’t have to keep going into code view and manually editing it would be a lot faster in my opinion

OKTA for NodeJS

I think you can integrate them using Wappler’s OAuth2. Have you checked that possibility? Also interested in knowing how Wappler’s are doing “enterprise login” Might have to do it in the future as w…

Automatic Sitemap Creation (and Submission)

Especially when launching a new website, a sitemap is a crucial instrument for SEO. Have a look at this discussion: and It would be great if Wappler could automatically create a site map and…

Monaco Editor: Support Navigation Shortcuts

Request to please add below shortcuts to the new Monaco Editor: The customization of shortcuts using key bindings is quite good in VSCode. I would hope to see that integrated in Wappler someday too…

Active Directory / Integrated Windows Authentication, Authentication

Being able to utilize existing AD environment as a site security option. This would help in corporate environments. This would also mean that the security provider should be able to store/update/dele…

Git push deployment method (+ Caprover)

Similarly to FTP deployment, add an option “Git push” for deployment Logic for Git push deployment: Once deployment is requested, create a new Git branch “wappler_deployment” (project must be using…

Photoroom Background Removal Integration

I am sure many people would like this process added, so we can remove backgrounds automatically from images that are uploaded (great for ecommerce sites). Photoroom already have the API available, bu…

"Select All" auto-fill for Output Fields in Server Connect Repeat Action

This has been added to Wappler 4.6 Now there is an include/exclude dropdown. When you select exclude, and don’t select any column - all the data will be outputted.

Multiple select on Output Fields in Repeat step

This has been added to Wappler 4.6 Now there is an include/exclude dropdown. When you select exclude, and don’t select any column - all the data will be outputted.

Add multi select menu to repeat properties output fields

This has been added to Wappler 4.6 Now there is an include/exclude dropdown. When you select exclude, and don’t select any column - all the data will be outputted.

Add Locale option for Charts please

Please could it be considered to include the locale option for charts if possible?

Export port in Docker mode

is It possible to create some option to set “Expose ports” in Docker mode to limit or not ports in running container ?

Can I query a JSON array column in the Conditions tab of the Database Query Builder?

I have key:values stored in a JSON array and want to use them to help filter the records returned through query parameters. Example of data in JSON column: [{ "order": null, "value":…

Feature request: add 'update from master' to git manager

One thing that makes me keep opening Github Desktop instead of using the inbuilt git’s manager is the inability to update from master. This is what it looks like in Github Desktop 2022.02.15 …

Dockerfile additional commands

I found that with each Wappler update Dockerfile rewrites. I have a few additional lines in Dockerfile so it’s quite annoying to re-write them with each update. Can we have section some where in Wapp…

BS5 components: Input groups

Hi, Are these classes supported(visually) in Wappler? If not is it possible to add them? Jon

Sharp - Metadata - DPI - Request

Anyway we can get Metadata (DPI specifically) out into the Sharp module in the future !? Would be super useful for image processing / validation / scaling rules based on DPI / etc…

$_SERVER variables in the data binding picker

Hello, Can we get $_SERVER variables, like $_SERVER.REMOTE_ADDR in the data binding picker?

Update Bootstrap Icons to latest v1.7.0

The latest version of Bootstrap Icons has been added to Wappler 4.5.3

Update Bootstrap Icons

The latest version f Bootstrap Icons is now available in Wappler 4.5.3

Convert Queries to Custom Queries & Left Side formatter

It would be fabulous if regular queries could be converted to custom queries with a simple button click. I often get quite far into creating a query to realize I’m going to have to do custom and then…

Tab Groups in Wappler

I may have imagined reading this on the forum. But at one point was there discussion about once we switched to the tabbed layouts that we would be able to group our tabs together? Similar to how goo…

Button to open third-party DB manager

Hello, I’m requesting a button near the database manager that allows you to open a third-party database manager. It would work by asking the operative system to open a URL, such as: postgres://user:…

DB SC Actions - Add Upsert (postgres) and Insert / Update Duplicate Key MySql

Hi team, Could be a bit of a time saver if among the DB Server Connect actions we also have an Insert/Update function. For Postgres I believe this is called: Upsert (https://www.postgresqltutorial.c…

Support for google maps alternative

as many of you know google maps now have changed the service costs and its not affordable anymore. we used to be able to make 25,000 request per day for free and now we are limited by 14,000 per mont…

Refresh server actions after git changes

It would be great if the list of Server Actions would refresh anytime that list might be impacted by a change in git. For example, when switching branches, discarding the deletion of an api, etc. To…

Autocreate database table from API schema

I would like an action to create a database table on the Schema Editor after setting up an external API and fetching the schema. This could allow for the unselection of specific fields and updating of…

Ability to push footer down

When the contents of the page do not extend to the bottom of the page, it would be great if Wappler had an easy way to push the footer to the bottom. The following shows the code to do that.

Static website ("a la" Hugo / Gatsby / Gridsome etc)

Was talking with one of my ex-business partner today. We made clear choices for our website/blog / documentation/landing pages etc on this venture to work with an external agency specialized in “JAM S…

Add Web Server Terminal (Docker)

From the dropdown “terminal” is for local terminal, but the “web server” option is for shell in the docker web server. So make sure you choose the right one - web server

Wappler adapting a visual Flow-Based Programming UI

This might be too broad of a suggestion, and maybe already being considered, but I thought I’d put it out there. I suggest Wappler explore adapting a visual Flow-Based Programming library to replace i…


Setup the TIME ZONE for the NEW WAPPLER LOCAL SERVER @George Ok just installed the new version 4.5.1 I have set my deployment to local Wappler Server. NodeJs But is there anyway to change the “…

DigitalOcean launches App Platform

I see DigitalOcean has finally launched their App Platform product which I assume is their implementation of the NanoBox acquisition. Looks promising, only available in 3 DC’s at the moment with m…

Option to always use Advanced view of Database Manager

Hello, Can you make an option so the Advanced view of the Database Manager is shown by default? Thanks

Set local server timezone before server is started

I.e. set TZ='UTC' node index.js Another option is to set it in the .env but maybe an option in the UI is nice for beginners. Specially useful for the dev environment where you might be in a differen…

Loading the saving of the "Projects" window

My first post in this section. The function is not critical. These are rather usability improvements for the future. It would be very cool to be able to download the full projects desktop setup fro…

Server Action validation rule OR

Hi, I want to verify if a given argument is A or B, but right now, it only supports AND condition. I want to be able to accept both IPv4 and IPv6. Is this possible? Can we get something like we ha…

Adding Download menu items to the Wappler app

Would love to see a Download menu item on right-click on a tab, alongside the existing options And the same, a DL option on right-click on an API or Webhook Thanks!

Add input arguments to "Execute Action"/"Include Action" steps

Include does not take any inputs. Please read docs on how it works. Execute does have a input, but you need to configure it in $_PARAM of library action. You could modify this request to ask for a w…

Extend JOIN in Data Transformations

I would like to have the possibility to use a Condition with Join in Data Transformations. I would like only to show the records which are not existent in the second array.

Framework7 v6 and more docs

Framework7 v6 is already available in Wappler.

Capacitor, Cross-platform Native Runtime for Web Apps

Capacitor is now available in Wappler 4.5

File Manager Move Feature

I often need to move a file into or out of a folder. It would be nice if you could add a 'Move" feature to the File Manager - either in the right-click menu or simply allow a file or folder to be move…

Redesign concept for Workflow page

Hi everyone! I’ve made a redesign concept for Workflow page. There it is: For instance, that how same workflow looks now. I am struggling in reading and understanding it. Hard to see, what is …

Install & Use NPM package in Version 3

Hi guys, I’ve been testing the betas of version 3 of wappler and a question has arisen, is there a possibility that in the future I can use the npm package that I need for my projects? If so, how soo…

Database manager: Timestamp picker for default value

Allow selecting a default timestamp in this UI: Clicking the clock button just inserts “knex.fx.now()”, which represents the current timestamp at row insertion. I’d like to choose a static default …

2 Query Builder Wishes: To Delete Wrong table in building a Workflow

After building a Query and saving it if you discover you’ve specified the wrong table name, for instance, in the Database Query view there is no way to have an X available to simply wipe out the wrong…

Smarter Database Multi Insert

Continuing the discussion from Slow insert records into the database: Actually, I’ve just realized how slow is the Database Multi Insert in Wappler, even with transactions as mentioned in my previous…

Need to refresh list of fields in DB manager automatically after changes applied

I think that applying DB changes is not completely obvious now. Let me explain. Suppose I have two targets: local and prod. Both of them connected to different external databases. I wanna make chang…

Double Click to open Server Action from within page App Panel?

Would it be possible to double click on a Server Action within the page App Panel to open the Action directly for editing?

Disable button or add spinner to dialogue when applying changes through DB manager

When applying new changes within the database manager a changes dialogue is shown as below If the changes are complex then it may take some time to apply all the changes and there is no indication …

Add a lowercase to file upload step

Small thing that would really help, adding a toLowerCase at image upload step. If it could perhaps do {name} and {ext} to lowercase it would be really handy. If I had this I would not need formatt…

Display current filename at top of Wappler window

This is related to a request made by @JonL some time ago - about the issue of having to hover over tabs frequently, to confirm files and paths. I hope this feature can be implemented at some point, b…

Ignore list for FTP when publishing to be set per project

At the moment you can define files and folders to ignore when FTPing on publish but this is global so is the same for all projects. Can we have an additional option at project level to set files and …

Open partial upon double-click

If you want to edit a partial, you need to manually open the partial page. I’m suggesting a feature that allows you to double-click on a partial while on any page that uses such partial, that would c…

Undock Interface Elements to Support Ultra Wide Monitors

Would be great if I could split out the interface and drag sections around my UWM. M

Tweak to shortcut for displaying projects panel

Ctrl+Shift+O is a very useful shortcut - it display the projects panel. I use it frequently, to switch projects. Unfortunately, this shortcut also displays this panel: … if the cursor is in code vi…

Database migrations, add nullable property

Edit: Jump to post #6 Database migrations, add nullable property Hello, I’m requesting the ability to add the “nullable” property when creating/changing table columns in the database manager. For N…

Define schema for object variables

We can store data as objects in variables, so that part is great. However, it would be great if we could reference the properties of those variables directly in the UI. I know we can still reference t…

Auto-save when Wappler's window is out-of-focus (reduce Repetitive Strain Injury!)

Edit: I did a slight edit on this post to bump this topic and attract more people to it. It seems auto-save is a neglected topic here, so I decided to bring Repetitive Strain Injury to the title and r…

Set Minium SDK/Target Android Versions

Another Mobile Feature Request! The ability within the Project to set: minSdkVersion ** targetSdkVersion ** Within the Mobile Project Settings, and commit to the build.gradle files for Cord…

Extend qs parameter limit in upload.js

@patrick Similar to what you did here: Can you extend the parameter limit as well, or make one/both of these configurable? From upload.js: req.body = qs.parse(encoded, { arra…

Argon Module for Node

Argon2 is now available for NodeJS as well.

Database Manager: create manual migration

Sometimes you need to create very specific migrations that are not covered in the UI. This FR is to add a Create manual migration in the context menu of Changes. It should open a template with th…

A UI Improvement suggestion

Hello Team Wappler, Sometimes I have a hard time locating some icons when I expand the App Panel to move the properties panel to the side of the app panel instead of beneath it. I suspect it is becau…

Asset manager integration with S3 providers

It would be cool if the asset manager was integrated with remote S3 compatible buckets. I can think of two ways: a) Full integration meaning you can connect to an S3 bucket, browse and select media …

Include custom scripts in design view for content pages

Hi @patrick, I believe this one is for you. I’ve got this simple formatter. dmx.Formatter('string', 't', function (key, options) { if (i18next.isInitialized) return i18next.t(key, options); …

Salesforce Integration

Just wondering how much interest there would be in Wappler integrating more with Salesforce.com similar to their Stripe integrations. I have been working on a Salesforce integration and running into …

Wappler and Shopify Integration

I believe it would be useful to have an explicit integration of Wappler with Shopify. In many applications that involve e-commerce tasks it is convenient to delegate authentication, payments, sales st…

Virtual way to control App Structure panel

As I am getting deeper and deeper into more complicated applications I am finding that I often land up breaking the App Structure panel because I am removing the classes it needs in order to display i…

Make action panel moveable

The panel is now moveable in Wappler 4.3.0. Make sure to enable the experimental features in Wappler General Settings.

Drag Dialog boxes

The dialog boxes are now draggable in Wappler 4.3.0. Make sure to enable the experimental features in Wappler General Settings.

Add a container, row and column with one click

Since the container / row / column triumvirate is the main building structure in BS, why not have an option in the elements and blocks modal that lets you select a container, row and one column with a…

Add project publish to docker repository

Please consider adding the publication of projects to the docker repository directly from wappler. For what: To simplify the possibility of project deployment on any VDS. Easy horizontal applicatio…

Project-Wappler version control for Wappler build updates

In Wappler 4.4.0 whenever there is an update available you will see a prompt asking you to update the files or no.

Geocode component in App Connect

There have been a number of conversations within the forum regrading address geocoding. While this is relatively simple to implement within an API a dedicated geocode component would be really useful…

Find in Project - default focus

This has been implemented in Wappler 4.4.0

Number of elements in each group in the "new element" window — do we really need it?

I mean they distract and occupy valuable space here. But is there some use of them? If not, maybe just delete them? Here is comparison With Without Which way is better?

Make BS5, AC, FA labels less conspicuous in list view when adding new element

In the “new element” window I prefer using list view, because it is more compact, therefore it is easier to go through elements. But the BS5, AC, FA tags look the same as titles, so they interrupt th…

Show latest line of the Output window when output is collapsed

I generally keep the Output and Terminal windows collapsed because of the height they take up but it’s really handy to see activity when publishing or just saving when working on a dev target. If that…

Azure hosting provider

It would be great to add Microsoft Azure platform as a supported hosting provider for Docker hosting.

When changing layout page on routing tab, auto change header in related page (node)

I have just has to make a number of updates to pages where the layout page had to be changes. In order to do so i had to change the head-page directive in the page and also update the route It would…

Website interactions and animations like Webflow

I’d like to have Website interactions and animations like Webflow has p.s. they also have a great ui for that.

Add Support for HTML Lazy Loading in Properties Pane

This has been added in Wappler 4.3.1

Download action files out of the server action API tree

It would be very helpful to be able to download action files directly out of the server action API tree instead of having to switch over to the file tree and click through all the folders and download…

Toggle for hiding and showing all comments

I love commenting but sometimes I just want to see a clear picture with only real steps in view. Also, don’t forget to check out the opposite FR: Toggle for hiding/showing all steps EXCEPT comments a…

Toggle for hiding/showing all steps EXCEPT comments and some structure-related steps

I find it quite convenient to describe all my SA and PF steps in comments. Sometimes I need to see all the real steps and comments simultaneously. Wappler already can do that. But sometimes I need t…

Add empty space under all SA steps in order to always keep properties near selected step

On the big monitors there is an inconvenience when you edit the last steps of the big SA. Because you’re looking at the bottom of the screen but properties are at the top of the screen. I see two p…

Get Selected Text from Select Control

Hi. I have found my self using the where functions a lot of times when I need to access the text part of a dynamically bound select html control. When we select something in the list based on text, …

SVG files support?

I’ve tested different svg code and it all works fine. The icon it is shown is because it could not load assets/images/background.png. What kind of project do you have and do you use document relative…

Window/panel position and resizing

Flow editor window is now resizable and moveable in Wappler 4.3.0. Make sure to enable the experimental features in Wappler General Settings.

Make Flow Editor Window Convenient To Use

Flow editor window is now resizable in Wappler 4.3.0. Make sure to enable the experimental features in Wappler General Settings.

Solidity please (worlds first low-code web3)

Pretty please Wappler team. This is a great article on what would be needed on top of the current Node server type. There isn’t a list long enough to harbour the reasons why this would be incredib…

Send SC debug to log file

Can we have an option to save the debug data to a log file on disk? Value should be a boolean, be target dependent and should be parseable from an $_ENV.variable

Add build 'release' to Mobile options and certificate path

Currently the default Build in Mobile is for Debug, would it be possible to change this to Release or add it, maybe a drop-down to select between Debug and Release? Also would it be possible to point…


Hello friends First, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent work done at Wappler. It´s fantastic! i’m a newbie and I come from another development tool called Windev/Webdev. One of the s…

Run a PHP script from within Server Connect

Following on from this thread: Could we have a Server Connect action which will run a PHP script locally (ie. not using a full URL) so we can keep it secure? Basically, having an action that’s ver…

Update Docker Droplets List

Hi. This is (probably) an easy one. Digital Ocean has new “Premium” offerrings which have a little better configuration. Please update the list to inclue the newer options.

New actions added at top, instead of bottom

This has been improved in Wappler 4.2.1

Target list - move to top of Wappler window

While v4 was in beta, I think it was mentioned that the Target list might be relocated - to the top of the Wappler window, next to the name of the current project. I think this would be a good idea, a…

Server side File Read / Write

I hope it works for you.

Option convert API action to Scheduled Action

Sometimes designing and programming server API actions can take a lot of time and when you need to convert/add Server API Action to Scheduled Action - you need to recreate everything from the beginnin…


I woud be happy, if wappler could implement the Full-text-Search Feature “CONTAINS” in SQL-Server. This Full-Text-Search is much faster than LIKE ‘%xyz%’. Is there any chance? An example SQL- String …

Keep tree open on refresh Server Action Workflows

When working with bigger projects we often have to reopen quite long file trees in the Server Action Workflows when a reload is needed. It would be great to keep the last status of the open tree aliv…

Google Places Autocomplete - Add more component data

I’ve been working on an address form using Google Places Autocomplete, and would like to be able to dynamically fill in the address form. There are multiple reasons why I would like to break up the ad…

Renaming files, replace all in the Project with the new name?

Would it be possible when renaming, lets say a page, or Server Action, for it to be searched and replaced within the Project directory in a unifiable manner? Obviously would need a warning dialogue t…

Change the color of the selected code in the editor

When working in code editor, the selected code in a code block can hardly be distinguished from the non selected code. Please change the color (maybe to blue as it was some versions ago?) It’s so d…

Add Project Folder Refresh On File Rename, Move

Files and folders listed in the file manager are automatically refreshed if they are renamed or got deleted. Do you see any cases that that doesn’t happen? Or do you mean other places?

Same JSON paste to Define API Schema for Global Input Variables

When working with many webhook services, to first test the return I might use something like webhook.site, beeceptor.com, postman, which will show me the entire JSON payload response from whichever AP…

Search In Files Panel

Hi. We already have file search option in the Server Actions & Pages panels. But the files panel is missing this functionality. It would be great if I could search here as well. The pages pan…

Multiple "password fields" for Security Provider

We’d like to extend our Wappler cms and it’s login system with the possibility for the user to also use a login-key (sent by SMS) instead of a password. As Security Provider accepts only one password…

App connect comments component

As Wappler grows and application get bigger I find myself more and more needing to add comments to pages via app connect in the same way as we can in Server Connect. After all, how many of us actuall…

Crazy idea for DB Manager addition - CRUD generation

What if… There is probably a badge for this one @Teodor … In the Database Manager you could: Select the table. Right click. Select from options such as ‘Create DB Insert’, ‘Create DB Update’, and …

Please Please Integrate Auth0 In Wappler for Node.js

So building out our own logging system is not the easiest or the safest thing to do in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong nay Sayers, Wappler does make it less crazy to implement one on your own and there…

Sort database queries on aggregated fields

Aggregated fields derived in a database query can’t be used to sort the output as they are not available in the field list for selection in the ‘Sorting’ tab. An example use case is two tables, custo…

Turn a DB insert step into an update step

Sometimes I have huge tables I am inserting data into, and they are in a condition, so if the record exists, update it, else, insert a new record. The insert and update steps are almost identical, so…

Applying dynamic styles to options in select list

I have a form including several select fields where a colour can be chosen, eg: I want these lists to be populated dynamically and have set up a table where the user can add colours and choose whic…

Strapi like database manager

Hello Everybody! I guess that we all have some trouble using Wappler’s database manager for creating new columns or tables right now. I’ve been using strapi for some time and I believe it’s a great …

Condition for fields in a database query

Conditions for fields are in Database Insert: Conditions for fields are in Database Update: But it is not clear why conditions for fields are missing in Database Query: This feature helps you…

Specific Documentation Describing All DMX Framework Updates and Bugs

As we know, Wappler is both a software product and a framework. The software helps us build our apps, but the framework is actually a huge part of our apps. When a new version of Wappler is released…

Copy to Clipboard Event

This has been added to Wappler 4.1.0

Api schema editor - Input Data too tight

Is it possible to have Input data names fileds resizable ?

Support nanoid for unique ID generation

I already implemented this with custom code for my project but as I’ve seen some people asking for UUID in the forum I thought I would open a FR for a similar but better approach to unique ids.

Add Password to Zip Processor in Server Connect

Please could password protect .zip archive be added to the Zip Processor options? I remember this thread a while back where @patrick provided a custom work-around to allow for this. Was hoping maybe…

"Success" event for app flows

Currently, you can only pick between “Start”, “Error”, and “Done”, which creates a problem if you are using an app flow for something like a bootbox prompt. As an example, I currently have a button t…

Export data to .ics

I have a current situation where I would like to export data from a recordset to .ics. We can already export to .cvs and there seems to be some third party converters out there. Ideally, exporting dir…

Formatters that only run when the triggering value changes

Today, we have these great formatters to display values/string in a different way. However, these formatters seems to constantly (re)run even if the base value/string has not changed. For example, i…

Please add find/replace in open files

Please add find/replace in open files

Database Joins AND | OR

Would be nice if using the database query builder to add multiple join conditions, if we could use an OR operator instead of only the AND operator. This would save me having to do many custom queries,…

Add formatting to first arguments in Query Conditions: PostgreSQL search case

As Patrick replied in my post that you have linked, they don’t plan to update the query builder anytime soon. Changing the left column is not a good option as it will make this UI very complex. The …

Paddle Integration

Stripe is great for payment processing but i’m pretty sure lacks the ability to deal effectively with the sale of digital goods and the associated complex tax calculations/payments. I use paddle for…

Option to select S3 storage class

Could the option to select an S3 storage class be added to the S3 upload/signed upload action or as an S3 provider configuration to apply to all S3 uploads for that provider (if set to AWS)?

Content Pages should inherit the App ID of the Layout Page?

Content pages should inherit the app id of the layout page otherwise there seems to be issues with the Local Storage Manager and Data Store, and possibly other Storage Manager Components. Edited to r…

Editor tab width custom size option

Can we get the tab width wider, I am finding that I may have 2 or 3 api tabs open and only the first 12 characters are shown followed by … Meaning I have to hover over the tab to see which one is whi…

Make the new Stripe redirect url available

This has been added to the UI in Wappler 4.0.2

In app list of shortcuts

This has been added to the Wappler menu:

Improve search and replace?

Please can search and replace be improved to include punctuation marks? Ie, search for, lets say its a Server Connect Action contained in all site pages: <dmx-serverconnect id="CheckSomething" url="…

Dynamic Data picker in Validate Server Action Step

Wondering if a Dynamic Data Picker can be added to Validation, Field Properties, as it perfectly allows dynamic data to be entered, and it works in real world testing, so would be great if there was a…

Calendar - Dynamic aspect ratio

If the aspect ratio for a calendar component is set to a larger number e.g. 2.05, on mobile it is placed in a scrollable container (hiding the second half of the month in month view) but looks great o…

Expose security permissions

In addition to this request which is an ongoing battle for me: And this one: It would be great to see the permissions exposed for use in conditions, etc. both on the server side and client. F…

Add Option to Reload Page via Browser

Isn’t browser go to -> browser.location.href working for you? Example: browser1.goto(browser1.location.href)

Add Aruba.it to Wappler cloud hosting providers list

Feature request I use successfully for some domains the Hetzner VPS Cloud server (with Ubuntu / Docker / NodeJs) But living in Italy I can highlight that most likely one of the most popular and used…

Time spent on project

Many digital audio workstation (DAW) software has an interesting counter - Time spend on project so that audio producer can check how much time he spent doing a music track. I know Wappler team is no…

Option to open last data binding

It would save a lot of time if there would be an option to open last data binding you’ve worked with.

Better JSON editor

I don’t like the JSON editor compared to lets say Postman. It’s clunky, and not nice to write in. At the very least the edit screen should be wider. I cannot even scroll to the right or manually widen…

Setting column widths for horizontal form inputs

When I insert a horizontal input, the default value is for the label column to be set at 2 cols and the input column to be set at 10 cols. This does not give me enough real state for the label. To …

Bring back the Server Actions pane

Really missing the ability to split view between the server actions/workflow pane and design/code/page view. I like the idea behind the tabs in V4 but my productivity has now dropped having to continu…

Mailer password field is always displayed

Hi Wappler, I just started using the mailer feature and I noticed that when inputting your credentials, the password field is not hidden: I would really like if it would act like a proper password…

Search Server Connect Actions

Search input has been added to server connect panel in Wappler 4.0

Project Folders List Open By Default

When I open my projects panel to select another project the pop up is empty (scared the crap out of me first time). I like to keep all my projects neatly organized in folders. Is it possible we can ha…

MD Bootstrap, Material Design

Would be nice to have Bootstrap Materialdesign, they have very nice cards and rich design and alot of wappler feature requests could be solved with that. But maybe its a „pro“ plugin…? gradients (…

Duplicate in code view

It would be nice to be able to CTRL + D a line in the code view to duplicate it, like in Notepad++ and other editors. Seeing as this is already in the design view, it seems weird to not have it in the…

Ability to see all element's styles in content page in NodeJS projects

At the moment it is working for layout pages in NodeJS and for any PHP page. But doesn’t work for content page in NodeJS

Class "chips" and search drop down

Hi, So we finally get the grasp of the way to work with wappler and love to have a super-fast design tool with amazing backend integration - spot on!! As we are designers first with let’s say databa…

Using OpenStreetMap as source to display Map & Marker(s)

Hi, Would it be possible to easely use one of the OpenStreetmap source to display OSM maps in webpage and Android App. ? *as well as letting end users adding few markers from their devices. I`m in …

Real Time Data Updates - With PHP

Unfortunately with the usual combination of PHP and Apache this is not possible. Sockets require an additional sockets server to be running and that is very difficult to do in the standard hosting con…

Alert when file didn't upload

This seems to be happening now. Not sure if it was just not happening for me for some reason, or if it was added.

Add Name to Validate Data step

Please display Name next to Validate Data to give it context. Currently to see its value, it has to be clicked. Thanks.

Dynamic data binding on upload and rename Template

If you create a file upload or a a file rename as action step, a Template field is used to be able to create a name pattern which is awesome but: Like in the picture, I inserted a dynamic data bind…

Parse AC expressions stored in backend as strings

It would be very useful if there were a way to tell Wappler to treat a string as a variable/expression to be parsed and evaluated where it would normally treat it as literal text. Eg if a string such…

Newer Google Fonts not Available in Theme Manager

This has been implemented in beta 11.

Server Connect Preview Position

This has been implemented in Wappler 4 beta 10

Wappler graphic interface light mode

This has been added in Wappler 4 Beta 11

Light theme for builder

This was implemented in Wappler 4 beta 11

Import MySQL Schemas

It may already be available…? How difficult would it be to allow for the import of database schema’s in to Wappler? Also on the flip-side to export schema’s as .sql files? Please vote if you feel t…

Ability to Rename Styles in Design Tab

I would love it if Wappler could allow the re-naming of a style from within the Design tab. Needing to change the name in the CSS and HTML I find to be a tedious and error prone process… and it involv…

Server Connect Save Image Formats

I am making an app where many images will be saved, I would like to start using next gen image formats for performance, such as WebP, but only have save options in server connect for jpg, png, gif or …

QoL for routing panel: Add data field in the properties panel(could be an advanced tab)

Show a field with the value of key “data” { "path": "/partner/register", "url": "", "routeType": "page", "layout": "partner/auth", "page": "partner/_register", "da…

Client Side Filtering like Server Action conditions

It would be great if we could have conditions for client side filtering of data views like the conditions for server action queries. Right now if you have a complex filter it’s difficult to manage an…

Remove Error Hovering from Show Hover On/Off

Currently if you turn off Show Hover it also turns off the hovering for errors. I think generally people always want to be able to hover over errors to see what they are so it would make more sense f…

AppConnect emmet-style hints and autocompletion in code view

Hi, I have been working with Wappler for more than two years now and I have become very familiar with its visual interface but even more with its Appconnect framework to the point that I don’t like to…

Add no close on click option to offcanvas (originally:Using datepicker in OffCanvas (BS5))

Can the datepicker element be used inside an offcanvas element? If you click on the datepicker the offcanvas closes. I tried removing the tabindex = "-1" which was required for some things in BS4 but…

Column width options in the form generator

When using the Bootstrap Form Generator (which is excellent) it creates it with the labels being 2-col width and the fields 10-col width. I often want to change this to something like 4-col and 8-col …

Easier opening of Query Builder, Flow Editor etc (less clicking)

It seems that more flexibility/functionality in Server Connect will be enabled in Wappler 4 with the option to double-click actions etc. There are other cases where a double-click option would save ti…

Files browser improvements

There are two kind of wapplers. Those that use the Page Manager and those that use the File Browser. I’m the latter and I suspect a lot of people are too. Two improvements for the file browser P…

New position for left sidebar and reorganization of icons

I’ve been thinking on how to make the most of the space in the UI. Specially since @brad told me that the new approach for small monitors is going to be challenging. So I want to propose this FR comb…

Infinite scroll

infinite scroll would be awesome guys

Infinite scrolling

Hi there, altough it is somehow possible, a nice addition would be infinite scrolling

Some ideas for the front-end app structure panel

I have seen that the Wappler team is working on a redesign of the graphical interface in many areas and it occurred to me to see that the front end part has not received some love for a long time, so …

Auto zoom and center on Google Map

Could we have a feature to set the zoom and center of a Google map automatically once the markers are all set?

Calendar External Event Drop

Would it be possible to add External Event Dropping to the Calendar? https://fullcalendar.io/docs/v4/external-dragging Custom Buttons would be cool too… https://fullcalendar.io/docs/customButtons H…

Jon's Wappler UI 4.x personal wishlist - Electron edition

This is not a topic to request break-away panels. So don’t even try! My wishlist once Electron branch is stable. Native toolbar. Get rid of all modals. Move their content into tabs. Modals are …

Improve Wappler UI to Show Server Model Relevent Options

Hi. With Wappler switching to Electron in version 4 and lots of changing happenning under the hood, I have a request to add to the improvements. There are various option in both client & server side…

Confirmation modal when exiting Wappler

I’ve just been working on a Bootstrap Form Generator and accidentally pressed cmd-q instead of cmd-a and Wappler just quit instantly losing what I’d already done. Could we have a confirmation dialog …

Required Components - Include Gradle install

For the users trying to create mobile applications could it be considered that Wappler installs the latest version of Gradle for the user during the System Check, as is the norm for Node etc…? It is …

Date and Time on SC debug mode

Hi, Can we get date and time logging on debug mode? server-connect:app (29/05/2020 12:06:01:345) would be just fine. In debug options add a field to set format. If unset just use ISO. Or if you…

Resize Images On-the-Fly With S3, Lambda, and API Gateway

I have been looking for solutions to serve optimized images using a CDN when I stumbled on this article: Reasons for wanting a better delivery of images are best outlined in this article: What Is …

Imap api

REST API for mail servers is rare, so the question is, maybe there are already plans to add a wappler module for working with IMAP mail? For example IMAP API integration?

Wappler 4 cache manager idea

So the other day I posted a feature request for redis cache upgrades but I’d like to expand the idea I’m now having, what if wappler had a new tab called cache manager it would be a 3 tab area like wh…

Redis cache upgrades

It would be great if we could have some more options for caches as currently I can’t reset/refresh caches on a per user or group basis. Using sockets was refreshing caches of all users as the next use…

How to create Composite Primary Key?

Hi Wappler Community, I am trying to figure out how to create a composite primary key in the wappler database. Can someone point me to the right resource or let me know how I can accomplish this? Th…

Server-Side Conditional - NodeJS

I just saw this thread and wondered if a client-side conditional component could be added to the UI to make implementing easier? I appreciate it’s not particularly difficult but there’s no visibility …

Advanced section for AC components

Based on some discussions we have had regarding Full Calendar implementation but it can apply to any AC component. Add an advanced multiline field that gets appended to the component’s options if …

Add the "Server Connect" Dynamic events to "Server Side Datas"

Hey there, I would like to add “Server Connect” dynamic events to the “Server Side Data” to create some Flows in case of the Server Connect returns a certain type of data or error for example but I c…

Add Hetzner Cloud as a Docker Machine Provider

Hetzner is now available in Wappler 3.7.7

I wish the app icons were in color

Hi, longtime Drumbeat/UltraDev/DMX user here. Iʻve been using Wappler the last few weeks. The icons on the left in the app are very difficult to discern one from another. Whatever symbology youʻre goi…

Chrome extensions

Can we create chrome extensions?

Video recording FE element for Wappler with actions

Hi team, With the way the web continues to forge ahead with video and audio I can’t help but think having some native Wappler Video recording / audio recording functions on the FE (accessing web cam,…

Amazon transfer directory/contents to S3 request?

Would it be possible to include the function to transfer a directory and its contents (using the –recursive flag) in the S3 options? Can do this using the Amazon CLI on the server side via terminal n…

Consideration for 4.0 - Server Action/App Flows selection

I am switching between projects to work on a desktop app and modify the API actions that feed it. A small(ish) annoyance that has crept in since adding the App Flows section to Workflows is that it re…

Convert Table To Wappler

If this is possible could we have a convert table feature in the database builder. I like to build my tables with phpmyadmin and they get imported to my local host docker great but when trying to copy…

Better Documentation for every feature in Wappler

Hey there, It’s been something a lot of people have already asked about: a better documentation. It would be great to have a short explanation at least for every feature we can see in Wappler. Somet…

Apps - Desktop/Mobile - Linked API project with ability to edit SC

I think it would be super useful for Mobile/Desktop projects to have the option of choosing a linked SC project for the SC panel in Wappler. You could then open the panel and adjust edit SC action fil…

Calendar Time Day View (columns by sources)

I would love to have the option to separate each calendar source in a different column in the Time Day view. I’m creating a sports facility scheduling application and I want to sources to the the cou…

QoL UI: Remember visible/hidden status of right panel when opening a new file

Sometimes I have to work on a laptop with a small screen. When that happens I want to get rid of the left and right panels in order to have code view taking all the space. Could you guys add a new se…

Editable Links (Design view)

A simple one, it would be faster if we could double click on a link element in design view to be able to change the default text from “Your link title”. There’s also no field in the sidebar under lin…

Warning when changing Docker DB type in Targets

So, I had a situation (that fortunately wasn’t as bad as it could have been) where I was trying to get a prod environment up and running with a new remote MySql db. In targets, changed DB Type in my …

Support formatters nested within a ternary

This has been added in Wappler 3.9.6

Default to Server Actions not App Flows

Please can we default the view back to Server Actions instead of App Flows? Not sure if there should be another button on the left vertical menu for App Flows as the tool-tip displays ‘Workflows’ ins…

Bootstrap 5 Icons in Wappler

Bootstrap Icons are now available in Wappler 3.9.5

Add (missing) options in Save Image step

I’ve just changed some old API files to use a Library file for image processing (I should use the Library more - it’s an excellent feature). Ideally, it would be helpful if all options could be sent …

Infinite Scroll (loading data fom server connect) Similar to Lazy Load

These days, mobile users EXPECT data to be loaded on scroll. Gone are the days of Pagination. PLEASE implement the “Infinite Scroll” feature so we can load our records a few at a time from large data…

FullCalendar - relatedEvents

Hi all, Would it be possible to have the relatedEvents properties implemented for eventDrop and eventResize? https://fullcalendar.io/docs/eventDrop https://fullcalendar.io/docs/eventResize

SEO: Dynamic data server action for robots meta tag

It is possible to set dynamic server side data binding to meta tags, except robots. It would be convenient to set this dynamically from a seo data table, like I do for other site pages based on url. A…

Wappler App Icon & Community Icon

Wappler’s icon has been updated on Mac

Define Data Store once across pages

I have multiple pages that need access to a data store but when adding the component to each page, the schema needs setting up to be available in the data picker despite it having the same name as giv…

Web Workers

Are there any plans to add the ability to have web workers scripts? I imagine it something like server connect actions except they can be run separately as web workers for heavy lifting background ta…

App connect component to access Server Sessions

In general Wappler offers an amazing array of methods for manipulating variables of all types within App Connect and Server Connect. However there remains two issues which I feel could be improved. …

PWA support

Hi to all the team and community. Just wanted to get a response from George or any team member about the PWA support, now that the most recent F7 4.4.0 is released in wappler v2, this feature would b…

Dynamic bindings in conditions of Permissions

Would be great if we could dynamically bind the value of a condition when setting up permissions. The use case here is a multi-tenant setup, where users can be members of multiple tenants, so their…

eCommerce/Shopping Cart

Full Stripe integration has been added to Wappler 3.9.0

Payment system integration, Stripe, PayPal

Full Stripe integration has been added to Wappler 3.9.0

WebDAV components

Hello Wappler team and community. Didn’t find components to integrate into the Wappler projects protocols: WebDav CalDAV CardDAV Why is this not implemented as Wappler components: It’s not safe? …

Search, find, replace improvements

I’d like to have an improved search, find, replace functionality. For bigger projects the current implementation is not really appropriate: No find/replace in open files In project search: no result…

SC Import From Form: Option To Import WITHOUT Validation

Been spending hours debugging my Insert Server Action. Most of the issue due to the dynamic inputs, repeats and client side validations that don’t work on server side but been imported to the script, …

Search table feature in Query Builder

I have hundreds of tables in my database and in Query Builder it takes a long time to find the correct table. I would like to have a search possibility integrated like in the Custom Query but only fo…

Integrating Zoom.us Video Calls/Chat

Hi team Wappler! Do you have existing documentation on how to integrate Zoom into Wappler pages through its API (OAuth and/or JWT). That would include: producing a meeting invite/link for 2 or mor…

Common node_modules Folder

We’re a dev shop. Have multiple projects running, few archived as well. And we’re moving into NodeJS. And Wappler is our choice of dev tool for over 2 years now. Having a node_modules folder common w…

Test values for Server Connect Library Actions

Would it be possible to persist test data in the API action (Define API Schema) section? I find myself having to enter multiple fields every time I make a change in the API Action UI. It is time-consu…

Git to FTP Wappler Integration

https://git-ftp.github.io/ If possible, it’d be great to integrate this in Wappler allowing for publish to FTP via Git - so that when we publish, only the changed files are uploaded to Git.

Equalto validation in SC UI

The equalto validation (and other validations) is there in the UI for password fields but not other field types. Could they be added to those?

Ionic Support

Just curious if Wappler plans to support Ionic framework in addition to Framework7 in the future?

Can we have d-none d-print-block visible with AC mode off?

Currently element with d-none d-print-block is not visible in Design View. I know it’s more of CSS thing than AC thing but since we don’t have disabled style mode like in DW it will be helpful if the…

Upload option when right click on tab

Sometimes I need to manually upload a file I am working on. Currently I need to go open the site manager, browse through various folders, look for the file, right click and then click upload. By add…

Remove/don't render conditional region tag in DOM

Is this even possible @patrick? Is it possible to add a boolean to the conditional component so when true it doesn’t add the tag or removes it from the DOM when the condition is not met? i.e. If con…

Add dmx-repeat expression binding to UI for table headers and data

i.e. <th dmx-repeat:repeat1="array1"></th> <td dmx-repeat:repeat2="array2"></td> It works on code.

Shift + Enter as New Line \n in SC Design Input

This is just a simple request. I’m passing parameter with text value that contains few lines. Shift+Enter from the design input doesn’t add \n into the json file. Please add this as feature. Thanks.

Could server model be a compulsory question for all posts here?

Not sure if I should put this in the feature request category as it’s really related to this community site rather than Wappler. Could there be a compulsary field/tag/category for all posts started h…

Option to set and forget - "Open All Pages in Code View"

This has been implemented in Wappler 3.7.7, now you can select a preferred default view in Wappler General Settings.

Open Page in Code View When Opened From Search

This has been implemented in Wappler 3.7.7

Disable App Connect and show Split View as default when opening a file

This is now implemented in Wappler 3.7.7 You can select the default view: code, design or split and you can also select to disable app connect mode in Wappler General Settings.

How to get SC to return success regardless of Exec status?

I have an SC with Exec that sends email. Can I get my SC to return success without considering the status of the Exec? The problem I have is the email execution will take a bit longer and that affects…

Add Database schema tables as an advance option to the different query types

Add an advance checkbox/filter/whatever so we can query database tables like INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS Right now I’m doing this via custom query but it would be nice to access them from the UI for…

Undo in Flow Editor and Server Actions - Or Separate The Delete and Duplicate Icons!

Please please oh pretty please can we have an undo feature in the Flow and Server Action editors? Or at the very least can we move the icons so that Delete and Duplicate aren’t next to each other? Or…

File sync order on publish

When publishing, wappler currently goes through all the folders one by one and at the end syncs the files in root folder. I suggest it syncs the files first, then style folder, then api folder, then …

Extend Server Connect Security Provider/Restrict

FR to add to the Server Connect Extensibility the possibility to plug into Security Provider and Restrict as this is limiting certain scenarios. I made some comments in the past about it but I never …

Autocomplete - Turn off forced selection and show different data/html in the suggestion list

When I’ve used autocomplete plugins before, they usually had the ability to have the dropdown suggestion show different information in the results than what gets entered into the text field upon selec…

(Re)Add Test button to server connect db panel

Didn’t we previously have the ability to test a server connect db connection (not direct)? Testing this connection is just as necessary as a direct connection test.

Moving elements in the app structure

It’s a major PITA to move elements around in the app structure and place them at the right spot. Can we have buttons to put them one spot higher or lower in the tree structure, or a keyboard shortcut…

Add Wappler shortcut keys to the main menu

It would be great to have a link to the shortcut keys as a menu item.

Duplicating Set Value Server Action Set Value Steps - Not Add '_copy'

I’ve created 1000s of lines of server actions now, and on so many occasions I am copying a Set Value step because I want to assign the same variable a different value in a different situation… and eac…

Link types - please add mailto and tel to UI

Hi, Small and low priority one here - I thought it could be useful if when we add a link we can add the link type in the UI, instead of manually editing the code to include mailto: or tel:.

Add Condition If Action

Please consider adding a Condition If action similar to Condition action without the Else section. Often I have a condition when failed returns a Response action thus no need to specify the Else sect…

Single button to fold all side panels

I am working a lot on my laptop, meaning I am collapsing and opening the side panels (app structure on the right and files on the left) to get a good size coding view. Would it be an idea to add a “f…

Custom keyboard shortcuts - e.g. disable all action steps?

Hi all, It gets pretty tiring to point and click all the time as the project gets bigger, tremendously slowing down the workflow. Is there a way to enable/disable all action steps? Better yet, …

Change (default) index.js to app.js for Node Projects

Please can the default file for Node be changed to app.js instead of index.js? Seems many have the same issues and have to rename the file upon upload. Just a suggestion.

Add Font Awesome Framework

Font Awesome was added to Wappler 2 years ago.

Dynamically replace parts of JSON for server-side API action

This has been implemented in Wappler 2.4.3

Search Data Bindings/Available Actions

This has been added to Wappler a while back.

Call external javascript in Flow

This has been implemented in Wappler a while back.

Restrict Product and Staging Environments to Publish Only

This has been integrated in Wappler 3.7.3 No files will be auto uploaded on Staging and Production targets, but only on Development ones. You can either manually upload using the file manager, or us…

Formatter to produce array for IN queries

At the moment, it seems like the best way to produce an array of values from a previous query is to use a combination of formatters (groupyby and keys / join and split). It would be great if there was…

Java Spring backend?

Are there any plans to do something like a Java Spring backend in order to use Wrappler in some enterprise environments? It supports REST/gRPC/GraphQL/WebSockets all that jazz.

Additional option for new tabs context menus

I’m very pleased to see the new tabs functionality - thanks! I requested this in October '17 and was thinking of asking again. There is one extra option which I would find really useful: I’ll cont…

DB Manager Apply Latest changes should apply Undo Actions

The DB manager currently has the option of Apply the Latest Changes, which performs any items listed in the Changes which have not yet been applied. This is great for apply a series of changes made i…

Add New option for autocomplete

This has been added to Autocomplete in Wappler 3.7.2

Add 'alert-link' for Alerts

Link without a class: Link with alert-link class:

PHP Session Variables Implemented in a Browser Tab Independent Way

After building some huge server actions based on passing server side information through PHP session variables, I have found out that these values are shared between versions of my app running in diff…

Expand API Form HTTP methods

Hi, Given some APIs use POST, some use PUT, and some use PATCH for updating records, it would be great to have more then GET and POST methods for the API form. Regards, Andy

File Delete using wildcard

Could the File Remove action be expanded to allow wildcards? eg. {id}.*

Summernote Add-Ons - Dynamic Events

Kudos for the recent improvement to dmx-summernote with : - Added mediadelete event to summernote component Added also the deleted image src as event data Now I just realized other important featur…

Light/Dark mode toggle on new Docs site

It would be great to toggle between Light and Dark mode for the new Docs site, just like I can change the setting in the forums.

Google Maps

Hi. I literally just did this a week ago or so. You can make use of ‘split’ formatter to get all this right now. So, whatever the name of your autocomplete field is, it should have something called…

Cloud Service Tutorial

Not so much feature request as a tutorial request. I’d love to see a tutorial on using Wappler with Cloud provided virtual machines, such as Google cloud. Including implementation with Cloud database …

Option for Globals at end of API execution

If I understand correctly, the global steps are always run BEFORE the API actions. This request is for the option to run AFTER the API actions. Use case involves the identity action in global steps. …

Wappler Background Video Fallback image

I think it would be amazing if the Wappler built in Background Video component had a way to set a fallback image, similar to how “poster” image shows even when the video is actually missing.

Dmx-on: Executing on Dynamic Event

Can we have dmx-on:executing and processing here? It will be useful to have one even on executing rather to set on start, on success, on error event etc. : usage example for disabling element or showi…

Display property for Bootstrap 5

Now that BS5 has been included, it may be time to include a full list of display options. Especially now that GRID has been included. At the moment, the display options are split and give options f…

Image processor: opacity effect

We’re currently implementing a placeholder generator and it would be nice to have an image processor that allows to add opacity to the image (watermark).

Conditional region : on shown / hidden

Not sure this is a valid request but… I’m loading a function by conditional region on show. While there’s no output error the element supposed to be rendered is not rendered properly until when I add …

Disable MySQL strict mode at runtime level on connection file

Most enterprise environments will not give super user privileges and will enforce strict level on MySQL/MariaDB that can only be changed at runtime or session level by issuing a command such as sql-mo…

Splice under Data Formats > Manipulation

Can we have splice method under Data Formats > Manipulation. I’m doing some calculation that needs split and splice functions on client side for example on input 1 value = 4.33 I want to set value of…

Two Factor Authentication - Google Authenticator or Authy

It would be great to have a 2FA module in Wappler based on at least one of Google Authenticator or Authy. I really need this to be an essential part of my app’s security! See other discussions about…

SC Data Picker - Save Image doesn't show name

The Save Image API step doesn’t display its name in the data picker: displaying the name would help identify it in complex API files

Copy Function on Action Toolbar

One thing I find myself doing a lot, is wanting to reuse certain components I’ve put together when creating partials or views. Having the ability to be able to copy from the Action Toolbar and paste…

Creative Commons Asset Manager Integration

One feature which would save developers a lot of time would be integrating services like Pexels, Pixabay, etc., which offer images, audio, and video for free usage. It would also be great to have the …

Add API to Globals

I have to add the same Authorization header and Accept header (otherwise the response returns as text/plain) to my API action steps. Please consider adding API to Globals sot they can be defined once.…

Click on partial component in App Structure open the view

When you need to go on a partial from your layout for example, you need to switch to the Site Manager panel and find your file. Instead, I propose to allow a shortcut somehow (double click for exampl…

Stop Auto Collapsing Tree and Add Open All/Close All

In the App Structure the automatic closing of the tree is super frustrating. I end up having to spend a lot of time re-opening branches because I changed something up the tree. Honestly, I don’t und…

Add Deno

Deno was released in May of this year. In order to future proof our projects, it would be great of the Deno framework was added to Wappler.

Batch up-/downloader

We’ve got about 15 projects with the same cms and therefore same server connect code. As we regularly update the code we have to up-/download the files manually quite a lot which takes a lot of time. …

Remove Unused Class/ID Styles

Now that the incredible new design panel is live in v1.9.2 - I am ecstatic. thank you. would like to request an improvement further to this: ability to remove unused Class/ID styles. by unused i mea…

Flow Data Binding Defaults to The Flow Itself

When accessing the data bindings window in a flow (so for example if you bring up a Conditional element), it would make life soooo much easier if the Data Bindings window defaulted to the flow itself,…

Card with Tabs

I have created a card with tabbed panels. The result compared to Wappler’s Tabs with Nav: The problem is that I needed to code it, there is no way to do this using the Wappler method. The code:

Add Helmet to Express

I was looking through the security best practices for Express. It looks like Wappler is doing some of them. One that seems easy, is using Helmet. Could this be added? https://expressjs.com/en/advance…

Undo Jump to Line

Implemented in Wappler 3.5.7

Can we have CSS Pseudo-elements and Selectors in styles panel?

Will be much useful if we can directly edit selector::pseudo-element { property:value; } on styles panel without having to open and edit the style sheet.

Right click to Paste in code edit

Not sure if this should be a bug report or a feature request? If I am in code view/split view if I right click some selected code and then right click it I can copy or cut, but then when I go to righ…

Add Git Stash/Stash List/Stash Apply

Would be great to be able to stash changes instead of always having to do a commit from within Wappler. For anybody wondering what Git Stash is: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Stashing-and…

jQuery Latest Version

Would it be possible to add support for jQuery 3.5.1? Version 3.4.1 is showing as having an XSS vulnerability.

Invisible reCAPTCHA

My clients are complaining about the reCAPTCHA saying that it keeps their users from using the forms. An invisible reCAPTCHA could be a possible solution.

Change height of Split view

It would be nice to be able to click and drag the height of the horizontal code panel in split view, similar to the inspector panel in Chrome DevTools

Name elements in Framework7

It would be great if we could add ids to all the elements in Framework7. I’m starting to get a lot of elements on the page and not being able to distinguish which one is which is getting difficult. …

Alert for Debug enabled in Server Connect?

Have seen others mention it, and I too forget, that sometimes Debug is selected in Server Connect… Not fun when you remember at 3.30am in a warm bed on a cold night, then you know you have to get up …

Responsive Email Templates

Anyone have any luck creating responsive email templates with Wappler? Or know a good source to get one that can be edited in Wappler? Perhaps that is something that could be added to Wappler - a res…

JS-coroutines: 60 fps in parallel with a lot of work and animation

This is not about JS acceleration. This is about speeding up the web application for the end user’s perception. Users (including yourself) perceive the performance of a web application not by perfo…

Auto sync files to Electron directory/files

I’m building a Desktop app using Electron. I’ve installed the electon-reloader package and it works well if I manually edit the duplicated file that Wappler creates under the electron directory, but I…

Add queries under globals in Server Connect (in place of linked actions)

First, I just want to say that I love the new SC approach with globals. I use the linked actions feature of Server Connect quite a lot but since 3.5+ it doesn’t seem to be an option anymore (the chai…

Upgrading Fullcalendar from 4.4.x to 5.x

Hey, I’d like to propose updating fullcalendar to version 5.x. One of the biggest benefits in my particular case is that it will allow my users to view all day events along with standard events on t…

Wappler Bug Report Template: Add Server Model and Database

As I read through user posts regarding bugs or issues, one thing I see pop up time and time again is a question about what server model or database are you using. Could we get that info added to the …

Add signature pad control to allow users to sign their names

It would be nice if we had the ability to easily insert a user signature control to allow users to sign documents. Something like this: https://willowsystems.github.io/jSignature/#/demo/ This is my…

Python Support

Would like to have support for python, much like your node implementation.

Left Join ON parameter value

I’m requesting that left Joining from a parameter be supported - right now it only supports field values:

Move database fields in BS4 Generators and Queries

Sometimes when creating a form or table using the BS4 generator you might want to have the fields in a different order than they are in the query. It might be nice to have the option of moving fields…

'Drop Zone' type functionality, to build Kanban natively in Wappler

Hey team, There seems to be a few npm packages for kanban boards, but I always prefer to build with native Wappler functionality. I think if there was a way to introduce a ‘drop zone’ type function, …

Add ability to make Choropleth Maps / Visualisation within Wappler

Few days ago I found out it is not possible to build choropleth maps which are very popular these days for data visualizations entirely within wappler. see this topic I am hoping this request will ge…

Dynamic & Static Events for Conditional Region on Show / Hide

Hi. Is it possible to have Dynamic and Static Events for Conditional Region on Show / Hide, just like the ones we have for Dynamic Collapses. The reason for this request is that, event script located …

"Partial" Parameters

I want to make dynamic items, like a table, which I can configure across pages, but there’s no way to include variables across partials that can also be seen by Wappler (at least not without fancy cod…

API Action Authorization

There is no option for CURLAUTH_DIGEST in Api Action authorization. there is only “Username” option (CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC) dmxConnectLib\modules\api.php line 112. After any update i ma…

When delete a file

When delete a file in wappler project it deletes in local, i want wappler to delete that file at target also.

Project Setting - 404 Page

Could we have a setting, in target/project settings where we designate a default 404 page? Wappler could then add the necessary htaccess/routing rules to direct to that page?

Send Email to Multiple Recipients - TO CC BCC

Multiple CC and BCC are now available in Wappler 3.5.0 You can enter them as a comma separated list.

Swiper slide delay

Hi, i would like to see a new field on swiper to change the speed of the slides, not just the speed of the transition. I think is super important to have that.

Merge App Structure and DOM views

Would it be possible for the tree to recognize all elements even if it doesn’t translate to a pre-defined Wappler element. I assume that you guys are working hard to try to add as many as possible. B…

"Open Server Action" button for Form and Server Connect

I am forever flitting between pages and various elements on each page making minor changes. The one thing that I spend time on is looking for the right Server Action in which I need to update action s…

Productivity - Database Manager

When creating the table, have the primary key default to the table name When adding a column, if the column is suffixed with _id, default it to an integer When adding a column, if the column is suffi…

Productivity - Server Connect

Here’s some enhancement requests for server connect: Big Project Automatically create APIs like Dreamfactory (you create your database table and DF automatically creates APIs for CRUD. They also ha…

Inspect flag to debug

Add an icon to start an additional process with inspect flag. Now that we are fiddling with extensibility we will probably need to debug more than once our own code. I normally handle this via termi…

UI extensibilty

We are getting SC, AC and Framework extensibility. I just opened this FR Inspect flag to debug that gave me an idea. Why not UI extensibility at some point? We can create custom buttons and icons wi…

Page variable object properties

Hi, I just found out how to add a variable as an object on the page, which is really cool, but it would be nice if Wappler could detect the object and parse out the properties. I can bind to the varia…

Deprecate Unsaved Action Prompt When File Is Uploading

Hi. After saving a server action, it automatically starts uploading to the FTP remote target. While its uploading, if I try to open another server action, I get this unsaved prompt, which is unnec…

Server Connect from Server Connect

I would like to simplify my SC files and thought of an idea that might be of use. I seem to end up with lots of SC actions with steps that are the same as others (updating a user, updating an address…

Option for non-case-sensitive username input in Security Provider

Could we have a tick-box for ‘Case sensitive’ on the username field in Security Provider?

Custom functions

One thing that bubble gets right is facilitating the use of custom functions and making the result available for further use within Bubble’s workflow Functions are made up of three main elements as y…

Material, Basic pages, other Frameworks

Please please please can we have support for other Frameworks outside of Bootstrap! Even support for adding components to straight forward HTML pages would be great! Have just commented on a thread: …

Wappler CDN as source

I would really love it if Wappler .js files and .css files were also available from the StackPath CDN like Bootstrap, Bootswatch, FontAwesome, etc. If all the Wappler libraries were available on the …

AC Component: Json Editor

Could be interesting for people working with json data.

Branch visibility

Would love to clearer see the currently active git branch while working anywhere in the editor. To go further, even a popup when switching projects, or opening the editor as a reminder of the branch.…

Add encodeURIComponent() and decodeURIComponent()

Useful to encode and decode encrypted parameters that are going to be moving between backend, frontend and APIs. For now I will create a custom formatters but this is something that sooner or later s…

Design panel

As far as I’ve been working with the Design panel, I’ve noticed that there are many, many CSS rules that can’t be achieved as there are many properties that are not available. For example, I can’t add…

UI Zoom wishlist

Hi there! I’m getting to know Wappler and I’d love to have a UI zoom in/out option

Add Globals from Data Bindings panel

It would be a great time-saver if we could add Globals while in the query builder: I always find myself on the Conditions tab wishing I could just create a GET/POST var rather than going back to th…

Location of -> Where Function Be Consistent on Server and App Side

On the Server Side, the “->Where” function is under the “Collections” menu, which is what I would expect. On the Client Side, I didn’t think the menus had a “->Where” function as it was not listed in…

File dates in the file Manager

I really really need file dates in the file manager. I have a huge site that I work on and now there is a second person that does some work on it also. The other person only does some secondary stati…

Action Steps Debug - manual Step through of Action Steps in Wappler for debug & testing & learning

At the risk of being laughed off the forum I want to know if this is something you can do now or is it a feature request. In Bubble there was a great debug feature that allows you to run a server ac…

Autocomplete - option to delay matching

The autocomplete component starts matching as soon as the first character is typed; it’s unlikely this will ever by very useful. With large data sets, matching can be very slow initially - because of…

Show the layout in Preview mode for Node JS projects

Hello everybody, First feature request here, I’m loving the design/code view in wappler. They bring so much speed and power to the website creation. But the designer view loose all it’s usage when w…

Automatically have style.css attached to new page

It is such a pleasure when creating a new page with Wappler, all of the frameworks and associated CSS and JS is automatically added. The only niggly item is the custom style sheet that has to be manua…

Docker Machine for Linode or Vultr

Linode and Vultr support has been added in Wappler 3.3.3

Create custom docker machine with traefik and lets encrypt in Wappler GUI

I think it would be nice to be able to create custom docker machine with traefik and letsencrypt. Same as the integrated ones with digital ocean and Linode. I have my own bare metal server and to ad…

Add POST option to flow Server Connect

I want to use a flow to send data to Server Connect (not via form submit) but need to do so via POST because of the character limit of GET, could you add the option to choose between $_GET and $_POST …

Notification within favicon?

Maybe a nice feature would be Notification in favicon :- )

Support for Cordova CLI local installation

This was implemented in Wappler - there is a global setting to enable it.

Mailer function for Static Website

Even a static website needs a mailer function for the contact form. Would it be possible to include the likes of NodeMailer?

Save prompt in DB manager

I have just been working on setting up a DB in DB Manager. Having added loads of tables and fields, I wanted to change some to not NULL. The option is under the ‘advanced’ section however, when you sw…

Include HTML file for static website

Wanting to guide newbies to using Firebase, I came across the problem of SSI’s. Would it be possible to have this facilitated within Wappler? I have found a solution. Problem is that I will scare new…

Perfect Scroll Bar For Table

Perfect Scroll (or alternative) bar usage tables is also a very useful simple plugin but not included in wappler yet. It would be nice to be added to Wappler.

Adding FeathersJS into Wappler for quickly building node apps

Not too long ago (when Wappler didn’t have node.js) I was very close to building an app using FeathersJS simply because it automatically created a CRUD REST API whenever you created a table in the dat…

Video component server connect

We already have image component, could you add video component in server connect : trim, scale, extract picture, save, convert…

Ability to show the project in a browser when no server has been selected

By the way in the next update of Wappler we will always run a local server for serving the Wappler project. So then just going to http://localhost:12345 will give you your current project in Wappler,…

[NodeJS] Support for APIs retrieving objects

Hi guys, I was giving a try to the Google Places Autocomplete API but I found a limitation due to the usage of the follow-redirect NPM package. The reason is that this package or module does not supp…

Google Places Autocomplete component

Google Places Autocomplete has been integrated in Wappler 3.3.0

Add Repeat Properties to Vertical Orientation in the Table Generator

The Table Generator creates wonderful looking tables in a horizontal orientation. However, when one selects a vertical orientation, only the first record appears. This is crucial when displaying table…

Dockable or "Break Away" panels

So, first of all, @George and his team has done an amazing job making the interface as simple and easy to use as possible, and it works great on single monitors. It works even if you have some wides…

Automatic Tree Expansion

As I am developing I found something that is extremely annoying to me and perhaps others as well. It’s the issue of having to click my way through each level of a tree. This can take me down 7 or 8 le…

Name the Dynamic Collapse

Just a feature request on a great program: On the “Available Actions” window, can we please have the ID of our Dynamic Collapse listed? Right now it just says “Dynamic Collapse” and when I have 3, 4…

Regex on Server Side

Hi in a recent(ish) thread I was looking for a way to extract an ID and I received great help on how to do it here Extract an ID using regex. However, something that I really needed was for there to b…

Server Action to Copy A Table Row

My users are able to copy various items within their database and then edit the copy… for example an event definition. It would be really useful if there was a server action “Database Insert Copy” wh…

Make Custom Blocks

Has anyone requested for Custom Block function? Just like wappler block but the ones we created and customised ourselves. I think it will be great to have option ‘make custom block’ to an element and …

'In Use' Server Connect number

Not a big one - but it could be a great feature to avoid any accidental deletes of Server Connects (epecially for larger projects) if in the Server Connect Tab there is a number, or even just a icon o…

Server sided code templates

We are working with a huge cms in multiple projects. As we have to change/improve/extend this regularly it would be a great help if it would be possible to save parts of server side code into template…

Please enhanceDropzone

There is so few features in dropzone comparing to the original … do you have tme to improve it to catch back (you already told that only the name is common), because it coul d a very good feature. W…


hi there, i wonder if it is possible to add Leaflet to Wappler. I use it a lot and i think Wappler can really benefit from adding it to its features. Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript…

More Clarity in Layout of The Data Formats Expression Editor for Creating Complex Expressions

I’ve been using Wappler for 5 months, and I have never been able to relate to how the menus are used to create a complex expression… which has lead me to edit expressions in code more often than I wou…

S3 put file Enhacement

When you put a file to S3, you receive a message from the server, like the full filename for instance. Is it possible to access this before inserting the result to the database ?

Add HTML Comment around components

It would be useful to have a “hide component” button in the app structure, i.e. adding <!-- --> to the code. For example next to the delete button:

Server Action Error Highlighting

I just had a 200 step Server Action throwing an error and it took a long time to fix as there is no indication of which line of the Server Action the error is on! Anything the Wappler technology can …

Ghost.org open source integration (headless cms)

Revised feature request as per the title.

Fullcalendar: Make it possible to configure Header & Footer

Please make it visually possible to configure calendar Header and Footer. For example I need to set up calendar with header and footer such follows: header: { left: "title", center: "", right: "list…

On press Dynamic event

I know it’s possible to do this with jquery but would be great if done via Wappler UI. I was also looking at integrating hammer.js. I would like to execute the action of a touch screen press after so…

Toggle multiple classes same condition

Using a comma to separate them, for example: background-color-white, font-color-black I’m designing some darkmode feature, it’s tidious to create separate class-toggle dynamic attributes for the sam…

Allowed Dates - Date Picker

I would like to add a date picker that only allows certain dates to be picked (from SC query). There is an option for a data source for invalid dates, would it be possible to add the same for ‘Allowed…

Option for "Restore Previous Version"

I think should be a good idea to have the possibility to restore the previous version if something go wrong and we don’t have a backup (Wappler is updated every week and this option would allow us to …

Share/sync routes and theme files via Wappler

It would be very helpful if there were a file share/sync function where Wappler updates routes and theme base files via the webserver. At the moment we have to send thes files by email and we are neve…

Upload Files to API via Server Connect

presently, we can upload file(s) to own server using Server Connect via Forms. (ref: Uploading Multiple Files To Your Server) this is good, thank you. the request: please add a feature to allow to u…

History in Server Actions / undo

It would really be awesome if we had an ability to undo changes made in action scripts. I don’t know how many times i changed something and then DAMN, I messed something up. But it would be nice if …

Upload files to Amazon S3 or Digital Ocean Spaces

Please check Using S3 Connector S3 support for AWS and DO has been added in Wappler 3.1.0

User Definable Bootstrap Paths

That’s now available in Wappler 3.1

Custom paths for bootstrap/fontawesome, is it possible?

That’s been integrated in Wappler 3.1

Templates for Server Connect

I’ve realised that there are sequences I do very regularly when creating a new server connect script. Database Connection…Security Provider…Security Restrict are three things that generally go at the…

Double click to open properties

Please enable double clicking to open properties, instead of clicking on the action/step/component and scrolling down to click the button to open it. Here are some examples: Server Connect > Select S…

Three small suggestions

Hey guys, Thanks for making one of the best tool to easily create any App possible! Here are three small suggestions I would like to be implemented in the next versions: Being able to change the …

Make RestApi

i want this feature. Can make restapi directly from wappler. This will really help us who become fullstack developer. Thanks

Provide source in Define Schema

In a server action > api action, we can currently provide the source in order to generated the schema…works great! I’d like to have the same ability in a set value action. We can currently manually …

Crypto for client-side

Would it be possible to add some Crypto formatting, something like the crypto.js library, to the client-side data-pickers?

Option to reload data each time route is visited

It would be great if there was an option for content pages to reload all Server Connect and API data within the content page when a route is loaded (obviously excluding those marked as no-load).

Custom & Favourite Formatters

Can we have option to save and reuse custom format (for example date format) and star or bookmark frequently use formatter so that it’s easier to access and apply? No need to manually write date forma…

Remove (on paid plan) Wappler/DMX references from codebase

Hi team, I’m certainly not against credit where it’s due (and a lot of credit is due to the team), but it would be a nice as a paid feature to anonymise Wappler/DMX references in the codebase.

Big ask... Auto adjust item references

I am working on a project and want to move a whole load of elements (server connects, flows, variables, forms, repeats etc.) into a conditional region but when I move them, all of their references wit…

Database Query Has Incorrect Fields Search/Warning Feature

My design and build phases of development are intermixed. Which means I often change database fields as I design because I want to leave my design with a perfectly named and structured database. But…

Background CSS for routed content page editing

It would be nice to be able to apply a stylesheet to routed content pages just for the purpose of design and editing. Something silent in the backend that runs in the app, but is not applied to the ph…

Field Caption should not be changed into lower case in Table Column Header

I have the following fields name in my database: Nomor_Trip Nomor_SPJ Nomor_DSK and in the table column header, it become: Nomor trip Nomor spj Nomor dsk I don’t want and don’t like Wappler chan…

React.js support

Hey team, any plans to support React in the near future? Matt

Scroll to highlighted item in Data Bindings

Would be great if when opening the Data Bindings panel, it would scroll to the highlighted item. Currently it opens like this: Would be great to see this: There was no change in the screenshots…

Grouping in formatter tags

*Perhaps a feature request Wappler Version : 2.9.0 (EXPERIMENTAL ON) Operating System : 10.15 Expected behavior When concatenating two strings, I should be able to perform another action on the ult…

Ability to open any PHP file in browser

If I want to create a plain PHP file - ie without using App Connect, eg to call as an API from server connect - it would be very useful if it could be opened from within Wappler. I hit F12 expecting t…

Records per Page option in Bootstrap 4 Paging Generator

Hi, I have been evaluating Wappler v3.0.0, especially for Bootstrap 4 Paging Generator. I did not find “Record per Page” option in this generator. So please, add this “Record per Page” option so we c…

Available actions show ID of Dynamic Collapse

When in Available Actions it would be great if we could see the ID of a Dynamic Collapse. If you are working on a page that has many of them, it is frustrating finding which one you need when you add…

SOAP Support

I have a real need (and I have a feeling I’m not the only one) for Wappler to support SOAP. I know SOAP is old, but there are a number of sites that just use SOAP and are not going to change to JSON. …

Horizontal Tabs to see all open files Still Needed--Refreshing

When I open a project where my last view in the File Manager had more than 6 files open when I saved and quit I can’t get access to the files on the Left side of the File Tabs. I don’t even know if t…

Option for defaulting to File Manager view

This is fixed in RC4. Works wonderfully now. Especially with the panel even staying open on project switch. Nicely done.

Enhance the Search and Replace capability

Hi, I’d like to propose the following enhancement to Wappler’s search and replace capability, the one that is invoked clicking on the magnifying glass on the left vertical menu, under Theme managemen…

Show which pages are using server action

I find that I need to edit a server action but am unsure if it will affect other pages that might use the same action. It would be useful to see which pages/locations are currently using or have linke…

Bigger, wider or expandable Data Binding code view

Can we have this Code View expandable (not just scrollable) so that it’s easier to use for a long and more complex code.

Context menu item to upload ALL Server Actions

We already have a context menu to upload an individual Server Action and a context menu to upload a folder of Server Actions but I would like to be able to upload ALL Server Actions, currently n…

Add timestamps and dropTimestamps support in table properties

This is probably something people will enjoy having in the database manager. timestamps — table.timestamps([useTimestamps], [defaultToNow]) Adds created_at and updated_at columns on the database, se…

Styles panel - disabling CSS rules

One of the most useful features of the browser developer tools is the inspector - eg for working out what CSS rules are affecting items on the page. The ability to disable rules is particularly useful…

Show Large Banner When Server Action Set to Debug Mode To Avoid Security Exposure

Did you know… That if you have the debug mode set to ON for your server actions, then in certain circumstances your database password is revealed in the Chrome Networking Console? So the first point…

Add cookies to Flow manager

Pretty self-explanatory, please add cookie management to the Flow manager. Sessions are currently available but no option for set or remove cookie.

Image processor options - create square images

It would be useful if an additional option were added to the Resize Image action step - to create square images, with the option of selecting a background colour. As far as I can see, there isn’t such…

NodeJS and HTTP/2

Is it posible to get NodeJS to serve HTTP/2 as default?

Sitemap builder, user flows, personas tools

I’d love to have something like this as part of Wappler: https://flowmapp.com/ Create a project on a visual sitemap with direct connection to build basic pages, having a UserFlow to design/define log…

Template Engine Support For Wappler

Hello @George, What do you think about template engine support in wappler ? Maybe you can add Smarty or another compatible template engine system .

Keep focus on parent app-tree element, when visually choosing an enclosed child dom-tree element

While we keep re-assessing the philosophy of having a single-tree vs separate-trees (app-tree + dom-tree) in this other awesome feature request by @JonL … the below can be a simple and easy win g…

Selecting App and Server Connect options

I’m sure it used to be the case that we could select an item with a simple tab+enter. Eg in App Connect, I could enter a few characters, tab to the required item and press Enter, so 2 key strokes woul…

Improved Design view to include boostrap element drag and drop and in design manipulation

THE NEED At the moment the “Design” view while a great start still needs considerable improvement to meet the no code objective and reduce the learning curve for bootstrap UI development. While it i…

User permissions OR condition

Please implement OR in the conditions. Otherwise it’s impossible to give AccessLevel == 5 OR AccessLevel == 7 access to pages. Only AccessLevel >= 5. Therefore we can’t exclude AccessLevel == 6. Curr…

Expandable input fields in the elements properties

it will be great if we have more than one small line to inter our values in the element properties. a small icon that will open a small window when needed with multiple lines text editor will make it…

Server Side Validation - Allow Message to Come From Database

Server side validation can only be done using a single language user message statement which has to be built into the server action file. This is a feature requeest to allow the message in server co…

Remove component js files when last component is removed

It would be great to remove automatically the script tags that include the js file for app connect components when the last of the html tags referencing the component is removed from the page. This i…

Calendar - Other Options

Hey, just wondering if you’re planning on adding more of the FullCalendar features to the Wappler Calendar. I had a look but couldn’t see these which I use currently. displayEventTime eventLimit f…

Searching projects

I think it would be much more useful if the projects search facility: … searched all projects, not just those in the selected folder. It’s not only an extra step to select a folder, but you have to…

Filter on Pages Manager to include file descriptions

The file descriptions are a good idea but at the moment it seems they are only of use when you open the ‘edit’ box on a file and read it there. Can the filter be expanded to include those descriptions…

Hierarchical Data structure

Each of us in his work, daily encounters hierarchical data structures. Organization of file storage, data categorization, etc. I would like to discuss the possibility of adding standard widgets to d…

Moving Element in App Structure and DOM Also Move Comment Above

LIke many of us, I switch between the menu system and source code… that is what I LOVE about Wappler. Being a tidy soul (which app development forces upon us!), I have various comments in my HTML sou…

Add "items" to repeats for available bindings

Wappler already has a few bindings that are auto available on client side repeat elements, such as $index, $key, $value I would love to see items added there too, like they are for an Array component …

Add App Components Copy and Paste and automatic include file linking

It is a good idea to allow copy and paste of app connect components code. Maybe even add it in the context menu of the App Structure. When doing so related includes for the components should be autom…

NodeJS and NPM Module List (Frequently Used NPM Modules)

It will be very useful to see the most used npm modules in a list and install them quickly. Because there are many modules and it will be very useful to quickly integrate the most used modules into ot…

An Example of How The Expression Editor Needs Enhancing

So I’m trying to do some financial maths on the Server Side… and I’m up against two issues: I cannot round to 2 decimal places as financial maths requires. There appears no way to have brackets to …

Option to open certain UI features as tabs. i.e. data table editor

Option to open certain Wappler UI components as tabs via contextual menu or keyboard shortcut (i.e. cmd/ctrl + click). Currently tabs are only used to render monaco/other editor to view files but som…

nodeJS Server

Hello guys, please check:

Default Projects folder

I frequently switch between the project I’m working on and one or more pevious projects - to see how I did something or to copy some code etc. Bringing up the list of Projects instantly, with a keyboa…

Resizing "server data content" modal

Small thing but I like to be able to move this modal around, and change it’s size. Sometimes I want to see what’s behind it at the same time as editing, and resizing can be useful with large JSON stri…

Database Design - coloured ID fields/columns

I really liked an idea I found on www.chrisbell.com. The dude colour coded the ID fields across all tables so you can see at a glance which ID’s go in what tables. I think this is a great idea so I…

[Save and Stay Open] Button on a Flow

That would be very useful… Because to find a new repeat in the menus that you just created in the flow, you need to save… but then it closes out of the flow editor to, then you have to re-open it, th…

Allow data binding to things in a Condition

This one hits me every day…referencing the output of a server action, or even just referencing within the same server action is not possible if the data is contained within a condition. If it really …

Default focus in Data Formats window

It would save a lot of clicks if when working in the Data Formats window, the Value (or other default property) would receive focus upon selecting an option in the upper window. For example, if addin…

Horizontal cards

Is it possible to add the element: horizontal card.

Managing Server-side Action Files

Happy to see the database connections nicely listed in the new database manager. Previously they were hidden within the dmxConnect folder which I hardly maintain & manage. Would be great to see a v…

Auto complete, if not found then it is added

Whilst auto complete is awesome, it would be good to see if the option is not found then you can continue to type and then you can add the option into the database. Example; If found - Select it If…

Ability to Create Subqueries in a Single MySQL Database Call

It would be great if we could do sub queries (so using the IN() construct in MySQL) like this in one call to MySQL: I know we can do it in two database queries, but this creates more traffic to the…

More Width for Expression Editing and Viewing

I’ve just started using the new expression editor, and in principle I really like it. However I still need to have the code window open, because that is the only place I can see the actual expression…

Internet of things/AI?

Feature request: If I’m building an IA let’s say watch or smt like that can I use wappler for the server side connection? If not feature request!

Ability to Edit Conditional Expressions Created in Server Steps

Wappler 2.8.3 If the new expression editor doesn’t create what we hope for on the client side, we can edit the HTML code quite easily. On the Server Side, we don’t want to be editing the PHP. If we …

Retain ability to copy expressions

There are a number of reasons why it’s useful to copy expressions: to work on them in an external editor, to use them in other expressions, pages or sites, to save them in a file of snippets (perhaps …

Extensibility via runJS in flows. Convention or configuration

I see a lot of potential in the runJS action, but I think it could be improved by adding configuration files or certain conventions that Wappler could pick up. It would be great that I could predef…

Delete files/folders, in the trash before to delete them definitely

Hello, when I delete a file or folder on Wappler, it remove immediately without the possibility to recover it from the macOS’s trash. Is possible to change this behaviour? Sometimes is useful to ha…

Keyboard shortcuts to run actions (not for use within Wappler)

Implemented now in version 1.6.3 You can add the key names as modifiers with the keyboard events, so you can choose ctrl+keyA for example to run an action. it is advisable to bind to keydown for th…

Fullcalendar: Extended Property

In the original Fullcalendar, we can config to add additional element on eventRender. For example, I added a venue item in addition to the default list view so that my calendar can also dynamically di…

Hcaptcha support

I’ve just learned that Google’s reCAPTCHA will stop being free for heavy users just like most of the rest of their products. I’ve look at https://www.hcaptcha.com/ which looks very similar and is free…

Paste possibility in right click menu in editor

I am missing the paste option in right click menu in editor. Just find Cut and Copy

Add More Selectors, Transitions and Shadows to the Design Window

Am designing a new page and trying to do all the styling without typing any CSS, and it is going really well! Big praise for Design View, which I hadn’t quite understood properly the first time aroun…

SET data-store with server-connect data (similar to SET function of local storage)

Need the ability to “set” data store with array of records from serverconnect data without looping through all records & binding every field between the two. Simple flat data scenario - Let’s say I h…

POST application/json (data store with array of objects)

Need the ability to submit application/json from client-side out-of-the-box without the need for javascript. @George also agreed that this is pretty trivial in this thread which has other details on …

UX Improvement for DMXValidator

I always use backend validation(if there is a backend). I do this to streamline my validation checks and to avoid duplicating and missing some validation on the frontend. It’s my personal best practic…

FullCalendar Scheduler (Premium)

With the new integrated FullCalendar built into Wappler, I would like to make an official request to see the additional ‘Premium’ plugin Scheduler be added into Wappler. "FullCalendar “Scheduler” is …

Alternative WYSIWYG editors

Summernote editor is now available in Wappler:

Server Connect Response Action -> Set Content-Type in response headers

Could we have an option to write in a field the Content-Type for the response headers? Right now it just provides the charset. Although not as critical as in the request it’s important when providin…

Show spinner when refreshing git

Tiny request here. Can a spinner be shown when you click on the refresh icon in the Git manager? It does when pushing and pulling but not when refreshing. I just had Github taking a while and I had no…

Elseif usage

There is a “switch case” usage feature request that was previously opened. but I guess it is not important enough. However, while server-side operations in the wappler interface, if conditions can som…

Need for Postgresql Database photo storage

How to use Wappler to store photo image as bytea type in PostgreSQL database. This is a needed Wappler feature. Wappler can only store photo image as a file and not in the database table. Storing a…

Secure File Download from a path outside of website root

I have a website where users can download personal PDF documents. For security reasons the files are stored in a directory outside of the website root. I use webassist databridge download to accompli…

Observations and Proposals for the Wappler UI

Hi @George, I said in other posts that I’m not a programmer, so many of the concepts that are common to most experienced people are foreign to me. That said, I still want to maximize the usefulness …

Remove merged branches from dropdown

Once a branch is merged into master I don’t see the point of having it in the dropdown of active branches. For history purposes I would add them elsewhere in an archive dropdown/popup and allow t…

Routes.json file to include page Title and Meta Description

I write my own json file to dynamically create the page Title and Meta Description for my SPA pages. The file looks like: This is similar to the routes.json file that Wappler produces automatically…

Show collapsed Data Bindings by default

Please consider displaying Data Bindings collapsed by default. Currently it doesn’t make much sense why some are expanded and others are collapsed (query variables always expanded and there can be a …

QoL: Tooltip on tag to appear faster

Right now there is only one reason to hover on top of a tag and that is to check the full expression. However I think the delay is too big. Right now it seems to be like 1500ms. Can you make it short…

Toggle components in App Structure

I would like to have a toggle similar to the one in server actions used to disable steps. In this case, what the button in the App structure should do is to comment in or out the code. Many thanks!

Copy&Paste action steps between server actions

I would be extrremely helpful if there were support for copy an action step and paste it into a different server action. Multiple select, copy&paste would even be better!

Dynamic Events based on Server Connect Action query results

Suggesting the ability to add Dynamic Events (Browser component etc) to Server Connect Actions based upon their results.

Visual Expression Builder - display more text

It would be helpful if the new Expression Builder could display more information. In many cases a simple binding will be displayed, eg like this: …and you might assume that was all. However in this…

Automatic ID change in the code

Would it be possible to automatically change all instance of the ID on the page. For example : when i change the ID of a serverConnect, it have to be change in all the place where it is used. This w…

Creation of Database Delete Server Action - id Parameter Defaults to $_GET not $_POST

If you create a “Database Delete” server action and add an id column to delete, Wappler defaults to this taking the value of $_POST.id. I would expect you are much more likely to delete a table row w…

Google Fonts Support

May I suggest the inclusion of Google Fonts? Would also be interested in any font suggestions for extended periods of usage, easy on the eye, clear and concise… If anybody wishes to make a suggestio…

"Collapse All" Button in Flow Editor

I have a big Flow with 18 conditionals… it would be great if I could find the bottom of my code by clicking on a “Collapse All” button rather than having to collapse them all by hand!

Ability to Merge Arrays on Client Side

This is a request for the following capability: On the client side, to be able to create a sub array of my_array where field1==1 OR field2==1 , specifically on data taken from the Data Store. So if …

Change focus to search box

This one hits me dozens of times a day. I go to insert a new element, change from Insert Child to Insert Parent and then I start typing the name of an element, but unfortunately, after changing to…

New Flow Comment Box Be Any Colour But Green

I love the new comments in Flows! However they are the same colour as the code, so a bit confusing… could they be blue like the names, or maybe another colour all together?

Be Able to Sort a Repeating Region By Multiple Column Values

I’ve read a database table called contacts into a Data Store. I want to display them sorted in a repeating group, first by the field is_deleted, then by the field id, so the region may look like this…

Draggable pins on Google Maps

This has been added in Wappler 2.7.1 The new dynamic event is listed in the dynamic events for the maps component: and then when you pick a value, you can find lat/lon in the data picker

Get Image Create Date

It would be great if there I could get the DateTimeOriginal exif information from images to load into my database.

Sample Admin template with collapsible side menu

I will like to suggest that in the next upcoming update at least one Admin template sample should be added to the new projects templates in Wappler. This something very basic with Left Sidebar, Top P…

Sitemap and Spell Checker

Would be handy to have a Sitemap Generator and submit to Search Engines as in DMXzone. As well as a spell checker similar to Dreamweaver that lets you catch embarrassing typos while focus is on desig…

Full Width Properties Window in a Flow

It would be wonderful if the properties window went full width when you have a full screen flow editing session going on…

Fonts Awesome 5.13

Hi, Fonts Awesome has released version 5.13, which includes new of fonts (~120) related to COVID-19 that I’d love to use. Would it be possible to incorporate this feature to Wappler? Many thanks!!! …

WebSocket IO

Hello I’m really surprised about the Wappler’s huge functionality - but could you implement a WebSocket asynchronous IO connector for us? We are looking for a modern solution for web-based user inte…

More info about format/syntax requirements when entering variables and expression etc

Quite often I’m uncertain, or perhaps just forget, what format is required when filling in fields for constants, variables or expressions in Wappler’s UI. This issue has caused much confusion and give…

Turn Off *Database Connection Test* On [Database Connection Save]

Different connections per different targets are now available in Wappler 2.7.0 Saving your database connection with wrong details is also possible now, you will see a confirmation dialog appearing as…

Please add "get from Server" Functionality

Get file from remote target button has been added to Wappler 2.7.0


App Connect Event Calendar has been implemented in Wappler 2.7.0:

Font awesome icon in menu

As for now when one is adding Font Awesome icon to element (nav, button etc.) there is always fa-flag displayed in the menu: Displaying currently used icon would be nice. Dominik

Alternative Database Connection

This has been Implemented in Wappler 2.7.0

Add Name of Flow to Top of Flow Editor Window

I have lots of similarly named and structured flows that I am editing full screen, and it would be really helpful to have the name of the flow next to the words “Flow Editor” at the top so I am clear …

Allow Flows to Call Other Flows Synchronously

I want to call a flow from a flow synchronously - e.g. I want the called flow to finish before the calling flow continues to the next step. To do this I would need to add a “Flow” step, but I cannot …

Ability to Add Comments to Flows

I’m loving Flows! As I start to build some more complex ones and then need to edit them a few days later, I am realising how helpful it would be if we could add a comment item here and there to make …

Visual flow

Hello, maybe I’ll say something stupid, but it’s not easy for me to deal with flows. Perhaps because there aren’t enough video lessons. I found on the Internet a young project with similar functionali…

Video add icon/function to medium editor

Along with adding an image it would be great to have also a video icon that allows adding a youtube link in order to implement a video into medium editor. As the medium editor is great to use it for …

Update framework7

i would like to use framework7 version 5 please. for the new features i cant update the framework manually or i would do it.

Add password_hash() formatter

Password hash and verify have been added to Wappler 2.6.4

Add support for bcrypt user passwords (Laravel users)

Bcrypt has been added to Wappler 2.6.4

URL encoding

URLencode formatter was implemented in Wappler 2.6.4

Better password encryption

This has been implemented in Wappler 2.6.4. Check Patrick’s explanation:

Set language in Wappler's internal browser

I believe the default language used by wappler’s browser is “en-US”. It would be great to be able to select the language that we want to use. This wasn’t an issue until I started fiddling with i18n. …

Add unminify/beautify option in Monaco editor

Hi, When I have to resort to checking js files(i.e. dmxAppConnect.js ) I always have to use a 3rd-party app to unminify and beautify. Would be great to have it included in Wappler. So the original f…

Can we have a white theme for Wappler?

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.18362 Wappler Version : 2.6.1 Problem description I’ve difficulties with the black background in Wrappler Is it possibile to have the background white wit…

Digest Authentication

Currently api connector authentication method is BASIC. I wish there is an option “DIGEST”. Thank you.

API connection - Define Schema field names issue

When running the Define Schema function in an API action (ServerConnect) the field name is showing as the value, making it hard/impossible to differentiate them: Can the Input Data fields be change…

Operators in UI

In terms of making things more easily understandable, it might be a good idea to add the meaning of operators to them. Now it’s this: And I have to manually look up each of those on Google to see …

Support Build number along with version number in Cordova

Would be very helpful to auto-increment a build number for iOS and Android each time the respective platform is built within Wappler. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><widget xmlns="http://www.w…

Responsive Text

I was looking for a possibility to enter Responsive Text because I also use this functionality in DW.

QoL: Server Connect Validator reorder rules

Very low priority request. Can we reorder the validation rules? I would like to arrange all the validations related to a field so they are together. Also the header of the window says “App Connect…

Fold code to match App Structure folds

QOL improvement. When folding or expanding expandable content in the app structure panel, perform the same fold/expand in the code and split views.

URL dynamic attribute for JSON Data Source

Would it be possible(and make sense) to add a dmx-bind for the url in the JSON Data Source. I want to load json files depending on data bindings. In my case language browser or url parameter. Relate…

QoL: Use different browser than system default

Pretty sure this one is an easy one for you guys. Can we have browser selection in Wappler options so links open in a different browser rather than system default one when ? Default option should b…

Open/close all in app connect panel

This would be a super awesome feature and seems easy to implement. I just noticed that you can open or close all in the data bindings picker. Not sure if its been there for a while or new feature. …

Visual Server side action steps UI

I’ve been toying around with the serverside UI a lot recently and noticed that it can get quite complex in there. Especially when you’re working with lots of repeaters and conditions. This makes the w…

Add support for <tfoot>

Could you guys add support for <tfoot>? I know that it is not a big deal but it would both be more accurate and look better. The tfoot tag is just ignored so it looks like it is not even there. Curren…

Having onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13;" by default for Server Connect Form

Just a suggestion. This is to prevent default form submission on enter so that it won’t conflict with App Connect dmx-on:keypress.enter behaviour.


I have a question about whether the studio contains other languages ​​like Chinese language? If not, it will be unusable for people who do not speak English, and they can only choose bubble. Is there …

Option to prevent help popups appear in code editor

An option to fully disable popups on hover or adjust the delay in code editor has been added to Wappler 2.5.5

Variable, Array, JSON server-side components

We are all familiar with variable & array components on the client-side. Can we have the same ability on server-side? I have time and again hit severe roadblocks while processing data (eg, json and a…

Dreamweaver-like undocking feature

Would love the ability to have code view and design view in separate monitors ala Dreamweaver, photoshop etc. I like the ability to see the design and code at the same time and splitting them reduces…

Please allow direct replace of content in the search console

This has been implemented in the latest update

Allowing a crowd sourcing Translation feature for Wappler UI

Allowing a displayable Translated version of Wappler in few European languages, FR , SP, PORT…could be translated by “coders/users” themselves and once 100% completed become a 2nd displayable language…

Framework 7 notifications

I have started to play with FW7 and wanted to replicate the notifications you can add through AC but using the native style look that FW7 gives. I put together a small JS function and thought it might…

Increase properties field width 2

It looks like this hasn’t been improved in macOS: Would be great to have wider properties field.

Operator symbols

It would be nice if this was listed somewhere here for reference. It takes a lot of time to find what they mean. certainly someone has a cheat sheet

Please Only Show Validation Feedback When Asked For

So like when the specific field has a validation setting set!

Add "Suggested" to Server Connect

Similar under “App Structure”, add “Suggested” to Server Connect. For example, right click “Database Connect” step then “Database Actions” will be suggested instead of defaulting to “API Connector”.

Add typeahead to autocomplete input

Would be great to have typeahead option added to the autocomplete input. For reference, I’m suggesting the Autocomplete with Typeahead shown here: https://framework7.io/docs/autocomplete.html The d…

Predefined lists for Select controls

Hi Everybody, I think it might be useful to have predefined lists of titles and values to be entered into Select controls. It might be handy when you do not want to use separate table in database bu…

Server project open while mobile app project open

I often bounce back and forth between the front end code and server actions–great if those are contained in the same project. However now working on a mobile app, I would like to have a second projec…

Autocomplete Tab/Enter

The keystrokes for Autocomplete are less than ideal. I start typing in the field and options come up. I now have to key down to the correct one, even if it’s the only option. I then have to press …

Docker Nginx, HTTPS, HTTP/2, SMTP

Working on a project that requires a secure connection. Added the other components to make it more interesting.

Access to framework 7 dynamic data properties

It would be great to expand access to framework 7 data. Just one example of many – in a Navbar title element, having dynamic data pointing to page.new from the page element.

A Snippets 'Library Chest'

I would like to submit a feature… Snippets. I have a substantial library of snippets with triggers. Something like this would be an awesome tool for Wappler.

Please add data-msg-required="" to ui

When adding conditions to form fields, it’s actually not possible to add a custom message to the field via the ui. Please add this function.

Project Level Git Personal Access Token

I use Azure DevOps for storing my project’s Git repository. I have multiple projects in both Wappler and DevOps. So far, I have been using as option called “Alternate Credentials” which is basically …

Add Site definer to remote form Actions?

When working with Security Provider forms using Actions based within another Project would it be possible to add the site definer to the string? Default: <form method="post" action="https://www.exam…

Add Cut / Copy and Paste to the App Structure

This would be amazing, as the duplicate feature is very tricky to use if the item you are copying or cutting is in a very different place of your app structure to the place you wish to put it!

Feature Request - All Types of Div to Appear in App Structure Window

I sense there is an inconsistency in the way the app structure works… If I have a div which is a bootstrap row, column, container or flex container, then it appears in the App Structure. But if I ha…

Loosening of "What Can Be Placed in What" Rules in App Structure Window

I keep trying to move elements inside other elements in the App Structure window and finding it isn’t possible, when it is definitely semantically possible in HTML. This is a feature request to open …

Turning hand drawing to layout into Wappler :-D

User opens Wappler and chooses Template or Import from Sketch or Drawing User Uploads drawing to Wappler via (Sketch2Code API) User gets his WTF Wooooooow moment back and changes his new HTML Design …

Default database connection in Server Actions

It would be great if we could define a default database connection for server actions. I know it’s just a minor thing, but having to select my one database connection every time I create a server act…

Convert Database Query to a Database Paged Query

This has been integrated in Wappler 2.4.5 Now you can change the database query type using a dropdown.

Ability to run PHP script on the server action (Very Useful)

The ability to add an action step on the server to run php script with an output option. Example: the developer add the action on the server with this settings: script: $myVar = 6+5; echo $myVar; …

Ability to Define "Procedures" in App Connect

This request is for the ability to define the equivalent of a software procedure within App Connect. So for those of you who know Bubble, it is the equivalent of a Custom Event, which Bubble users ma…

Localized Format dates and times output

When showing date/times in a page it does it in English. . In the image it shows the month like “May”, where it should be “mei”. I would like to see a feature enabling me to show/format it in differ…

Implement Amazon Textract

So… I’ve been searching for ocr tools, and Amazon Textract is the best one. But the problem, as always, is the code. I really don’t know how to develop the tool in my web app. It’s very hard form to …

Text input on paragraph component properties

Can we get a spot in the properties window to add text on a paragraph component? Would be great if we could get the lighting bolt for binding data too. When I bind data with app connect mode on and i…

JSON Define Schema

Fantastic improvement with the new JSON editor for API actions! Would be great to continue with that into the Define Schema function. Two main points: Support the JSON body directly Retain a diffe…

More Charting Options, Secondary Axis

My application’s requirements are very heavily based around the visualisation of data in charts. I’d love to see more options and functionality for charts. Specifically: Ability to assign a data set…

Please add specific language support for slugify formatter

We currently use routing with slugified links that replace ä with ae. ü with ue and ö with oe (german special characters). Unfortunately we have to change this (or let’s say add support of this) in th…

Option to upload current file only

It is inevitable that, from time to time, bugs or incompatibilites will be introduced when new versions are released. This can cause problems which can be very difficult and time-consuming to fix, bec…

Drag and Drop design way to arrange elements on Pages

HI, I´d like to request for a drag and drop visual way to move elements on a page in Wappler. I find the actual, Bootstrap. Framework7 and plus plus plus…way a bit too sofisticated to arrange few el…

Form generator for F7

I love the Bootstrap form generator feature - would it be possible to add the same functionality for Framework 7? Pretty please?

Utilize authorization in Fetch Schema

When working with a server side api connection, the Fetch Schema function can we allow for the authorization to be included? The other input fields can be used, however we can’t fetch schema if t…

Source Formatting to Code

That’s already available, via right click and select format document, or using the shortcut Shift+Alt+F: Auto code formatting on save is also available:

Id in App Structure for blocks in F7

Hopefully a small change, but something I would certainly find really useful is being able to see the id (or some other label) assigned to blocks in F7 in the app structure. There are a lot of element…

Open in Browser - from code view

This has been integrated in Wappler 2.3.5 - use F12 to open in browser.

Source Formatting , Clean Unused Files , Open File on browser

This has been integrated in Wappler 2.3.5 - use F12 to open in browser. Also, you can enable/disable source formatting on save in Wappler settings.

Calling Lightbox via Dynamic Event

Instead of using a tag to call Lightbox, we need alternative method to call it. It will be much helpful if we can call Lightbox using Dynamic Event.

More Tab Features

It would be useful to have more control and options for tabs. The ability to reorder tabs - or to delete those to the right or left, or all but the current one - is a very common, probably expected, …

Who wants to see a RoR (Ruby on Rails) server model?

Wappler looks so cool but I don’t have any PHP or asp.net experience. I love the simplicity of RoR but can’t find a good visual editor. It seems to me that Wappler would be a greater force multiplier …

More dynamic attributes for inputs

We have implemented the Placeholder option in Wappler 2.3.2

Toggle "Show" in Design view

It would be great if we could toggle the visibility of elements in the design view of the editor. For example, I have sections with conditional visibility using “Show” when properties that are hidden…

Refresh Scheme in Security Provider

Tried to use Security Provider today and it was not showing me my new tables. No option to refresh, all other query builders have it… thnkx.

The color attributes can not be changed by the Color Picker

When I create a color attribute in the properties of an element (design or styles panel) it can not be changed with the use off the Color Picker.

Assets panel functionality

It would be useful if the assets panel included some of the functionality of Wappler’s file manager. If you want to upload files or open them in Explorer/Finder, you have to switch backwards and forw…

Litespeed server docker image

Adding litespeed server support will allow users to save money on hosting when deploying via docker engine.

Prompt to upload file upon saving

Would it be possible to have a prompt to upload the file upon save? Don’t always want to upload the files I’m working on. Would be great if there was a confirmation to upload or not.

Change Notification location for app connect

Updated in Wappler 2.3.1, which moved the notification pop-up in Wappler from the top right hand corner to the bottom right hand corner.

Linear Axis on AC charts, rather then points in series

Hi All, As per my other topic: It seems that the AC line chart in wappler does not have functionality to create a linear x axis based on datetime values. The chart only seems capable of plotting…

More functional file manager

To add edit functions on right click like rename, copy and duplicate. Ability to drag file into folder. Option to chose default file type on creating new file, for example .php instead of .html.


Not an urgent request but coming from Bubble made me realise how much I missed the Marketplace. Perhaps a place to share server action files or ‘plugins’ that others can create and share that would sp…

Nested JSON and file send/receive API calls Server Side

Hi @Team, Is there any plans in the near future to implement nested JSON and file send/receive API calls? Thank you!

Stacked Bar Charts

Hi, Looking to move my wordpress site. Currently using a couple of plugins, wpdatatables to collect stats on workouts for pro boxers i work with, and then graph the data ( heart Rate, etc) using its …

Design Views - additional and user definable

I’m finding that constant flipping back and forth in FFX Dev tools to use the responsive design mode to check my work is a bit sub-optimal. Can we have more options added?

Docker PhpMyadmin

Add Phpmyadmin to the docker to manage our images.

Master Pages / Editable Regions?

Must be 15 years or more ago that DW introduced Master Pages and Editable Regions… Huge time saving feature for site wide changes, along with site-wide link updates (thought I’d just throw that one i…

Bootstrap-table.com component

Could be a good addition for the future. https://bootstrap-table.com/

Dapper Integration in Wappler

Dapper is a strong tool for handling bulk CRUD on SQL. especially, Dapper Merge is really useful in cases where you have one data set and want to do an insert+update of records from the same data set…

Add Color Picker to all color fields

The Notification action’s color attributes do not have a color picker. It would be a little nicer if they did. I’m not sure if there are other areas where it’s missing.

Centralise salt string references

Hi all, A fairly simple request here. Now that we have Git support, I’m cautious about my salt strings being included as part of the repo, or being spread across so many files. Specifically, it seem…

Forest Admin integration

For those of you that don’t know Forestadmin it is a semi-agnostic admin UI that provides out-of-the-bo Search and CRUD features for your apps. Here you have a live demo: https://app.forestadmin.com…

GitHub confirm dialogues?

Silly little thing but would it be possible to provide confirmation dialogues for Pull and Push operations within the Wappler Git Manager?

Action Scheduler: Customize Dynamic Delay

We need dynamic Action Scheduler Properties i.e Delay & Repeat to be selectable visually In this example, I bind the delay value to a variable. dmx-bind:delay="interval_message.value"

Add exclude list of auto-updated files

We’re using custom versions of dmxBootstrap4Navigation.js. Each time we open a project after a Wappler-Update the navigation of the Website is auto-broken because Wappler updates dmxBootstrap4Navigati…

Ability to add conditions with appconnect action events

if we can mix conditions and actions in app connect that will make wappler on the same level as the top end visual web app creators today, for example something like this: on the Dynamic Event for se…

Implement duplicate Server Action file

This is now implemented in Wappler 2.2.5

Server output from within Condition

This is now improved in Wappler 2.2.5

We need a auto complete is very used

Autocomplete component is now available in Wappler 2.2.5

Ajax Autocomplete

Autocomplete component is now available in Wappler 2.2.5

Form Generator: Custom Forms Support

Let’s have support to choose custom inputs types in Form Generator, including of Custom Range and Toggle (and probably Dropzone as well), because why not. Will be time & effort saving than manually c…

Routing: Make Table Generator in Content/Include Page able to use Query Param of the Main Page

We know now State Management on the main page is available globally for usage on content pages. However, in Table Generator, it still unable to pick up query param from the main page (for sort & dir).…

Mp3 Player add on

How can I add functionality of a MP3 Player, or any kind of music player in general? I need something that can support a song list, full album cover and plays as each track as it is selected while sto…

Visual SEO Setup and Management

Meta tags for SEO and Robot tag has been implemented in Wappler 2.1.0

Disable Action Steps

Disable option has been integrated in Wappler 2.2.3

Increase properties field width

This is now improved in Wappler 2.2.3

Font Weight

Add support to enter text font-weight class in the design panel. I know there is a bold function but I would much rather quickly enter or select a weight such as 300, 600, 700 etc.

Wappler projects public GIT repository

It would be great to have a single collaborative project synced with a public GIT repository managed by Wappler Team and experienced voluntaries that can approve pull requests. This single project wo…

Thanks & congrats for the new feature SPA aware - Data Picker, but

SPA aware - Data Picker is very useful functionality and I really really appreciate it. That’s awesome However may I request to have SPA aware - Available Actions panel as well. This is very useful i…

Asset Manager SVG Support

This is now implemented in Wappler 2.2.1

Custom Component Development

Hello Would it be possible to develop custom components and add them as a framework like bootstrap etc.? Or would it be possible to let custom components to be developed by Wappler or any 3rd party c…

Remove all items from an array

Would suggest adding the ability to remove all items from an array element.

App Structure Prop: Make Custom File

Hi, we know that for file field, we have option to Make Dropzone. So here I’d like to request for the same function but for BS4 Custom File. And for that, please also consider to incorporate into your…

Font Awesome - please update to v5.10.0

FontAwesome has been now updated to 5.10.1 in the latest Wappler 2.2.0

Secured Page Color Identification

I thought an awesome idea would be that if a page is restricted with a security enforcer that on the app structure side there would be an easily identifiable color change or marker of some sort that y…

Redirect based on security permission

It would be great to be able to redirect to a page based on the user permission. For instance, in the log in page, if the permission is “admin”, redirect to admin/index.html, “server” redirects to po…

Output Checkbox for Security Login

Have started working on a new project where I don’t require the logged-in user’s ID to be returned from server connect. The UI for Security Login does not have a Output checkbox as other server actio…

Drop-zone validation: please improve

First of all thanks for adding validation to drop-zone. Unfortunately there is no real support for native AC Validation messages, we just get a basic alert. Also, if using Max Total File Size, the us…

No background colors for Navbar and Card

this is now implemented in Wappler 2.1.6


Hi, Please include reCAPTCHA v3. reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score for each request without user friction. The score is based on interactions with your site and enables you to take an appropriate acti…

Shape Dividers

Hi all, I’d absolutely love to see something very similar to dividers as they exist in Divi (for WordPress). The creative possibilities such a relatively simple feature introduces are astounding and …

Lightbox Progress/Count option

Option when having multiple images in a light box group to have the count and total displayed under the image for instance: 7 of 31 etc.

Paste clipboard contents into Terminal

It would be great to be able to paste commands in the Terminal window. Having to type long commands each time gets a bit tedious, e.g.: git clone https://github.com/mjmlio/mjml.git && cd mjml

Missing 'Server Connect' from User Interface

Don’t know if this was intentional, but the words ‘Server Connect’ are missing from the Wappler Interface. I think it should be reintroduced. Windows 10. Whilst you are considering that, please con…

Underline in the quick edit menu

Can we have an underline option in this menu please?

Export/Save Projects Feature request

We would like to uninstall Wappler and install a fresh installation as there seems to be a fair amount of residual files associated with previous installations, but we don’t want to sacrifice all of o…

SSI - accessing Server Connect bindings

Would it be possible to allow elements on a page to access Server Connect data found in an element within an SSI file without doing so by manually coding it? It would be really useful when setting up …

Adding internal custom (CMS like) link feature to medium editor

In many CMS when using a editor, you can select text and then use a special link icon, that shows a popup window with a list (dynamic) of internal links (to other webpages, docs, albums, forms etc.). …

Wappler backup function

Maybe you can add wappler wide backup function (site configurations , database export for backup ,etc…)

Web3 and Wappler would be an amazing niche!

Introduction why Web3: As our world uses json and more and more a decentral technology: I suggest to think about an amazing huge step into blockchain space. Who already installed truffle drizzle fram…

Server Connect properties width

Would it be possible to make the tables in Server Connect use the full width of the properties window? It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between items as most of the text isn’t visible. Th…

Print HTML code from Wappler

How do I print program code directly in Wappler without having to cut and paste it somewhere else. This functionality should be either in the File menu or somewhere. If its in the application its well…

Drag and drop bindings from Panel to Design (expand the table, drag and drop the column)

I’d like to request a feature that was in Dreamweaver years ago and was really a great feature! The ability to expand the table and select columns directly from it, then drag and drop the selected co…

[Another Request Attempt] : Action Builder for dynamic html element

Greetings. This is my another attempt to request for this feature. Usage case: Let say I want to use App Connect to trigger Dynamic Event when onClick button with id=“id-1” , but the button is a dyn…

Data driven flowchart

There are js and svg flowchart frameworks out there for example flowchart.js and gojs. I’m wondering of possibility to create database driven flowchart. I think it would be possible quite the same wa…

Duplicate site

For the first time I made a website exclusively with Wappler Wanting to create another site that in some sections is very similar (especially the back-end section), I would like to know if there are …

Spell check feature

Any plans to add a spell check feature?


I’ve been reviewing all the frameworks lately to see what is the right decision for my projects, Framework7 vs. Ionic vs. Nativescript. One of the aspects I like about Nativescript is the direct nati…

Please add App Connect Lightbox support for youtube links

Please add App Connect Lightbox support for youtube links. Otherwise it’s more or less useless as uploading of videos on the webserver via a cms is restriced by most of the provider to about 100MB pe…

Support for swiper in a repeat element

We have updated the masonry in our last Wappler update, which should fix some issues with the swiper in it.

Time Picker Addon?

Timepicker has been integrated in the Date Picker in Wappler 2.1.1

Change url parameter with state manager in routing

Currently we are filtering data on our page, using url parameters which we change with buttons on the page. Using the state management we change the parameter without page load. However we’d like to b…

Integrate Electron to allow creation of desktop apps

Electron is already available as a platform in Cordova builder, so now you can build desktop apps as well.

Bootstrap Classes Auto-Suggest

In code view, it auto-suggests things you are typing. For instance, if I type pla, it will show “placeholder”. I was thinking it may be useful if when you are typing class names inside code view, if…

Parallax FX (visual design)

Parallax component is already available in v2.0.1

Video Backgrounds would be a great feature

Hi Peter, It’s already possible: Please update v2.0.1

Updating after renaming files

After renaming a file, it is very useful that the links in all affected files are updated

Show FontAwesome as Separate Node in App Structure

Hi, Have been using font awesome in quite a few place in my current project. One thing I noticed that <i></i> tag used for showing fontawesome icons do not show up in the App Structure tree list. Fo…

Support for min max input attribute in App Connect ui

dmx-bind:min, dmx-bind:max do work but please consider adding them into App Connect ui Dynamic Attributes.

Database Table Listing in Query Builder

implemented in Wappler 2.0 beta 3

Support for HTML input type Attribute in App Connect

Please consider adding support for other Attribute Values like datetime-local and color as they don’t appear on App Structure ui.

Slideshow running in Design View

When we create a slideshow in Wappler it is running although not in Preview Mode. Can this be avoided ? It would also be practical to see the image in Design view when selected as Slide in the Ap…

Defaults for new project file - additional option

I would probably find the new default framework and other file options useful from time to time, but 9 times out of 10, if I create a new file in a project, I’ll duplicate an existing one. Not only wi…

Add conditions to dynamic Google Map markers

I need to be able to show/how dynamic markers based on conditions. Please add condition support for markers.

Sample color from anywhere on the screen + copy color code

Please consider adding this function to the color picker. Then another related request is, on a locked design style, the color code input is disabled / read only and un(right)clickable and not sele…

Add repeat region to google-map marker-info

I have multiple markers with the same address and need to show individual buttons inside the marker-info. Please add repeat region support.

Can we also have the file back in top as well

Like the new menu, but I am that used to the file being on the left its a little bit frustrating. Is there any chance of having both? Personally I am not one for keyboard shortcuts. Great work on the…

Panel opening position

This is a request based on a new feature in v2 beta1 (unless I hadn’t noticed it before). There is a very new useful shortcut key: Alt+O, which opens the Projects panel. Not only is this much more co…

Slideshow with thumbnails

I don’t know if it would be possible to use the slideshow extension with thumbnails for navigation - ie a thumbnail slider. If not, it would be a useful extension to add at some point. It would be goo…

Dynamic Favicon

How about having functionality to create dynamic favicon with Wappler? The favicon that changes on data update.

Installed Extensions 'more info'

It would be great to be able to click on an extension to be directed to a ‘more info’ page.

Drag/drop files into Wappler

The experimental asset manager panel has a useful feature which I would also find generally useful in Wappler: dragging files from File Manager/Finder into Wappler. Obviously not a critical feature b…

Separate View States for Element and Block Views

This has been implemented in Wappler now

Instant code (view) updates on design (element) changes

In current version, when there’s change of element in design view, the code will only be updated on (design view) blur. Meaning that user needs to click other element or somewhere in design view then …

Duplicate User and Permissions (Security Provider) Feature Request

Very lazy I know… I’d like to request the ability to duplicate Permissions within the Security provider. The reasoning for this request is many times there are only slight variations in User require…

Extend conditions in order to be able to check multiple values (from an array) in database records containing multiple values

I have database field with, for example, the value “1,2,3” that comes from a group concat of a joined table. On the page I have multiple dynamic buttons which add values to an array onclick. This resu…

Tag highlight in code view

I know that Wappler was built for non-coding, but I do like to get into the code quite a bit. Any possibility of highlighting the end tag or beginning tag after clicking on the beginning or closing ta…

What about visual script builder based on App Connect?

I’m thinking of the possibility to use visual script builder based on App Connect. What I envision might be achievable using action scheduler but I think the current version has limited option visual…


The possibility to use ‘upsert’ into a database. Update when a record exists, and insert when it doesn’t exist. I currently use a server side condition to achieve the same, but it would be much simpl…

More options for Modals

Modals are such a useful feature and really well implemented in Wappler. However, there is potential to make them even more useful - in particular, if they could be draggable and resizeable. It would …

Static Modal

This has been integrated in Wappler 1.9.7, the option is called “No Close on Click”

Option to Disable Wappler's In App Animations

the in app Animation of Wappler are a good touch from UX perspective. love the animation added to tthe elements popup in 1.9.7. however, request for an option to disable these animations completely. …

Bulma in Wappler

Hi, Hope Bulma will be supported soon in Wappler just as you’ve supported Bootstrap. Thank you.

API Actions Table Width to be 100% of the available Area

refer the table for input data, query and header in an API Action in server action area. please make these table width to be 100% of the available area so that data can be more clearly visible.

Repeat Region Table in Send Email Server Connect

I know there are workarounds to this, but it would be great to have an in-wappler email body designer for the Send Email Server Connect to include a table with dynamics data repeating rows. Great for…

ServerConnect Data Management Import JSON File

Hi team - I would find it to be very useful if I could import JSON files much the same way I can XML and CSV on the ServerConnect side. In fact, my mind is already racing with possibilities. I am aw…

Add/edit CSS Gradients

The gradients feature is fully available now in the new Design Panel of Wappler:

Add DMXzone DropZone Add-on into Wappler

Dropzone has been added to Wappler 1.9.5 It can be found in the Forms Category in the components picker dialog. Docs are coming later today, but it acts exactly as the regular upload control - i.e. i…

Duplicate Server Connect Action Files

Hi team! Just as we can duplicate an Action Step, I think it would be very useful to be able to duplicate an Action File from the right-click context menu: (Just picture a Duplicate Action File w…

Adding comments to server actions

This was implemented in Wappler 1.9.4 - now we have a comment as core action

Wizard / Market for Common API‘s?

Would that be possible or would be somebody interested in having a Quickstart Generator/helper for common API‘s like stripe etc? I try to imagine smth flexible like macro or actions from Photoshop, w…

Mark filename when changed and not saved yet

Is it possible to mark the filename in the tab when changed and not saved yet.

Option for inserting records: INSERT IGNORE INTO

When using Server Connect’s Database Insert step, I would find it very helpful to be able to choose INSERT IGNORE INTO, in addition to the existing INSERT INTO. I often have to insert a large number …

CSS Design tab for html tags and ids

I notice current design tab is limited to class selector only (at least in the latest free version I’m testing). Is there option to use the visual designer for id and default html tags?

Duplicate should also duplicates source code formatting

I notice duplicate function does not duplicate the code formatting of duplicated element. I suggest duplication also duplicates the code formatting so that the source code looks nicer and well arrange…

Integrating App Structure into DOM

This is just a suggestion. I understand the spirit of having the App Structure so that user can manage framework elements without disruption of unwanted other html elements. However I think I’d be be…

Color preview in code view

I’d like to have a color preview in code view when I place the cursor in a css file over the color value.

Meta-Tag generator

I’d like to have a meta-tag generator that produces content that can be read from google & Co. AND Facebook. As Facebook does not understand JavaScript content we currently have to add classic php alo…

Changing Flexbox indicators

request to change the flexbox justify and align property icons dynamically based on whether ‘row’ or ‘column’ is selected. ref pics: this will further the ‘visual’ ease of Wappler and make the U…

Alphabetical listing of Projects

My list of projects is getting longer by the day. Is there a chance of getting them listed in alphabetical order both the Projects page and the Project pop-up menu.

Card Group --> Flex-flow properties

This Is implemented now in Wappler 1.9.2

PUSH Notification Service Integration with Wappler Cordova (Tutorial?)

Hi @George and all fantastic DMXzone crew and loyals. I don’t know a single line of php code but I have built applications that have changed a lot in my personal life and that of my very numerous cust…

Data picker on alert text fields

Hi, Can we have Data picker on the fields where we send value for bootstrap alerts? (dynamic attributes and Server connect/response where I missed it so far) Or is there another way? It is a must hav…

WAPPLER Almost VISUAL way of building

As I get to work with Wappler as a newbie, I’m starting to size that the “Visual building part of Wappler” is not a tipical DRAG and DROP Way of Building things that we usually find in other typical …

Actual + SumUp Steps Doc

Hi, Although I appreciate the VITAL section below to learn how to work with Wappler from Scratch :: *I understand that Georges wants to show MOST of the Screen for obvious reasons - though that make…

Remove "Add" from labels under Action Steps

Please consider removing “Add” from labels like it is under App Connect. For example: Before: Add Setup Mailer Add Send Mail After: Setup Mailer Send Mail

Unsplash browser panel integration and direct insertion

Brings up the question if it would make sense to ask user where to store selected pics?

More Shortcuts Needed

haha - yes more shortcuts are coming up! First on the App Structure and Server Connect panels for more quick insert/delete/rename and duplicate. Then we will be totally focusing on the design view a…

Value an range slider

I’m missing value and range slider as an input possibility - especially useful for any kind of WWW calculators. Since you have pretty nice DMX Slider this shouldn’t be a big issue Thank you!

Framework7 Kitchen Sink Upgrade?

Can you add options for Kitchen Sink v2 or 3 or just upgrade to 3? Currently it installs with Framework 7 v2 code.

Implement url rewrite support

URL Rewrite/Routing is now available in Wappler 1.9

Query Results Tree

I am not sure really what to call it, but I would like to see a simple way to show what your query returns without having to go in and actually click on your query step, then click query builder, then…

Font Awesome : toggle to show more icons in view

Font Awesome is awesome with it’s hundreds of icons. But that is the problem. The current display in Wappler shows a maximum of 15 icons which means scrolling to find what you want can take ages. In f…

X-www-form-urlencoded for PUT requests

As requested in this topic also. Thanks for implementing

Direct help link from Wappler Server Steps

Would be amazing to have a link directly to for ex. from Server Action step which would open with a click the depending article / tutorial (if available!) Like if I‘m browsing the Server Action Step…

Disable Error Checking toggle

Please please please please please consider adding a Disable Error Checking toggle to Options! Not only do errors stop the page from rendering/syncing, sometimes they are not errors at all. Even DMX…

Swipe gesture on design view

Would be great if you can add a swipe gesture by click and drag of mouse for the design view when we work with mobile app development.

Watermark for chart

Is it possible to put some watermark on chart? if yes, how? Thank you!

Max-width / min-width - max-height / min-height

Is it possible to add css max-width / min-width - max-height / min-height properties in the Properties panel off the App Structure? I know you can change or add them in the Styles panel but it would …

Chosing Framewrk7 RTL file to include

the ability to chose the correct files to include in mobile app to support RTL. Thank you

Any possible "Sponsored discounted link" for a new Wappler purchase?

Hi, Could Wappler Marketing guidelines tell us what they could plan so as to offer “sponsored links” to our own contacts ? I.e. On my Website, I´d leave a link such as : www.wappler.io/purchase/X…

Input Form optional: Your input is very valuable

The help text is now optional in the form generator in Wappler 1.7.4

Display large icons in list view with small icons

Please consider adding a setting to display the large icons (right column) in a list view with small icons like the left column so you don’t have to scroll up and down so much reading the text of each…

Renaming Server Action Structure

Hi. Building on the feature request here. There is no option to rename server action files, but pressing F2 does make the name editable. Although, after refresh name returns to original. Folder ren…

Add the option to use form rows/columns with the generator

This has been implemented in Wappler 1.7.4

Remove type="text/css"

Looking at the examples at Bootstrap and FontAwesome, the type attribute is not specified. I assume it is ok to exclude it. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fontawesome4/css/font-awesome.…

App Connect Date Picker Inline

Can we please have an option to add the calendar picker inline instead of bound to an input field. Maybe it is possible… I just have not tried.

Set a larger Displayed size to see the full Ftp USER content

since there is room ahead of password: Seeing full USER Field content (or use a multiline) would be nice…

Background Image Lazy Load

Hi. Following the below tutorial, I was able to set lazy load on images. But, most of the images on my current app are in background. I found a jQuery plugin which does support this. If th…

SUGGESTION: Wappler Marketplace

HI @george @teodor, it might be worth a cent to open a Wappler market place so that we (independent developers) can build and sell themes/templates directly to wappler users - if you don’t already hav…

Improvement to Search and Replace in code view

Within the “Find” and the “Search & Replace” facility it would be very helpful to have the following: Total found : Y Showing X of Y < Previous and Next > < First and Last >

Added to manual CSS hard coding + a "Select only" Menu system

Could it be possible for non-designers to have some feature offering menu options in order to easely customize CSS in each section of a web design (…or app?) I`m joining a video on how others IDE are…

Some suggestions to improve the visual designing side of Wappler

Hi Wappler team! I started my first project for a client and so far I am very impressed by how fast and easy it is to work with compared to the designing tools I used before (especially FlexiLayout fo…

Add Download Link in Wappler Community

was auto updating Wappler from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 on Win 10. due to internet problems, the download maybe stopped in between - but still wappler asked to install 1.7.2 - when tried to install (from the p…

Simple Template Request

Maybe you can add ready to use bootstrap 4 admin template on “Wappler New Projects” section

New file extension

All my pages are PHP due to using the Security component. Please consider moving PHP option below HTML in the Add new file dropdown or add a shortcut or an option to specify the default extension of n…

Condensed Tables

On small screens even a Responsive Table isnt a good solution. I tried Condensed mode which adds just CSS and a breakpoint. It shows columns then on each row which is an amazing cool solution! That as…

Show closing closing html tag by selection

There is currently an option which underlines the closing tag. Isn’t it working for you?

Open linked Server Action directly from right Panel App Structure

If clicked, the corresponding Server Action on left Panel will be opened and highligted. If an existing Server Action is edited and opened, it will ask User if you wanna Save the current Server Action…

TinyPNG.com integration into Wappler

request to integrate TinyPNG.com’s API to compress png and jpg images (https://tinypng.com/developers) into Wappler.

Drag Binding from Server Connect Action (from App Structure) to page

Christmas wish! To be able to drag Bindings from Server Connect Action in the App Structure directly on to the page!

Syntax support for other server side languages?

Hi. Is there a syntax or language file that can be created/edited by end users to add support for other server side languages please? A bit like Sublime, TextPad, Visual Studio Code and other editors …

Lightbox Carousel

In addition to the Slideshow Carousel request I would like this also for the Lightbox Group which always end at the last image.

Improve visibility of highlighted text in code view

I appreciate some improvements have been made in the display of highlighted text, but the more I use Wappler the less satisfactory it seems, particularly compared to other text editors I use. Typical…

Special Wappler Project package

We could make a special zip with custom extension like wpz that contains a full Wappler project and when double clicked for open in explorer/finder it automatically is imported as project in Wappler. …

Show linked Server Actions

Thanx to all Wappler Developers for 1.7 Edition ! Feature Idea explained in the green part : Sometimes I’m not sure to change a Server Action… Maybe its used somewhere else. That feature would help …

Better AND|OR Indicator in Query Builder

Will improve it for today’s update, after that you can suggest on how to improve it more

Double Click to Save Action Item

Hi. When selecting action items (lightening bolt), clicking the item once, selects it, and then “Select” button needs to be pressed. It would be really time saving if just double clicking an item …

Flex Flow for all items in App Structure or Design Panel

can see and use the flex flow for the base ‘flex container’ as in this image: but cannot see the flex flow option flex ‘display block’ as in this image: maybe am doing it wrong. what i want is …

App Connect Sort Images

Looking at the video statistics of 22 parts of a tutorial that I published on YouTube, the most outstanding figure is for part 22, Sorting Images. This is also the part that requires handcoding/copy-p…

Icons for different file type

Just an idea, It would be nice to have something like this in the wappler Icons for file types

Auto Handling of same column name in DB Query Builder

Hello, while working with multiple tables with same column names, we see that we have to compulsorily set ‘alias’ for the query to run properly. see items 6 & 8 in the attached image: request is …

Table Name in 'Conditions' in 'Database Query Builder'

In the ‘Conditions’ tab under ‘Database Query Builder’, only column names are shown. as seen in this image, we have same column name ‘isActive’ in multiple tables, hence a cause for confusion. if …

Recording Feature with variables

Maybe a crazy idea… I just thought about people who need to create several steps again and again. As I‘ve heard, Wappler will have a Screenrecorder. Maybe it would be good not only to record screen an…

Social media sharing extension

I’d like to have a social media sharer extension. We’ve added them here (inside the video player) https://www.fleyg.ch/de/#funktion but that took us a few hours to integrate, add meta tags, add the…

Add "Rename" to New Action Folder Dropdown

Could a “Rename” option be added to the New Folder dropdown (along with the ‘Add Action File’, ‘Add Folder’, and ‘Delete…’). Or is there already a way to rename it… seems it freezes with the name “New…

IMPORTANT: Social Media Login for Wappler and DW extensions

@George, its been almost 2 + years since Dmxzone promised to build a social media login extension. Going by the global norms of today’s web user, we are loosing 70% of signups because we are unable to…

Swiper: stop running in Design View

Is it possible to stop running the Swiper in Design View ? And only showing the selected Slide when selected in the App Structure.

DEL an element from App Structure

when an element is selected from the app structure panel, if we press DEL button on keyboard, the item does not get deleted, we have to click the element in design view and only then the DEL button wi…

Shortcut to Add Before, Add Inside, Add After

request to please add keyboard shortcuts for when in the design view: Add Before Add Inside Add After

Ask to refresh a page when changed by other app

Not a feature request parse… PLEASE allow an option to be set to open pages on Start-Up or at least refresh them… I work across several editors and all work and refresh fine between edits aside from…

Add share buttons for video player

Please add social media buttons for video player

Export tool for server connect action trees

We have a lot of server connect action files with a lot of action steps. It would be very helpful if there where an export function to create flow grafics out of them. Like for mind map or novamind.

Swiper: please add option to place pagination and navigation outside of the images

Swiper: please add option to place pagination and navigation outside of the images

PrintIt like function

It is possible to invoke DMXPrintIt from Wappler? If not, can a similar function be included in future updates?

Remove unused scripts

Is there an option to remove all unused scripts in the code? There is often a situation, where things get tested out but in the end rejected. I noticed, that all these scripts for these components sta…

Create desktop app with Wappler ( NWJS Support )

I think Wappler can support NW.JS or ELECTRON . This feature will be perfect for users . Because we can create desktop application , kiosk etc.with WAPPLER !!!

Footable integration

Basically, FooTable is a bootstrap table on steroids! It offers additional functions like collapsing columns on narrow widths or filtering, and many options more! Right now I’m switching from the stan…

Naming conditions on Server Connect

It would be nice if we could name the conditions inside the Server Connect UI. Just like it happens with the repeat. It will be easier to understand what is going on (especially when debugging) if the…

If condition in the formater

There is a great need for conditions in the formater in app connect. some examples" data =="0" ? "Yes" : "No" data ? data2=8 i found myself in need for this most of the time and it will be nice to …

Quickfullscreen change via 2x CTRL for small screens?

As I’m using not everytime some big screens to while working with Wappler I need to change quickly the view to fullscreen. To see how bootstrap / layout changes and see more parts of my webapp. It w…

Suggestions to make life easier

Some suggestions to make life easier: a save-icon for the design- and codepanel clicking on a linenumber in codeview selecting the whole line

Remote JSON with headers

API Connections to remote data sources implemented in version 1.5.3

New Releases first in wappler

New Releases first in wappler Let’s vote in the wappler to receive updates along with or before dreamweaver . it’s painful to see the first dreamweaver

Refresh Table on Server Side

When a form is changed in Wappler, it isn’t clear that making changes can break the $_POST variables in server connect. I had a major issue trying to get an image to upload, and it turned out that one…

Slideshow continuing slides (see carousel request!)

Right now the slide show flips through all the slide back to number 1 when it reaches the end. Not so nice. I suggest a continuing slideshow.

Multi-Select Variables in Server Connect

In Server Connect, when you have a lot of variables and want to delete them all -and start over. It is a pain to have to click on each one at a time. It would be great if you had the ability to sele…

How to not mess with Server Actions and Filestructure?

Multiple times I changed “Action Steps” in the wrong “Server Action” so my modification or working page is gone. Now I try to find in which Pages these Server Actions were used. Takes me alot of time …

Right side panel hide

I’m using 13.3 inch screen size laptop Sometime I need to hide left and right panels . Maybe you could add hide button for right side panel like left side. It could be more comfortable for small size…

Right Click Insert menu

How about when the user right clicks a quick-list of options is displayed, maybe this can be editable allowing the User to set their own preferences sort of like Snippets, but including some defaults …

Social Login | Log in with your social media accounts!

Hi everyone, When will we have a social network login? Please @George this is something really great for Wappler. I’m sure many would like that. Something similar. We need more interactivity wit…

Option to open images in lightbox from within the slideshow

I’d like to have an option to open images in lightbox from within the slideshow extension

Push Notifications

I would love to see this implemented. the ability to refresh a query on user B when user A submit a form for example. we would have a real time webapps

Emmet to add multiple duplicate components

I would find it handy to have Emmet usage as you already have in your code editor but with adding dynamic attributes. I often have a need to use things like show or hide with the exact same propertie…

More html options at texts inputs

App Structure shows the properties of the App Connect and Bootstrap 4 components. DOM tree shows all the native HTML elements properties.

Refactoring of dynamic links

Right now, if you change names or IDs of components or server actions, in many cases several steps have to be taken to rename all the linked actions. Simple example: A button with a mouse click even…

Datepicker request

Available now in Wappler 1.3.1

When automatically overwriting/changing locations of files (Bootstrap again) confirm action

I have noticed that Wappler automatically overwrites the location for Font Awesome to it’s default of: bootstrap/4/css/bootstrap.min.css This is done with no prompt to confirm the action. It would …

Disable AppConnect in Design/Split View

Well it is actually pretty handy when doing repeat regions that don’t have expression or no records. Switching off will allow easy and visual to data bind the children and then switch in for results

Complete section on Google Maps

So many people use google maps in their sites, a detailed section on it would be great, eg to put html into a infowindow is rather odd as it is via a 1 line UI. It would be great if it were easier to…

Allow Users to set path to Bootstrap

It would be great if the user could set the path to their respective Bootstrap .js/.css files! Maybe in the Projects settings? Brave new world!

Commenting Code

Try it with CTRL + /

Improvements to Medium Editor

Medium Editor is easy to use and has some nice features, but with a few changes it could be much better - possibly replacing the need for more standard editors. For a modern solution, it produces som…

Themed Icons for Choosing Bootstrap 4 Theme

This has been integrated in version 1.4.0, please update

SPLIT view.... CODE view and DESIGN view

Split view is now fully available in the just released Wappler 1.4.0

Add Tooltips -- Exercise your Wappler rights - VOTE TODAY!

Tooltips are already available in version 1.4.0

Please implement add video in medium editor

I’d like to have a video add button (for youtube videos) similar to the add image button in medium editor.

Paste without formatting

I am going to be a pain and ask if there is any possibility to add a keyboard shortcut or even a menu item for paste without formatting. When copy pasting chunks of client text supplied in Microsoft …

Copy elements to another page

I would like the option to select an element e.g. a Navbar in one page and paste it into a new page or replace an existing Navbar in a second page. Sometimes I need to adapt the same Navbar in severa…

Better CSS design panel

Now that I am working daily with Wappler, I run into some things I will share over the coming weeks. The first thing is CSS design. I do not use Bootstrap framework (since I am a Zurb Foundation user…

Design Panel Colour Inputs

The new Design Panel is wonderful! However it is still impossible to manually enter colour values. Case in point, our company has specific colours for branding purposes that have to be followed. I ca…

New technologies for wappler in 2018/2019

When are we going to have Service Workers, PWA at Wapppler? I just got back from a Google seminar that was talking about the news in this area PWA Technology Service Workers Background Sync cahe …

Ability to test server actions in the editor

if we could select a server action and provide the input and see the output directly in the editor. this will save so much time in debugging and make server side actions more integrated into the edito…

File Manager Suggestion

The one and only feature I miss from my previous development software is the ability to add a filter into the file manager and only those files are returned. Example Filter: date No Filter When…

Ability to apply a SQL function to a field within the query builder

I often find myself needing to apply an SQL function to a field, (using a recent example highlighted by @mrbdrm such as DATE(‘field’) where field is datetime format) as well as items such as Trig func…

About new extensions

Hello there , I have a new suggestion. You are developing great extensions. But sometimes (sometimes!!!) these extensions are not exactly usable. For example: Datepicker is very good. But I am prepar…

Integrate Mysql data in MS Word

More that a feature rewuest this is just a question to know your point of view. I had the need to export some data to a word document. Maybe could be not so interesting for web designer but for peop…

Data binding input enhancement

The input field is too small to type in. i find myself copying and pasting in notepad pretty often especially when im using conditional expression and some complex expressions that the formatter does …

Datepicker /datetimepicker and input masks

The date picked has been integrated in the latest version.

Collapsible App Structure

Future feature should include collapsible App-Structure…giving more room to enjoy wonderful Wappler features. Thanks

SMS Gateway Integration

Not an urgent thing but it would be nice at some point in the future to be able to have SMS gateway integration with some of the majors (SMSGlobal or Clickatel) Just basically the ability to send SMS …

Security provider enforcer - visual indicator

I was just checking a set of pages to make sure they were all proteced. As far as I can see, the only way of checking this is by seeing if the block of PHP code has been added, in code view. This is …

Foreign languages

Hello, are you planning to translate to other languages such as Spanish or French for example? Thank you

Save Sections for Re-usability Locally & Globally

It’s been brought up in various places, so I’m making an official request so it is here. It would be fantastic if there was a way to save a certain group of elements as a re-usable item that can be i…

When creating a new file then I would like to choose which kind of file

When creating a new file in the file manager, I would like to have the possibility to choose which type of file (htm, asp, php, css,…) Right now it creates a file ‘untitled.html’, whereas my project …

Social Sign in extension

Will you be adding a extension for facebook, twitter, google sign in soon. It has been in the works(promised) ffor almost 2 years now based on your road maps. If available soon it would be greatly app…

User friendly search required

While now working daily with Wappler, I found out that searching inside pages and CSS files is not very user friendly. Clicking on a tab with the CSS file to bring it in focus, and then I use CMND F …

Correct Color Icons for Bootstrap 4 Themes

When you add a Bootstrap 4 theme to a new page, the icons for choosing a color don’t update to the actual theme’s colors. So, for instance, if I’m using Cosmo - it shows the colors in the select menu…

Dreamweaver Type Templates

I’m wading through documentation and have not come across a Wappler feature that enables users to create Dreamweaver type templates for my pages. A feature like this is great for consistency when cre…

Add Columns inside of Tabs

I don’t know if it is an oversight or not, but I think we should be able to add containers->rows->columns inside of tabs. It seems pretty important to be able to do this so you can make for better sty…

Saving/uploading files

There should be a configuration to change the upload/save behaviour. It’s not always good to upload saved files to the server. When uploading a file, the file should also be saved. And when working …

App Connect as standalone framework

Yes but Appconnect is a great framework and I think it is should be promoted as a Vue, React, Angular alternative through the Wappler IDE. In one hand we have Wappler that is great but at the same tim…

Rename Community Edition

I suggest renaming the Community Edition of Wappler since it name suggest it is more then it is. I use a lot of software who have a Community Edition, this is normally their Open Source version or the…

Action based upon query producing no records

I would love to have a feature added to Wappler where if my query produced no results i could fire the browser goto action. In other words sometimes when working with say a URL Parameter to show cert…

Server Connect Actions - Notes or Comments

I have no idea if this is a big ask or not but it would be so very helpful to me in larger projects. My Server Actions build up, and no matter how organised i try and be, eventually I can get a littl…

Warning before code rewriting

I just updated a couple of pages on a site I had transferred from Dreamweaver to Wappler. I made a few simple changes to some text on a static page and uploaded it. I should have checked first - Wappl…

Shortcut for refresh on Design view

Takes time to take you hand off the keyboard and go to mouse to drag to top right and click refresh everytime. Could we have a shortcut key assigned for Design view refresh please.

Undo and Redo For CSS File editing

Undo and Redo For CSS File editing

Option to set default for editing when page opens

I use wappler mainly for the data handling futures. Layout and formatting I do using code view. Could we have a setting to set your default view when opening a page. I would like to have code view and…

Projects Page Layout

Projects - Generate thumbnails of project homepages and list view option also

Query Used on Page Reminder

It would be nice to have a popup that displays pages using the query when a query is selected in the Server Actions panel. As a site grows, maintaining your queries (preventing duplication, overwritin…

Project popup list (minor feature request)

I think it would be very useful to have a checkbox on the Project Settings panel: “display in projects menu” (or words to that effect) The projects menu (on the main Wappler screen) will of course g…

Clone file from local file window

How can I clone file … or can I clone file ?..

Pay monthly subscriptions

Hi All, Monthly subscriptions are already available! Please check the pricing: https://wappler.io/pricing You can select the desired plan, in the Purchase dialog in Wappler: Also now we have tria…

Icons libraries

i wish you guys add the option to include icons libraries just how we chose to add bootstrap. for example add the option to include Iconic and Octicons

Using phonegap build

I develop on windows and cant publish to ios On my other development tool i used to export a zip file and upload it to phonegap build Can we do this with wappler?

Place button on panels to close

Would be nice to have a “Close” button on each panel, window, or screen that pops up rather than have to click elsewhere off of the popup to close it (like the example I’ve made shown in the white ova…

Remove Scroll Bars

A Minor Recommendation: If you could make the scrollbars show only when activated, this would be great. They needlessly occupy Screen Realestate, especially with remote jobs on laptop workstations. M…

Single custom root folder for all the resources

Hello… is possible to setting a single custom root folder where put all the resources generated from Wappler building the websites/apps? Now all the frameworks are collocated on the root, for example…

Recordset Dynamic Pagination

Is there a timeline as to when Bootstrap 4 Pagination will be added?

Let's Put a "Save File" button somewhere obvious

Maybe I have missed something, but I have not found a File Save command anywhere obvious, save in the File menu. Why not put a button in the right hand or middle columns of the basic Wappler page?

Bootstrap alerts

Ah, it appears we did not integrate them in Wappler until now. They will be added in the next update.

Nudge Tool or Drag Handle for Fine Placement

This might be pushing things a bit but would it be possible to include in Properties a ‘Nudge’ tool that would move a selected element with slight increments using the arrow keys? One could finely tun…

Context Sensitive Help

Suggest that a context sensitive help provision be installed in the Wappler app.

Email Templates

Would be cool to have one or two email templates as starter files?

Online Page Editor for wappler?

The dmxzone “Online Page Editor” plugin goes very well for my clients to make small changes without having to use database. They are simple webs that need few changes. Is dmxzone “Online Page Editor”…

Extensions Page

Please consider adding a link to the Community Wappler website and links to each of the tutorials available for each of the listed extensions on this page. Then as tutorials are updated, the user woul…

Information message after form submit

it will be great if the user see a message (pop up or show div) containing a success message or error on form submission error from server side.

Wappler Paginator?

When will launch the bootstrap4 paginator?

Blank Bootstrap Card Templates

While the current bootstrap card templates are nice it would be great to have one that is just the header, body and footer with no content. Right now we have to pick one and remove all the content to…